John was once in the office of a manager, Michael, when the phone rang. Immediately, Michael bellowed, “That disgusting phone never stops ringing.”
전에 John이 관리자 Michael의 사무실 안에 있었을 때, 전화벨이 울렸다. 즉시 Michael은 “저 지긋지긋한 전화기는 결코 벨 소리를 멈추지 않네.”라고 고함을 질렀다.
He then proceeded to pick it up and engage in a fifteen-minute conversation while John waited.
그러고 나서 이어서 그는 그 전화기를 집어 들고, John이 기다리는 동안 15분간 통화했다.
When he finally hung up, he looked exhausted and frustrated. He apologized as the phone rang once again.
마침내 그가 전화를 끊었을 때, 그는 기진맥진하고 낙담한 것처럼 보였다. 전화벨이 다시 한 번 울리자 그는 사과했다.
He later confessed that he was having a great deal of trouble completing his tasks because of the volume of calls he was responding to.
나중에 그는 자신이 응답하는 전화의 양 때문에 자신의 업무를 완수하는 데 많은 어려움이 있다고 고백했다.
At some point John asked him, “Have you ever considered having a certain period of time when you simply don’t answer the phone?”
어느 순간 John은 그에게 “당신이 그냥 전화를 받지 않는 특정한 기간을 가져보는 것을 생각해 본적이 있나요?”라고 물었다.
Michael said, “As a matter of fact, no,” looking at him with a puzzled look.
Michael은 어리둥절한 표정으로 그를 바라보면서, “사실은 없어요.”라고 말했다.
It turned out that this simple suggestion helped Michael not only to relax, but to get more work done as well.
이 간단한 제안은 Michael이 긴장을 풀도록 도와주었을 뿐만 아니라 더 많은 일도 또한 완수하도록 도와주었다는 것이 밝혀졌다.
Like many people, he didn’t need hours of uninterrupted time, but he did need some!
많은 사람처럼, 그는 방해받지 않는 여러 시간이 필요한 것은 아니었지만, 정말이지 얼마간은 그런 시간이 필요했다!
John was once in the office of a manager, Michael, (when/where) the phone rang. Immediately, Michael bellowed, “That disgusting phone never stops (to ring/ringing).” He then proceeded to pick (it/them) up and engage in a fifteen-minute conversation while John waited. When he finally hung up, he (looked/looks) exhausted and frustrated. He apologized as the phone rang once again. He later confessed that he (was having /having) a great deal of trouble completing his tasks because of the volume of calls he was (responding/responded) to. At some point John asked him, “Have you ever considered (had/having) a certain period of time when you simply don’t answer the phone?” Michael said, “As a matter of fact, no,” looking at him with a (puzzled/puzzling) look. It turned (on/out) that this simple suggestion (helped/helping) Michael not only to relax, but to get more work done as well. Like many people, he didn’t need hours of (interripted/uninterrupted) time, but he did need some!
10강 Exercise 01
Tim Wallach, the third baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers, was ready to hang it up.
LA 다저스의 3루수, Tim Wallach는 야구를 그만둘 준비가 되어 있었다.
Once a great hitter, he had been batting poorly for two consecutive seasons.
한때 위대한 타자였던 그는 두 시즌 연이어 타격이 좋지 않았다.
But Reggie Smith, a first-year batting coach on the team, wouldn’t let Wallach quit.
하지만 팀의 1년차 타격 코치인 Reggie Smith는 Wallach를 그만두게 하려고 하지 않았다.
He encouraged him and told him that he could get his “stroke” back with a little extra work.
그는 그를 격려했고 약간의 추가적인 노력으로 그가 자신의 ‘타격’을 되찾을 수 있다고 말했다.
So during the off-season, Smith worked with him three times a week.
그래서 오프 시즌 기간에 Smith는 일주일에 세 번씩 그와 함께 연습했다.
This is the way Wallach described those sessions: “Reggie was positive from day one. Regardless of whether I felt I was having a bad day and was struggling, he’d find something good about what happened. You just don’t see that often. People tend to work off the negatives, but Reggie wouldn’t do that, and he wouldn’t let me do it either.”
Wallach가 그 기간에 대해 다음과 같이 설명했다. “Reggie는 첫날부터 긍정적이었습니다. 제가 힘든 하루를 보내고 있고 허우적거리고 있다고 생각하는지 여부와 상관없이, 그는 일어난 일에 대해 좋은 점을 발견하려고 했습니다. 우리는 정말 그것[좋은 점]을 자주 보지는 못합니다. 사람들은 부정적인 것들을 제거하려는 경향이 있지만 Reggie는 그렇게 하지 않으려 했고, 제가 그렇게 하는 것도 또한 허용하려고 하지 않았습니다.”
Wallach finished the year with twenty-three home runs and a .280 batting average.
Wallach는 23개의 홈런과 2할 8푼의 타율로 그 해를 마감했다.
He gave all the credit to Reggie Smith’s coaching and encouraging words.
그는 Reggie Smith의 지도와 격려의 말에 모든 공(功)을 돌렸다.
Tim Wallach, the third baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers, was ready to hang it up. Once a great hitter, he had been (batted/ batting) poorly for two consecutive seasons. But Reggie Smith, a first-year batting coach on the team, wouldn’t let Wallach (quitting/quit). He encouraged him and told him (it/that) he could get his “stroke” back with a little extra work. So during the off-season, Smith worked with him three times a week. This is the way Wallach described those sessions: “Reggie was (positively/positive) from day one. Regardless of whether I felt I was having a bad day and was (struggled/struggling), he’d find something good about what (is happened/happened). You just don’t see that often. People tend to work off the negatives, but Reggie (won't/wouldn’t) do that, and he wouldn’t let me do it (neither/either).” Wallach finished the year with twenty-three home runs and a .280 batting average. He gave all the credit to Reggie Smith’s coaching and (encouraged/encouraging) words.
10강 Exercise 02
The little girl was still young enough to see her guardian angel who was with her every day.
그 어린 여자아이는 자신과 매일 함께 있는 자신의 수호천사를 볼 수 있을 정도로 여전히 어렸다.
She played with her angel. They laughed and sang together. She told her mother she always had fun with her ‘friend’.
그 여자아이는 자신의 천사와 놀았다. 그들은 함께 웃었고 노래했다. 그 여자아이는 자기 엄마에게 자기가 자기 ‘친구’와 항상 재미있게 논다고 말했다.
Her mother believed her daughter to have an ‘invisible’ friend so commonly reported by young children and thought to be a friend from her imagination.
그 아이의 엄마는 자기 딸이 어린아이들이 매우 흔히 말하는 또 그 아이의 상상에서 나온 친구라고 생각되는 ‘눈에 보이지 않는’ 친구를 가지고 있다고 믿었다.
The mother asked her daughter the friend’s name and her daughter told her it was Amiel.
그 엄마는 자기 딸에게 그 친구의 이름을 물었고 그녀의 딸은 그녀에게 Amiel이라고 말했다.
The little girl and Amiel spent many, many hours together in her younger years.
그 어린 여자아이와 Amiel은 그 아이의 어린 시절에 참 많은 시간을 함께 보냈다.
Every night at bedtime, Amiel would kiss the little girl good night.
매일 밤 잠자리에 들 때 Amiel은 그 어린 여자아이에게 잘 자라고 뽀뽀를 해주었다.
As the years moved on, the cloud became denser around Amiel and the little girl could not see or talk to her any more.
해가 가면서 Amiel 주변에 구름이 더 짙어졌고 그 어린 여자아이는 더 이상 그녀를 보거나 그녀에게 말을 할 수 없었다.
The little girl did not really notice because she became involved with her friends from school and lots of school activities.
그 어린 여자아이는 자기가 학교 친구들과 관계를 맺고 많은 학교 활동들에 관여하게 되었기 때문에 사실 알아차리지 못했던 것이다.
But Amiel was still with the little girl even though they didn’t talk or play anymore — Amiel was her guardian angel.
그러나 그들이 더 이상 이야기하거나 놀지 않더라도 Amiel은 여전히 그 어린 여자아이와 함께 있었는데, Amiel은 그 아이의 수호 천사였던 것이다.
The little girl was still young enough (see/to see) her guardian angel (which/who) was with her every day. She played with her angel. They laughed and sang together. She told her mother she always (had/having) fun with her ‘friend’. Her mother believed her daughter to have an ‘invisible’ friend so commonly (reporting/reported) by young children and thought to be a friend from her imagination. The mother asked her daughter the friend’s name and her daughter (telling/told) her it was Amiel. The little girl and Amiel spent many, many hours together in her younger years. Every night at bedtime, Amiel would kiss the little girl good night. As the years moved on, the cloud became denser around Amiel and the little girl could not see or talk to her any more. The little girl did not really notice (although/because) she became involved with her friends from school and lots of school activities. But Amiel was still with the little girl (because/even though) they didn’t talk or play anymore — Amiel was her guardian angel.
10강 Exercise 03
A couple of years ago, a colleague of mine joined a project that had been running for a while.
몇 년 전, 나의 동료 중 한 명이 한동안 진행되어 온 프로젝트에 합류했다.
On his first day, my colleague met the project manager, and he explained a few things, then handed the new team member a set of documents.
그가 합류한 첫날, 나의 동료는 프로젝트 관리자를 만났고, 그는 몇 가지 사항을 설명하며 새 팀 구성원에게 일련의 문서를 넘겨주었다.
Some of those were huge — they contained the entire specification of a complex application.
그것 중 일부는 거대했고, 복잡한 응용 프로그램의 전체 설명서를 포함하고 있었다.
The project manager was visibly proud of the fact that his team had produced such comprehensive documentation.
프로젝트 관리자는 자신의 팀이 그처럼 포괄적인 문서를 작성했다는 사실을 눈에 띄게 자랑스러워했다.
A couple of hours later, I saw my colleague sitting in his office, in front of a large pile of paper, looking rather unhappy.
몇 시간 뒤, 나는 나의 동료가 다소 불만스러운 표정으로 자기 사무실에서 산더미 같은 서류 앞에 앉아 있는 것을 보았다.
A question about how he was getting on with the project materials revealed that the poor guy wasn’t getting on well at all.
그가 프로젝트 자료를 어떻게 진행하고 있는지에 대한 질문을 하니, 그 딱한 사람이 전혀 잘 진행하지 못하고 있었다는 것이 드러났다.
He said he was “drowning in the specification,” and that he couldn’t keep all the details in his mind.
그는 자신이 ‘설명서 속에서 허우적대고’ 있으며, 그 모든 세부 사항을 기억할 수는 없다고 말했다.
Eventually he learned many of those details, but more from discussions with the other team members over the next weeks than from reading the documentation.
결국 그는 그 세부사항 중 많은 부분을 습득했으나, 더 많은 부분은 문서를 읽는 것보다는 그다음 몇 주에 걸쳐 가졌던 다른 팀원들과의 논의를 통해서였다
A couple of years ago, a colleague of mine joined a project that had been (run/running) for a while. On his first day, my colleague met the project manager, and he explained a few things, then handed (to/x) the new team member a set of documents. Some of those (was/were) huge — they contained the entire specification of a complex application. The project manager was (visible/visibly) proud of the fact that his team had (been produced/produced) such comprehensive documentation. A couple of hours later, I saw my colleague (sat/sitting) in his office, in front of a large pile of paper, (looked/looking) rather unhappy. A question about how he was getting on with the project materials (revealing/revealed) that the poor guy wasn’t getting on well at all. He said he was “drowning in the specification,” and that he couldn’t keep all the details in his mind. Eventually he learned many of those details, but more from discussions with (another/ the other) team members over the next weeks than from reading the documentation.
10강 Exercise 04
Detecting the remarkable powers of Blaise Pascal, his father had formed very definite resolutions as to his education.
Blaise Pascal의 뛰어난 능력을 발견하고, 그의 아버지는 그의 교육에 관해 매우 명확한 결심을 했다.
His chief maxim was always to keep the boy above his work.
그의 주된 좌우명은 늘 그 아들을 자신의 일보다 우선하는 것이었다.
And for this reason he did not wish him to learn Latin till he was twelve years of age, when he might easily acquire it.
그리고 이런 이유로 그는 그의 나이가 12살이 되기까지는 그가 라틴어를 배우기를 바라지 않았는데, 그때가 되면 그가 그것을 쉽게 습득할 수도 있을 것이었다.
In the meantime, he sought to give him a general idea of grammar — of its rules, and the exceptions to which these rules are liable — and so to fit him to take up the study of any language with intelligence and facility.
그러는 동안에 그는 그에게 문법, 즉 문법 규칙과 이 규칙들이 피할 수 없는 예외에 관한 대체적인 개념을 알려주어서 그가 총명하고 수월하게 어떤 언어 공부라도 시작할 수 있게 해 주려고 노력했다.
He endeavoured further to direct his son’s attention to the more marked phenomena of nature, and such explanations as he could give of them.
그는 더 두드러지는 자연 현상과 자신이 그것들에 대해 해 줄 수 있는 그런 설명으로 자기 아들의 관심을 돌리려고 한층 더 애썼다.
But here the son’s perception outstripped the father’s power of explanation.
하지만 이것에 있어서 아들의 지각력은 아버지의 설명 능력을 능가했다.
He wished to know the reason of everything; and when his father’s statements did not appear to him to give the reason, he was far from satisfied.
그는 모든 것의 이유를 알고 싶어 했고, 아버지가 말한 것이 자신에게 이유를 알려 주는 것 같지 않으면, 그는 전혀 만족하지 않았다.
(Detected/Detecting) the remarkable powers of Blaise Pascal, his father had (been forming/formed) very definite resolutions as to his education. His chief maxim was always to keep the boy above his work. And for this reason he did not wish him (learning/to learn) Latin till he was twelve years of age, when he might easily acquire it. In the meantime, he sought to give him a general idea of grammar — of its rules, and the exceptions (of which/to which) these rules are liable — and so to fit him to take up the study of any language with intelligence and facility. He endeavoured further to direct his son’s attention to the more (marking/marked) phenomena of nature, and such explanations as he could give of them. But here the son’s perception outstripped the father’s power of explanation. He wished to know the reason of everything; and when his father’s statements (was/did) not appear to him to give the reason, he was far from (satisfying/satisfied).