[1-4] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Hyori : Hey, guys! (가)Minji, Jiho, and Sejun have birthdays this month. 

We are going to have a class birthday party for (나)them next week.

Sujin : Happy early birthday to (다)them!

Hyori : Do you have any ideas for the party?

Mingi : Why don't (라)we have a noodle party? Spaghetti, ramyeon......

Sujin : Great! I will cook special ramyeon.

Mingi : In the Philippines, (마)people eat noodles on their birthday.

Sujin : You lived there, (A)___________ you?

Mingi : Yeah. People eat noodles to live a long life.

Dohun : Interesting! Long noodles for a long life!

Hyori : Give me some more ideas for the party. 


1. 윗 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

(1) 효리가 먼저 친구들의 생일을 언급하며 파티를 언급하였다.

(2) 민기가 면으로 요리한 음식 파티를 제안했다.

(3) 민기는 필리핀에서 생일에 면요리를 먹는다고 하였다.

(4) 도훈이가 특별한 라면을 만들것이다.

(5) 효리는 파티를 위한 더 많은 아이디어를 원했다.


2. 윗 (가-마) 중 나머지와 다른 2개를 찾으시오.


3. (A)에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

(1) aren't   (2) won't  (3) doesn't   (4) didn't  (5) isn't


4. 필리핀 사람들이 면요리를 생일에 먹는 이유를 영어로 찾아 쓰시오.


[5-8] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Jinsu : Let's play "Pass the Parcel."

Sohee : What's that?

Jinsu : It's a birthday game from the U.K.

Children pass a parcel around in a circle and someone gets a gift from it.

Watch this video. play Pass-the-Parcel

Sohee : Great! Looks (a.           ).

Dohun : Well, (가)why don't we hit a pinata?

Jinsu : It's a birthday game from Mexico, isn't it?

Dohun : Right. Check this (b.          ). I found it online. hit-a-pinata

Sujin : Looks (a.          ).

Dohun : Yeah. We can put candy and chocolate in the panata.

Mingi : People paly this game in the Philippines, too.

Dohun : The same game (c.        ) different countries? (        A        )!

 Mingi : Right. They hit pinatas to break bad luck.

Sohee : (나)Then I will hit it a hundred times. LoL

5. a, b, c 에 들어갈 단어로 짝지어 진 것은?

(1) fun - on - for   (2) funny - on - in   (3) fun - out - in   (4) funny - out - to   (5) fun - out - for


6. (가)문장을 우리말로 제대로 해석한 것은?

(1) 우리가 피나타는 왜 치는 거지?   

(2) 우리 피나타 치는 것은 안하면 안되니?

(3) 우리 피나타 치는 것은 어때?

(4) 왜 우리는 피나타를 안치는 거야?

(5) 우리가 피나타 치는 것을 해서는 안되지? 


7. (나)문장을 말한 이유를 지문에서 찾아 우리말로 쓰시오. 


8. A에 들어갈 알맞은 형태의 단어는?

(1) Interest  (2) Interests (3) Interested  (4) Interesting  (5) to Interest


[9-10] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Hyori : Okay, guys. We have two games now.

Mingi : (가)We don't have time enough for two. Let's choose one.


 pass the parcel

□ hit a panata

Hyori : Okay, guys. We are going to eat noodles and hit a pinata.

Mingi : Perfect! Let's make the pinata tomorrow.

Hyori : THX, guys. CU.


9. (가) 문장에서 잘못된 곳을 찾아 고치시오.


10. 위 글의 내용상 투표에서 정한 게임은 무엇인가?


( ) 괄호 안 숫자 틀린 부분 갯수


Hyori: Hey, guys! Minji, Jiho, and Sejun has birthdays this month. (1) 

We are going to having a class birthday party to them next week. (2)

Sujin: Happy early birthday for them! (1) 

Hyori: Do you have some ideas for the party? (1)

Sujin: Great! I cooked special ramyeon. (1)

Mingi: In the Philippines, people eat noodles in their birthday. (1)

Sujin: You lived there, weren't you? (1)

Mingi: Yeah. People eat noodles to living a long life. (1)

Dohun: Interested! Long noodles to a long life! (2)

Jinsu: Let’s playing “Pass the Parcel.” (1)

Jinsu: It’s a birthday game to the U.K.  (1)

Children pass a parcel under in a circle and someone got a gift from it. (2)

Sohee: Great! Looks funny. (1)

Jinsu: It’s a birthday game from Mexico, didn't it? (1)

Dohun: Yeah. We can put candy and chocolate on the piñata. (1)

Mingi: People play this game in the Philippines, too.

Dohun: The same game at different countries? Interesting! (1)

Mingi: Right. They hitted piñatas to break bad luck. (1)

Sohee: Then I will hit them a hundred times. LOL (1)

Hyori: Okay, guys. We have two game now. (1)

Mingi: We don’t have enough time on two. Let’s choosing one. (2)

Hyori: Okay, guys. We are going to eat noodles and hitting a piñata. (1)

Mingi: Perfect! Let’s made the piñata tomorrow. (1)



Class Birthday Party

학급 생일 파티

Hyori: Hey, guys! Minji, Jiho, and Sejun have birthdays this month. 

효리: 야, 얘들아! 민지, 지호 그리고 세준이가 이번 달 생일이야.  

We are going to have a class birthday party for them next week. 

우리는 다음 주에 걔네들을 위한 학급 생일 파티를 할거야.

Sujin: Happy early birthday to them!

수진: 그들에게 미리 생일 축하!!

Hyori: Do you have any ideas for the party?

효리: 너네 파티를 위한 어떤 의견이 있어?

Mingi: Why don’t we have a noodle party? Spaghetti, ramyeon ....

민기: 국수 파티를 하는 건 어때? 스파게티, 라면......

Sujin: Great! I will cook special ramyeon.

수진: 좋았어! 내가 특별한 라면을 요리할게.

Mingi: In the Philippines, people eat noodles on their birthday.

민기: 필리핀에서 사람들은 생일에 국수를 먹어.

Sujin: You lived there, didn’t you?

수진: 너는 거기에서 살았지, 그렇지 않아?

Mingi: Yeah. People eat noodles to live a long life.

민기: 응. 사람들은 장수하려고 국수를 먹어.

Dohun: Interesting! Long noodles for a long life!

도훈: 재미있네! 장수를 위해 긴 국수를!

Hyori: Give me some more ideas for the party.

효리: 파티를 위해 좀 더 많은 의견을 나에게 줘.

Jinsu: Let’s play “Pass the Parcel.”

진수: ‘꾸러미 돌리기’를 하자.

Sohee: What’s that?

소희: 그건 뭐야?

Jinsu: It’s a birthday game from the U.K. 

진수: 영국에서 온 생일 놀이야.

Children pass a parcel around in a circle and someone gets a gift from it. 

아이들이 둥글게 앉아서 꾸러미를 돌리고 누군가는 꾸러미에서 선물을 받게 돼.

Watch this video. play-Pass-the-Parcel

이 비디오를 봐. 

Sohee: Great! Looks fun.

소희: 멋지다! 재미있어 보인다.

Dohun: Well, why don’t we hit a piñata?

도훈: 음, 피냐타를 치는 건 어때? 

Jinsu: It’s a birthday game from Mexico, isn’t it?

진수: 그것은 멕시코에서 온 생일 놀이야, 그렇지 않니?

Dohun: Right. Check this out. I found it online. hit-a-piñata

도훈: 맞아. 이것을 확인해 봐. 나는 그걸 온라인에서 찾았어.

Sujin: Looks fun.

수진: 재미있어 보인다.

Dohun: Yeah. We can put candy and chocolate in the piñata.

도훈: 응. 우리는 피냐타 안에 사탕과 초콜릿을 넣어도 돼.

Mingi: People play this game in the Philippines, too.

민기: 필리핀에서도 사람들이 이 놀이를 해.

Dohun: The same game in different countries? Interesting!

도훈: 다른 나라에서  이 같은 놀이를 한다고? 흥미로운데!

Mingi: Right. They hit piñatas to break bad luck.

민기: 맞아. 사람들은 불운을 깨려고 피냐타를 쳐.

Sohee: Then I will hit it a hundred times. LOL

소희: 그럼 나는 그것을 백 번 칠거야. 하하하.

Hyori: Okay, guys. We have two games now.

효리: 좋아, 얘들아. 이제 우리는 게임 두 개가 있네.

Mingi: We don’t have enough time for two. Let’s choose one.

민기: 두 개를 할 충분한 시간이 없어. 하나를 고르자.


□ Pass the Parcel

□ 꾸러미 돌리기

□ Hit a piñata

□ 피냐타 치기

Hyori: Okay, guys. We are going to eat noodles and hit a piñata.

효리: 좋아, 얘들아. 우리는 국수를 먹고 피냐타를 칠거야.

Mingi: Perfect! Let’s make the piñata tomorrow.

민기: 완벽해! 내일 피냐타를 만들자.

Hyori: THX, guys. CU.

효리: 고마워, 얘들아. 나중에 봐.



[1-3] 다음 글을 읽고, 다음에 답하시오.

Duckie, go to the store for me, (    가   ) you?

I need (우유 한병과 여섯개 사과).

No problem.

Wow, he is really fast!

I want to move (        A        ) the trees like him.

He was so fast, wasn't he?


Did someone pass (    B      ) here?


1. 윗 글의 (우유 한병과 여섯개 사과)를 영어로 잘 표현한 것은?

(1) a bottle of milk and six apple.

(2) a milk and six apples.

(3) a bottle milk and six apples.

(4) a bottle of milk and six apples.

(5) a milk and six of apples.


2. (   가  )에 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?

(1) can't   (2) should  (3) are   (4)will   (5) don't



3. ( A ) - ( B ) 에 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?

(1) next to  -  by

(2) between  -  by

(3) through - buy

(4) through - by

(5) between  -  buy


[4-6] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하세요.

You know, I can't see well (낮 동안에).

I feel sorry for you.

Don't worry.

I can see (A. clearly/clear) at night.

Hello. Can I give you a hand?

Please hold the door (B. for/on) me.


I just saw you.

You were so fast!

I really envy you.

(너를 봐).

You are special, too.


4. (낮 동안에)를 영어로 잘 바꾼것은?

(1) while a day   (2) while the day  (3) from the day  (4) during a day  (5) during the day


5. (A), (B) 를 고르세요.


6. (너를 봐)를 영어로 바꿔 쓰세요.


[7-9] 다음을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.

Can I help you?

Yes, please.

I need a bottle of milk (a. at) the top shelf.

Thank you.

I (b. droped) my bananas!

Where are (가.they)?


They're down there. 

Just (c. waiting) here.


You can swim well, (d. can) you?

Yes, my (e. foot) are different.

You have special (e. foot)!



7. 위 글 (가.they)가 뜻하는 것을 지문에서 찾아 쓰시오.


8. (a-e) 의 단어들은 전부 잘못쓰였습니다. 고쳐쓰세요.



9. (진정해)를 영어로 쓰세요.




10. 다음 중 어법이 잘 못된 문장 2개를 고르세요.

(1) Go back to your seat, won't you?

(2) You can play the guitar, can't you?

(3) She was a doctor, wasn't she?

(4) Marcus planned to go trip, doesn't he?

(5) We are going to study, aren't we?


Duckie, (going/go) to the store for me, will you?

I need a bottle of (milk/milks) and six apples.

No problem. Wow, he is really (fastly/fast)!

I want to move through the trees (alike/like) him.

He was so fast, (wasn't/didn't) he?


Did (anyone/someone) pass by here?

You know, I can't see well (while/during) the day.

I feel sorry for you. Don't worry.

I can see (clear/clearly) at night.

Hello. Can I give you a hand?

Please hold the door (to/for) me.

Thanks. I just saw you. You were so fast!

I really envy (your/you). Look (for/at) you. You are special, too.

Right! He has hands. I have wings.

We are just different. We are all special.

Everyone can do something well.

Can I help you? Yes, please.

I need a bottle of milk (at/from) the top shelf.

Thank you. I dropped my bananas!

Where are (them/they)? Calm down.

They're down there. Just (waiting/wait) here.

Look! You can swim well, (won't/can't) you?

Yes, my feet are different.

You have special feet!


We Are Special

우리는 특별해요

Duckie, go to the store for me, will you?

Duckie, 나를 위해 가게 좀 다녀와라, 그럴래?

I need a bottle of milk and six apples.

우유 한 병과 사과 여섯 개가 필요해.

No problem.


Wow, he is really fast!

와, 그는 정말 빠르네!

I want to move through the trees like him.

나도 그처럼 나무 사이로 가고 싶어.

He was so fast, wasn't he?

그는 아주 빨랐어요, 그렇죠?



Did someone pass by here?

누군가가 여기 지나갔니?

You know, I can't see well during the day.

너도 알겠지만, 나는 낮에는 잘 볼 수 없단다.

I feel sorry for you.


Don't worry.

걱정 마.

I can see clearly at night.

난 밤에 깨끗하게 볼 수 있단다.

Hello. Can I give you a hand?

안녕. 내가 널 도와줄까?

Please hold the door for me.

날 위해 문 좀 잡아 줘.



I just saw you.

나 방금 너 봤어.

You were so fast!

무척 빠르더라!

I really envy you.

네가 정말 부러워.

Look at you.

너를 봐.

You are special, too.

너도 특별해.



He has hands.

그는 손이 있지.

I have wings.

나는 날개가 있어.

We are just different.

우리는 단지 다를 뿐이야.

We are all special.

우리는 모두 특별해.

Everyone can do something well.

모두가 뭔가를 잘할 수 있어

Can I help you?


Yes, please.


I need a bottle of milk from the top shelf.

맨 위 선반에 있는 우유 한 병이 필요해요.

Thank you.


I dropped my bananas!

내 바나나를 떨어뜨렸어!

Where are they?

어디 있지?

Calm down.


They're down there.

저 아래에 있어.

Just wait here.

여기서 기다려.



You can swim well, can't you?

너 수영을 잘하는구나, 그렇지?

Yes, my feet are different.

응, 내 발은 좀 달라.

You have special feet!

너는 특별한 발을 가지고 있네!

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