[1-3] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.
“Hands off!” “Watch out!” “Hey!” “This is my spot!”
Germs are everywhere, but (가.it is impossible to see them with your eyes. )
There are two major kinds of germs: bacteria and viruses.
Bacteria are very small creatures.
Some are good.
They can help you (A. digesting) the food that you eat.
Others are bad and can make you sick.
Viruses are germs (B.that) can only live inside the cells of other living bodies.
They cause diseases such (C. as) the flu.
“I'm in! Time to attack!” “Yay! Success!”
"Bad" germs can enter your body through your skin, mouth, nose, and eyes.
What (D. happens) when they invade?
(E. Make) more copies of me. Now!
The germs multiply in the body.
Your body becomes a war zone.
1. (가)문장과 같은 쓰임이 아닌 것은?
(1) It's great to play badminton with family.
(2) It's important to say sorry when you make mistakes.
(3) It's nice of you to say so.
(4) It's dark in this room.
(5) It's good to help mom do house chores.
2. (A)-(E) 중 잘 못 쓰인 것은?
3. 위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
(1) 박테리아들은 전부 해롭다.
(2) 세균은 우리 몸에 들어올 때 입으로만 들어온다.
(3) 세균이 몸에 침투하면 그들을 스스로를 증식한다.
(4) 세균으로 인해 감기가 오는 건 아니다.
(5) 우리가 세균을 눈으로 잘 볼 수있다.
[4-6] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.
“We have an invader! Come quickly.” Luckily, your body has an army of defense.
The T cells sound the alarm! [가.It's my job for defend the body.]
The B cells arrive to fight the germs with antibodies.
[나. That was nice meal!] Are there any more germs to eat?
The macrophage cells show up and eat germs.
[다. Together, this army calls the white blood cells.]
If all (a. go/goes) well, they win the fight. In a few days, you start to feel better.
The body (b. remember/remembers) the invader, so it cannot make copies of itself again.
Fine. Next year, I'll send in my cousin. He'll see you then for another fight!
4. 가,나,다 문장에 잘못된 곳을 고쳐서 다시 쓰시오.
5. a, b 둘 중에 맞는 것을 고르세요.
6. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
(1) 우리몸에는 다행히 방어군이 있다.
(2) T세포는 세균이 들어오면 알람역할을 한다.
(3) B세포가 항체로 세균과 싸우러 온다.
(4) 대식세포는 세균을 먹는다.
(5) 이 모두가 합쳐서 적혈구라고 불린다.
[7-10] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
What can I do now?
There are several ways (세균들로 부터 너 자신을 지킬).
Oh, no! I can't hold (A. off).
First, wash your hands with soap and warm water.
A balanced diet will keep your body strong and (B. health).
“I'm ready to fight any germs.”
“Me too, Bring it (C. in).”
It is also important to exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
“What? It's "Game Over" for my cousins, too?”
“We give up.”
(가.“We can't make you sick.”)
Finally, get the necessary shots.
(나.They) are the best defense against germs.
If you follow these steps, you will not be a victim of "bad" germs.
7. 윗 글의 (세균들로 부터 너 자신을 지킬)을 영어로 고쳐쓰세요.
8. A.B.C 는 잘못 쓰인 단어들입니다. 고쳐쓰세요.
9. 가 문장과 같이 쓰인 문장은?
(1) My mom makes me a bag.
(2) She made us happy.
(3) I make some cookies for my parents.
(4) I didn't make mistakes.
(5) You can make him gloves.
10. (나.They)가 누구인지 지문에서 찾아 쓰세요.
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