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When photography came along in the nineteenth century, painting was put in crisis.
사진술이 19세기에 나타났을 때, 회화는 위기에 처했다.
The photograph, it seemed, did the work of imitating nature better than the painter ever could.
사진은 여태까지 화가가 할 수 있었던 것보다 자연을 모방하는 일을 더 잘하는 것처럼 보였다.
Some painters made practical use of the invention.
몇몇 화가들은 그 발명품(사진술)을 실용적으로 이용했다.
There were Impressionist painters who used a photograph in place of the model or landscape they were painting.
자신들이 그리고 있는 모델이나 풍경 대신에 사진을 사용하는 인상파 화가들이 있었다.
But by and large, the photograph was a challenge to painting and was one cause of painting’s moving away from direct representation and reproduction to the abstract painting of the twentieth century.
하지만 대체로, 사진은 회화에 대한 도전이었고 회화가 직접적인 표현과 복제로부터 멀어져 20세기의 추상 회화로 이동해 가는 한 가지 원인이었다.
Since photographs did such a good job of representing things as they existed in the world, painters were freed to look inward and represent things as they were in their imagination, rendering emotion in the color, volume, line, and spatial configurations native to the painter’s art.
사진은 사물을 세상에 존재하는 대로 아주 잘 표현했기 때문에, 화가들은 구속되지 않고 내면을 보고 자신들의 상상 속에서 존재하는 대로 사물을 표현하게 되어, 화가의 그림에 고유한 색, 양감, 선, 그리고 공간의 배치로 감정을 표현하였다.
When photography came along in the nineteenth century, painting was (put/putting) in crisis. The photograph, it seemed, (did/was) the work of imitating nature better than the painter ever could. Some painters made practical use of the invention. There were Impressionist painters who (using/used) a photograph in place of the model or landscape they were (painted/painting). But by and large, the photograph was a challenge to (paint/painting) and was one cause of painting’s (moving/moved) away from direct representation and reproduction to the abstract painting of the twentieth century. Since photographs (did/was) such a good job of representing things as they existed in the world, painters were freed to look inward and (representing/represent) things as they were in their imagination, (render/rendering) emotion in the color, volume, line, and spatial configurations native to the painter’s art.
12강 Exercise 01
According to evolutionary biologist Elisabet Sahtouris, cooperation is the only way toward sustainability.
진화 생물학자 Elisabet Sahtouris에 따르면, 협력은 지속 가능성을 향한 유일한 길이다.
Mature ecosystems such as prairies and rainforests evolve when there is more cooperation than when there is hostile competition.
대초원과 열대 우림과 같은 장년기의 생태계는 적대적인 경쟁이 존재할 때보다 협력이 더 많을 때 진화한다.
The highly complex ecosystem of the rainforest is a particularly vivid example of a mature system that has survived through millions of years because species learned to cooperate with each other.
열대 우림의 고도로 복잡한 생태계는 종들이 서로 협력하는 법을 배웠기 때문에 수백만 년 동안 살아남은 장년기 생태계의 매우 생생한 예이다.
In the rainforest, every species is fully employed, all work cooperatively while recycling all of their resources, and all products and services are distributed in such a way that every species remains healthy.
열대 우림에서는 모든 종들이 충분히 이용되고, 모든 종들이 자신들의 자원을 모두 재활용하면서 전부 협력적으로 기능하며, 모든 산물과 편익은 모든 종들이 건강하게 지낼 수 있는 방식으로 분배된다.
That is sustainability.
‘그것’이 지속 가능성이다.
According to evolutionary biologist Elisabet Sahtouris, cooperation is the only way (toward/backward) sustainability. Mature ecosystems such as prairies and rainforests (evolve/evolving) when there is more cooperation than when there is hostile competition. The highly complex ecosystem of the rainforest is a particularly vivid example of a mature system (that/what) has (been survivied/survived) through millions of years because species learned to cooperate with each other. In the rainforest, every species (is/are) fully (employed/employing), all work cooperatively while recycling all of their resources, and all products and services are distributed in such a way (that/where) every species remains healthy. That is sustainability.
12강 Exercise 02
The word “scientist” in its present meaning did not become a part of language until the modern era.
현재 의미의 ‘과학자’라는 단어는 현대에 이르러서야 언어의 일부분이 되었다.
In ancient and medieval times philosophy was everything, and the philosopher was the caretaker of human wisdom.
고대와 중세 시대 때는 철학이 가장 중요한 것이었고, 철학자가 인간의 지혜의 관리인이었다.
He knew of the moral law, religion, government, natural history, alchemy, mathematics, healing, and all knowledge.
그는 도덕률, 종교, 통치체제, 자연사, 연금술, 수학, 치료, 그리고 모든 지식에 대해 알고 있었다.
Indeed, the diligent scholar at one time had been able to master the entire sum of academic learning.
정말이지, 부단히 노력하는 학자는 한때 학문적 지식의 전체[총체]에 숙달할 수 있었다.
This is in striking contrast with the world of today, in which a man may devote a lifetime to a single type of germ or bacteria and still consider his subject vast and complex enough for a full generation of profound study.
이것은 오늘날의 세계와는 현저한 대조를 이루는데, 오늘날의 세계에서는 한 사람이 한 가지 유형의 미생물이나 세균에 전 생애를 바치고 여전히 자신의 (학문) 주제를 온전히 한 세대가 심오한 연구를 할 만큼 충분히 광대하고 복잡하다고 생각할 수 있다.
Having few details to bother about in his pursuit of knowledge, the ancient could think in broad and encompassing terms.
고대인들은, 자신의 지식의 추구에서 신경을 써야할 세부 사항을 거의 가지지 않았기에, 폭넓고 포괄적인 측면에서 사고할 수 있었다.
The word “scientist” in its present (means/meaning) did not become a part of language until the modern era. In ancient and medieval times philosophy was everything, and the philosopher was the caretaker of human wisdom. He knew of the moral law, religion, government, natural history, alchemy, mathematics, (healing/healed), and all knowledge. Indeed, the diligent scholar at one time (had been/was) able to master the entire sum of academic learning. This is in striking contrast with the world of today, (in/at) which a man may devote a lifetime to a single type of germ or bacteria and still consider his subject (vast/vastly) and complex enough for a full generation of profound study. (Having/Had) few details to bother about in his pursuit of knowledge, the ancient could think in broad and encompassing terms.
12강 Exercise 03
In America, we find a long history of mourning practices for nonhuman animals.
미국에서 우리는 인간이 아닌 동물에 대한 애도 관행의 오랜 역사를 보게 된다.
Indeed, the human-animal relationship is neatly blended into American history and continues to grow and change as society continues to evolve.
사실, 인간과 동물의 관계는 미국 역사에 일목요연하게 혼합되어 있고 사회가 계속해서 발전함에 따라 계속해서 성장하고 변화하고 있다.
During the precolonial period, Native Americans formed complex relationships with a variety of animals like bison, deer, and other woodland creatures.
식민지 이전 시기에, 아메리카 원주민들은 들소, 사슴 그리고 다른 삼림 동물들과 같은 다양한 동물들과 복잡한 관계를 형성했다.
Many hunting tribes showed great respect for animals, and even though they needed to hunt them for food and other uses, they felt that they must be killed in a proper, ritualized manner.
많은 사냥 부족들은 동물에 대한 커다란 존중심을 보여 주었고, 비록 그들이 식량 및 다른 용도로 동물을 사냥할 필요가 있었을지라도 그들은 동물이 적절한 의례적인 방식으로 살해되어야 한다고 생각했다.
Some Native Americans believed that animal deaths are temporary and that the animal would be reincarnated and return to our world as the same species.
일부 아메리카 원주민들은 동물들의 죽음이 일시적이고 동물들이 같은 종으로 환생하여 우리의 세상으로 돌아올 것이라고 믿었다.
If the hunter did not kill the animal properly, the animal could return as a ghost and haunt the hunter and possibly infect him with a disease.
만약 사냥꾼이 그 동물을 적절하게 죽이지 않는다면, 그 동물은 유령으로 돌아와 사냥꾼을 괴롭히고 그를 질병에 감염시킬 수도 있다는 것이다.
In America, we find a long history of (mourning/mourned) practices for nonhuman animals. Indeed, the human-animal relationship is (neatly/neat) blended into American history and continues to grow and change as society continues to evolve. (During/While) the precolonial period, Native Americans formed complex relationships with a variety of animals (like/alike) bison, deer, and other woodland creatures. Many hunting tribes showed great respect for animals, and (even though/so) they needed to hunt them for food and other uses, they felt that they must be killed in a proper, (ritualizing/ritualized) manner. Some Native Americans believed that animal deaths (are/be) temporary and that the animal would be reincarnated and (return/returned) to our world as the same species. If the hunter did not kill the animal properly, the animal (can/could) return as a ghost and haunt the hunter and possibly infect him with a disease.
12강 Exercise 04
In the United States, there has been a trend toward the dissolution of the traditional nuclear family.
미국에서는 전통적인 핵가족이 해체되는 경향이 있어 왔다.
With people marrying later and divorcing more often, the “typical” family of father, mother, and children living in one dwelling has become far less common than in the past.
사람들이 더 늦게 결혼하고 더 자주 이혼하게 되면서, 동일한 거처에서 살고 있는 아버지, 어머니, 그리고 자녀라는 ‘전형적인’ 가족은 과거보다 훨씬 덜 흔하게 되었다.
More recently, a similar trend in Western Europe has resulted in an increase in the number of households even in countries where the overall population is decreasing.
보다 최근에는 서유럽에서의 유사한 경향이 전체 인구가 감소하고 있는 국가에서도 가구 수의 증가를 야기했다.
This outcome has in turn increased demand for many consumer durables, such as washing machines and ovens, whose sales correlate with the number of households rather than with population.
이 결과는 결국 세탁기와 오븐 같은, 판매가 인구가 아니라 가구 수와 상관있는 많은 내구 소비재의 수요를 늘렸다.
Also, an increasing number of women are working outside the home, a situation that boosts demand for frozen dinners and child-care centers.
또한, 점점 더 많은 수의 여성이 가정 바깥에서 일하고 있는데, 이는 저녁용 냉동식품과 보육 시설의 수요를 증가시키는 상황이다.
In the United States, there has been a trend toward the dissolution of the traditional nuclear family. With people (marrying/married) later and (divorced/divorcing) more often, the “typical” family of father, mother, and children (living/lived) in one dwelling has become far less common than in the past. More recently, a similar trend in Western Europe has (resulted/been resulted) in an increase in the number of households even in countries where the overall population is (decreased/decreasing). This outcome has in turn increased demand for many consumer durables, such as washing machines and ovens, (whose/who) sales correlate with (the/a) number of households rather than with population. Also, an increasing number of women are working outside the home, a situation (that/where) boosts demand for frozen dinners and child-care centers.
12강 Exercise 05
If all our knowledge stopped at the level of the senses, we would be no better off than the subhuman members of the animal kingdom.
우리의 모든 지식이 감각 수준에서 멈춘다면, 우리는 동물계의 인간 이하의 구성원들보다 (형편이) 더 나을 것이 없을 것이다.
Different animals have different levels of proficiency on the sense level.
서로 다른 동물들은 감각 수준에 있어서 서로 다른 수준의 능숙함을 가지고 있다.
In many cases it’s much better than anything human beings can do.
많은 경우에 있어 그것은 인간이 할 수 있는 어떤 것보다 훨씬 더 낫다.
Eagles see much better, dogs can detect odors that completely escape our power of smell, and some animals fly through the air using radar.
독수리는 훨씬 더 잘 보고, 개는 우리의 후각 능력을 완전히 벗어나는 냄새를 감지할 수 있으며, 어떤 동물들은 레이더를 사용하여 공중을 난다.
But we can do something that our pets can’t do, to wit, form concepts, and then put concepts together in reasoning processes.
그러나 우리는 애완동물이 할 수 없는 일을 할 수 있는데, 더 정확히 말하면, 개념을 형성한 다음, 추론 과정에서 개념을 결합할 수 있다.
By reflecting upon this ability we come to realize that we must have a mind distinct from our body, and that, regardless of how much pseudo-science there is in the world, it’s a grave error to confuse the mind with the body.
이 능력을 생각해 보면 우리는 신체와 구별되는 정신을 가지고 있음에 틀림없다는 것과 세상에 얼마나 많은 사이비 과학이 있는지와는 상관없이 정신과 신체를 혼동하는 것이 중대한 오류라는 것을 깨닫게 된다.
If all our knowledge stopped at the level of the senses, we would (be/have been) no better off than the subhuman members of the animal kingdom. Different animals have different levels of proficiency on the sense level. In many cases it’s much better than anything human beings can (do/be). Eagles see much better, dogs can detect odors that completely (escape/escaping) our power of smell, and some animals fly through the air (used/using) radar. But we can do something that our pets can’t do, to wit, form concepts, and then (putting/put) concepts together in reasoning processes. By reflecting upon this ability we come to realize (that/what) we must have a mind distinct from our body, and that, regardless of how much pseudo-science there is in the world, it’s a grave error to confuse the mind with the body.
12강 Exercise 06
The social reform movement and the cause for wilderness preservation can both be understood as Romantic efforts to counter the negative consequences of the Industrial Revolution.
사회 개혁 운동과 황무지 보존의 명분은 둘 다 산업 혁명의 부정적인 결과에 대응하기 위한 낭만주의적인 노력으로 이해될 수 있다.
Artists and writers came to appreciate nature as an aesthetic object in the 19th century.
미술가들과 작가들은 19세기에 심미적인 대상으로 자연의 진가를 알아보게 되었다.
They celebrated in their work the awe-inspiring phenomena and natural scenery that they believed were capable of transforming one’s soul.
그들은 사람들의 영혼을 변화시킬 수 있다고 믿었던 경외심이 들게 하는 현상과 자연의 풍경을 자신들의 작품에서 찬미했다.
Transcendentalist writers like Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Walt Whitman saw in untamed nature the hand of God.
Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, 그리고 Walt Whitman과 같은 초월주의 작가들은 길들지 않은 자연에서 신의 손을 보았다.
The Hudson River School painters were the first to treat the landscape as a legitimate genre in itself, devoid of any classical imagery.
허드슨 리버 화파의 화가들은 고전적인 형상화가 전혀 없이, 그 자체로 풍경화를 본격적인 장르로 다룬 첫 번째 화가들이었다.
They were instrumental in developing a sense of pride and value in the unique American landscape.
그들은 독특한 미국적인 풍경 속에서 자긍심과 가치를 발현시키는 데 중요한 역할을 했다.
The social reform movement and the cause for wilderness preservation can both (understand/be understood) as Romantic efforts to counter the negative consequences of the Industrial Revolution. Artists and writers came to appreciate nature as an aesthetic (object/objected) in the 19th century. They celebrated in their work the awe-inspiring phenomena and natural scenery that they believed (were/being) capable of transforming one’s soul. Transcendentalist writers like Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Walt Whitman saw in (tamed/untamed) nature the hand of God. The Hudson River School painters were the first to treat the landscape as a legitimate genre in itself, (devoid/avoid) of any classical imagery. They were instrumental in developing a sense of pride and value in the unique American landscape.
12강 Exercise 07
An interesting aspect of human psychology is that we tend to like things more and find them more appealing if everything about those things is not obvious the first time we experience them.
인간 심리의 흥미로운 일면은 우리가 처음 어떤 것들을 경험할 때 그것들에 대한 모든 것이 명확하지 않다면 그걸들을 더 좋아하고 더 매력적으로 느끼는 경향이 있다는 것이다.
This is certainly true in music.
이것은 음악에 있어서 분명히 사실이다.
For example, we might hear a song on the radio for the first time that catches our interest and decide we like it.
예를 들어, 우리는 처음으로 라디오에서 우리의 관심을 끄는 노래를 듣고, 그 곡이 마음에 든다고 결정 내릴지도 모른다.
Then the next time we hear it, we hear a lyric we didn’t catch the first time, or we might notice what the piano or drums are doing in the background.
그리고 나서 다음에 우리가 그것을 들을 때, 우리가 처음에는 알아차리지 못한 가사를 듣거나, 배경에서 피아노나 드럼이 무엇을 하는지 알아책 수 있다.
A special harmony emerges that we missed before.
우리가 전에 놓친 특별한 화음이 나타난다.
We hear more and more and understand more and more with each listening.
우리는 점점 더 많이 듣고, 매번 들을 때 마다 점점 더 이해한다.
Sometimes, the longer it takes for a work of art to reveal all of its subtleties to us, the more fond of that thing — whether it’s music, art, dance, or architecture — we become.
때때로, 예술 작품이 우리에게 모든 중요한 세부요소들을 드러내는데 걸리는 시간이 길어질수록, 그것이 음악이든 미술이든 춤이든 건축이든 간에 우리는 그것을 더 좋아하게 된다.
An interesting aspect of human psychology is (that/what) we tend to like things more and find them more (appealed/appealing) if everything about those things is not obvious the first time we experience them. This is certainly (true/truth) in music. For example, we might hear a song on the radio for the first time that (catches/caught) our interest and (decide/deciding) we like it. Then the next time we hear it, we hear a lyric we didn’t catch the first time, or we might notice (that/what) the piano or drums are (doing/done) in the background. A special harmony emerges that we (missed/missing) before. We hear more and more and understand more and more with each listening. Sometimes, the longer it takes for a work of art to reveal all of its subtleties to us, the more fond of (that/it) thing — whether it’s music, art, dance, or architecture — we become.
12강 Exercise 08
Vision has until recently been perceived as being the most powerful of our five senses; however, research indicates that this may no longer be true.
시각은 최근까지 우리의 오감 중에서 가장 강력한 것으로 인식되어 왔지만, 이것이 더 이상 사실이 아닐 수도 있다는 것을 연구가 보여 준다.
Whatever the case, there’s no escaping the fact that distinctive design often goes hand in hand with distinctive brands, and successful brands are by their very nature visually identifiable.
어떤 경우든, 독특한 디자인은 흔히 독특한 브랜드와 밀접한 관련이 있고, 성공적인 브랜드는 본래 시각적으로 식별 가능하다는 사실은 피할 수 없다.
Pharmaceutical companies make their tablets and capsules in all shapes, sizes, and colors, with each one intended to differentiate the product, impart a particular emotional “feel” to the drug and instill customer loyalty.
제약 회사들은 자기네들의 알약과 캡슐을 온갖 모양, 크기, 색깔로 만드는데, 각각의 제품은 그 상품을 차별화하고, 그 약에 특별한 감성적인 ‘느낌’을 주며 고객에게 충성심을 주입시키려는 의도를 가진다.
The automobile industry is another category where shape plays a vital role. In many models, shape has become the defining feature.
자동차 산업은 형태가 중요한 역할을 하는 또 다른 부문이다. 많은 모델에서 형태가 본질적인 의미를 규정하는 특징이 되었다.
Vision has until recently (been perceived/perceived) as being the most powerful of our five senses; however, research (indicating/indicates) that this may no longer be true. Whatever the case, there’s no (escaping/escape) the fact that distinctive design often goes hand in hand with distinctive brands, and successful brands (is/are) by their very nature visually identifiable. Pharmaceutical companies make their tablets and capsules in all shapes, sizes, and colors, with each one (intending/intended) to differentiate the product, impart a particular emotional “feel” to the drug and instill customer loyalty. The automobile industry is another category (which/where) shape plays a vital role. In many models, shape has (become/been become) the defining feature.
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