Yunju, a high school student, went to a Korean art exhibition.

고등학생인 윤주는 한국 미술 전시회에 갔습니다.

She wrote a report about her experience to share with her class.

그녀는 그녀의 반친구들과 공유하기 위하여 그녀의 경험에 대한 보고서를 작성했습니다.

Last week, I visited an exhibition of artwork and ancient items selected from the Kansong Art Museum’s collection.

지난주, 저는 간송 미술관 소장품에서 선별된 미술품과 골동품 전시회에 방문하였습니다.

The exhibition included information about the man who gathered all of the artwork displayed there.

그 전시회는 그 곳에 전시되어진 모든 미술품을 모은 남자에 대한 정보를 포함하였습니다.

His name was Jeon Hyeongpil, but he is better known by his pen name, Kansong.

그의 이름은 전형필이였으나 그는 필명인 간송으로 더 잘 알려져 있습니다.

He was born into a rich family in 1906 and lived through the Japanese occupation of Korea.

그는 1906년 부유한 집안에서 태어났고 한국의 일제 강점기를 겪었습니다.

At the age of 24, he inherited a massive fortune.

24세에, 그는 엄청난 재산을 물려받았습니다.

After carefully thinking about what he could do for his country, he decided to use the money to protect Korea’s cultural heritage from the Japanese.

조국을 위해 자신이 무엇을 할 수 있을지 심사숙고한 이후, 그는 일본으로부터 한국의 문화유산을 보호하는 곳에 그 돈을 쓰기로 결심했습니다.

This decision was greatly influenced by his mentor, Oh Sechang, who was an independence activist and had keen insight into Korean art.

이 결정은 그의 스승인 오세창에 의해 크게 영향을 받았는데, 오세창은 독립운동가이자 한국 미술에 대한 날카로운 통찰력을 가지고 있었습니다.

With Oh’s guidance and his own convictions, Kansong devoted most of his fortune to acquiring old books, paintings, and other works of art.

오세창의 지도와 그 자신의 강한 신념으로, 간송은 그의 재산의 대부분을 오래된 책들, 그림들, 그리고 다른 미술품들을 얻는데 바쳤습니다.

He considered these items the pride of the nation and believed they represented the national spirit.

그는 이러한 물품들을 나라의 긍지로 여겼고 그것들이 민족혼을 나타낸다고 믿었습니다.

Without his actions, they would have been destroyed or taken overseas.

그의 행동이 없었더라면, 그것들은 파괴되거나 해외로 반출되었을 것입니다.

As soon as I walked in, I could not help but admire some ink-andwater paintings by Jeong Seon, a famous Korean artist also known as Gyeomjae.

저는 들어가자마자, 겸재로도 알려진 유명한 한국화가 정선이 그린 수묵화 몇 개에 감탄하지 않을 수 없었습니다.

These paintings were kept in an album called the Haeak jeonsincheop.

이 그림들은 "해악전신첩" 이라고 불리는 화첩에 들어 있었습니다.

They depict the beautiful scenery of Geumgangsan Mountain and its surrounding areas.

그것들은 금강산과 주변 지역의 아름다운 경치를 묘사합니다.

The way Gyeomjae painted the mountains, rivers, and valleys makes them look very inviting.

겸재가 산과 강,계곡을 그린 방식은 그것들을 매우 매력적으로 보이게 합니다.

I was shocked when the museum tour guide said that the album was almost burned as kindling.

저는 미술관의 안내원이 그 화첩이 불쏘시개로 태워질 뻔했다고 말했을 때 충격을 받았습니다.

Fortunately, it was rescued at the last minute and later purchased by Kansong.

다행히, 그것은 마지막 순간에 구해졌고 나중에 간송에 의해 매입되어졌습니다.

Knowing that these beautiful paintings were nearly turned to ashes made me feel very sad.

이 아름다운 그림들이 재가 될 뻔했다는 것을 알고 저는 너무나 슬펐습니다.

I am thankful that these paintings are still around so that future generations can also appreciate them.

저는 미래세대 또한 이 그림들을 감상할 수 있게 그것들이 여전히 주변에 존재한다는 점에 감사합니다.

Finally, I saw the one item in the museum that I will never forget – an original copy of the Hunminjeongeum Haerye.

마지막으로 저는 미술관에서 절대 잊을 수 없는 한 물품을 보았습니다 ᅳ 바로 "훈민 정음 해례본" 의 원본이였습니다.

This ancient book was written in 1446, and it explains the ideas and principles behind the creation of Hangeul, the writing system of the Korean language.

이 오래된 책은 1446년에 쓰였으며 그것은 한국어의 문자 체계인 한글 창제의 바탕이 되는 발상과 원리를 설명합니다.

 It was found in Andong in 1940.

그것은 1940년에 안동에서 발견되었습니다.

At that time, however, Korea was still occupied by Japan.

하지만, 그 당시에 한국은 여전히 일본에 의해 점령된 상태였습니다.

The Japanese colonial government intended to get rid of the Korean language.

일본 식민 정부는 한국어를 없애버리려고 하였습니다.

Schools were forbidden to teach lessons in Korean, and scholars who studied Korean were arrested.

학교들은 한국어로 수업하는 것이 금지되었고, 한국어를 연구하는 학자들은 체포 되었습니다.

From the moment he heard that the Hunminjeongeum Haerye had been discovered, Kansong couldn’t stop thinking about it.

"훈민정음 해례본"이 발견되었다는 것을 들은 순간부터, 간송은 그것에 대한 생각을 그만 둘 수 없었습니다.

He knew he had to protect it at all costs.

그는 무슨 수를 써서라도 그것을 지켜야만 한다는 것을 알았습니다.

After years of waiting, he was finally able to obtain the book.

수년간의 기다림 이후, 그는 마침내 그 책 을 얻을 수 있었습니다.

He purchased it at ten times the price the owner was asking and carefully hid it in his house.

그는 그것을 소유자가 요구한 가격의 10배에 샀고, 그것을 자신의 집에 조심스럽게 숨겼습니다.

When the Japanese were finally defeated, he was able to share it with the rest of Korea.

마침내 일본이 패하자, 그는 그것을 한국 국민들과 공유할 수 있었습니다.

The guide said that the Hunminjeongeum Haerye is the museum’s most precious treasure.

그 안내원은 "훈민정음 해례본" 이 미술관의 가장 소중한 보물이라고 말했습니다.

Without it, the origins and fundamentals of Hangeul would have been lost to history.

그것이 없었더다면, 한글의 기원과 기본 원칙은 전해지지 않았을 것입니다.

It has since been designated a National Treasure of Korea and included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register.

그것은 이후 한국의 국보로 지정되었고, 유네스코 세계기록유산에 포함되었습니다. 

Looking at the ancient book, I could feel Kansong’s strong commitment to preserving Korean history

그 오래된 책을 보면서, 저는 한국 역사를 보호하려는 간송의 강한 의지를 느낄 수 있었습니다.

Standing in the middle of the exhibition hall, surrounded by Korean art, I could not stop thinking about Kansong.

한국 미술품에 둘러싸여 전시장 한가운데에 서서, 저는 간송에 대해 생각하는 것을 멈출 수가 없었습니다.

He was an amazing person.

그는 놀라운 사람이었습니다.

He did not collect art for his personal enjoyment.

그는 자신의 개인적인 즐거움을 위해 미술품을 수집하지 않았습니다.

He did it to protect Korea’s cultural identity during the harsh Japanese colonial period.

그는 혹독한 일제강점기 동안 한국의 문화적 독자성을 보호하기 위해 그 일을 했습니다.

After Korea regained its independence, he stopped collecting art, as he knew it would safely remain in Korea.

한국이 독립을 되찾은 후에, 그는 미술품 수집하는 것을 관두었는데, 그는 미술품이 안전하게 한국에 남아 있으리라는 것을 알고 있었기 때문입니다.

During our country’s worst time, a single man was able to defend Korea’s national spirit and pride.

우리나라의 가장 힘든시기 동안 한 남자가 홀로 한국의 민족혼과 자부심을 지켜냈습니다.

Thanks to him, we are still able to experience an essential part of Korean culture today.

그 덕분에, 우리는 오늘날 한국 문화에서 대단히 중요한 부분을 여전히 경험할 수 있습니다.

Founded in 1938, the Kansong Art Museum was Korea’s first private museum.

1938년에 설립된 간송 미술관은 한국 최초의 사립 미술관입니다.

When Kansong built it, he named it Bohwagak.

간송이 그것을 지었을 때, 그는 그것을 보화각이라고 이름 지었습니다.

He used the building as a place to store all of the important cultural items he had collected over the years.

그는 그 건물을 그가 수년 동안 수집한 모든 중요한 문화적 물품들을 보관하는 장소로 사용하였습니다.

Kansong died in 1962, and Bohwagak was renamed the Kansong Art Museum in 1966.

간송은 1962년에 사망했고, 보화각은 1966년에 간송 미술관으로 개명되었습니다.

It now holds about 5,000 items, including 12 Korean National Treasures.

그것은 현재 한국의 국보 12점을 포함하여 대략 5,000점의 물품을 소장하고 있습니다.


31. 변형 문제 - 문맥상/어법상 알맞은 단어는?

Some people have defined wildlife damage management as the science and management of overabundant species, but this definition is too (narrow/wide). All wildlife species act in ways that harm human interests. Thus, all species cause wildlife damage, not just overabundant (ones/them). One interesting example of this involves endangered peregrine falcons in California, (where/which) prey on another endangered species, the California least tern. Certainly, we would not consider peregrine falcons (as/for) being overabundant, but we wish that they would not feed on an endangered species. In this case, one of the negative values (associated/associating) with a peregrine falcon population is that its predation reduces the population of another endangered species. The goal of wildlife damage management in this case would be to stop the falcons (from eating/to eat) the terns without (harming/benefitting) the falcons.



32. 어법 선택 

Through recent decades academic archaeologists have (been urged/urged) to conduct their research and excavations according to hypothesis-testing procedures. It has (been argued/been argueing) that we should construct our general theories, (deduced/deduce) testable propositions and prove or disprove them against the sampled data. In fact, the application of this ‘scientific method’ often (ran/running) into difficulties. The data have a tendency to lead to unexpected questions, problems and issues. Thus, archaeologists (claim/claiming) to follow hypothesis-testing procedures found themselves having to create a fiction. In practice, their work and theoretical conclusions (partly/part) from the data which they had discovered (developed/developing). In other words, they already knew the data (what/when) they decided upon an interpretation. But in presenting their work they rewrote the script, (placed/placing) the theory first and claiming to have tested it against data (when/which) they discovered, as in an experiment under laboratory conditions.



33. 변형 문제 - 순서 배열 

Digital technology accelerates dematerialization by hastening the migration from products to services. 

(A) Material goods infused with bits increasingly act as if they were intangible services. Nouns morph to verbs. Hardware behaves like software. In Silicon Valley they say it like this: “Software eats everything.” 

(B) The tangible is replaced by intangibles ― intangibles like better design, innovative processes, smart chips, and eventually online connectivity ― that do the work that more aluminum atoms used to do. Soft things, like intelligence, are thus embedded into hard things, like aluminum, that make hard things behave more like software.  

(C) The liquid nature of services means they don’t have to be bound to materials. But dematerialization is not just about digital goods. The reason even solid physical goods ― like a soda can ― can deliver more benefits while inhabiting less material is because their heavy atoms are substituted by weightless bits. 



34.  변형 문제 - 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳은?

Yet while these Golden Rules encourage an agent to care for an other, they do not require abandoning self-concern altogether. ]

Not all Golden Rules are alike; two kinds emerged over time. (1) The negative version instructs restraint; the positive encourages intervention. One sets a baseline of at least not causing harm; the other points toward aspirational or idealized beneficent behavior. (2) While examples of these rules abound, too many to list exhaustively, let these versions suffice for our purpose here: “What is hateful to you do not do to another” and “Love another as yourself.” (3) Both versions insist on caring for others, whether through acts of omission, such as not injuring, or through acts of commission, by actively intervening. (4) The purposeful displacement of concern away from the ego nonetheless remains partly self-referential. (5) Both the negative and the positive versions invoke the ego as the fundamental measure against which behaviors are to be evaluated. 



35. 어법 선택 

When a dog is trained to (detect/be detected) drugs, explosives, contraband, or other items, the trainer doesn’t actually teach the dog (what/how) to smell; the dog already knows how to discriminate one scent from (other/another). Rather, the dog is trained to become emotionally aroused by one smell versus another. In the step-by-step training process, the trainer attaches an “emotional charge” to a particular scent (because/so that) the dog is drawn to it above all others. And then the dog is trained to search out the (desiring/desired) item on cue, so that the trainer can control or (release/released) the behavior. This emotional arousal is also (why/how) playing tug with a dog is a more powerful emotional reward in a training regime than just giving a dog a food treat, (since/although) the trainer invests more emotion into a game of tug. From a dog’s point of view, the tug toy is (compelling/compelled) because the trainer is “upset” by the toy. 


36.  어법 선택 

Notation was more than a practical method for (preserving/being preserved) an expanding repertoire of music. It changed the nature of the art itself. (To write/Write) something down means that people far away in space and time can re-create it. At the same time, there are downsides. (Written/Writing) notes freeze the music rather than allowing it (developing/to develop) in the hands of individuals, and it discourages improvisation. Partly because of notation, modern classical performance (lacks/lacking) the depth of nuance that is part of aural tradition. Before notation (arrived/arriving), in all history music was largely carried on as an aural tradition. Most world music is still (basical/basically) aural, including sophisticated musical traditions such as Indian and Balinese. Most jazz musicians can read music but often don’t bother, and their art is (many/much) involved with improvisation. Many modern pop musicians, one example (being/is) Paul McCartney, can’t read music at all.



37.  변형 문제 - 빈칸 문제 

Marshall McLuhan, among others, noted that clothes are people’s extended skin, wheels extended feet, camera and telescopes extended eyes. Our technological creations are great extrapolations of the bodies that our genes build. (B) In this way, we can think of technology as our extended body. During the industrial age it was easy to see the world this way. Steam-powered shovels, locomotives, television, and the levers and gears of engineers were a fabulous exoskeleton that turned man into superman. (C) A closer look reveals the flaw in this analogy: The extended costume of animals is the result of their genes. They inherit the basic blueprints of what they make. Humans don’t. (A) The blueprints for our shells spring from our minds, which may spontaneously create something none of our ancestors ever made or even imagined. If technology is an extension of humans, it is not an extension of our genes but of our         Technology is therefore the extended body for ideas. 

(1) goals

(2) minds

(3) bodies

(4) worries

(5) greed


38. 변형 문제 -빈칸 문제 

We seek out feel-good experiences, always on the lookout for the next holiday, purchase or culinary experience. This approach to happiness is relatively recent; it depends on our capacity both to pad our lives with material pleasures and to feel that we can control our suffering. Painkillers, as we know them today, are a relatively recent invention and access to material comfort is now within reach of a much larger proportion of the world’s population. These technological and economic advances have had significant cultural implications, leading us to see our negative experiences as a problem and maximizing our positive experiences as the answer. Yet, through this we have forgotten that being happy in life is not just about pleasure. Comfort, contentment and satisfaction have never been the elixir of happiness. Rather, happiness is often found in those moments we are                                        . Happiness is there, on the edges of these experiences, and when we get a glimpse of that kind of happiness it is powerful, transcendent and compelling.

(1) challenged by some burdens

(2) extremely sad

(3) most vulnerable, alone or in pain

(4) achieved hard work

(5) terribly upset


39. 어법 선택 

Whispering galleries (are/is) remarkable acoustic spaces found beneath (certainly/certain) domes or curved ceilings. A famous one is located outside a well-known restaurant in New York City’s Grand Central Station. It’s a fun place to take a date: the two of you can exchange romantic words (while/during) you’re forty feet apart and (separating/separated by) a busy passageway. You’ll hear each other clearly, but the passersby won’t hear a word you’re saying. (To produce/produce) this effect, the two of you should stand at (diagonal/diagonally) opposite corners of the space, facing the wall. That puts you each near a focus, a special point (at which/which) the sound of your voice gets focused as it reflects off the passageway’s curved walls and ceiling. Ordinarily, the sound waves you produce travel in all directions and (bounce/bounced) off the walls at different times and places, scrambling them so much that they are inaudible (where/when) they arrive at the ear of a listener forty feet away. But when you whisper at a focus, the (reflecting/reflected) waves all arrive at the same time at the other focus, thus reinforcing one another and (allowing/allows) your words to be heard. 



40. 어법 선택 

After the United Nations environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (made/making) the term “sustainability” widely known around the world, the word became a popular buzzword by (those/that) who wanted to be seen as pro-environmental but who did not really intend to change their behavior. It became a public relations term, an attempt to (see/be seen) as abreast with the latest thinking of (what/that) we must do to save our planet from widespread harm. But then, in a decade or so, some governments, industries, educational institutions, and organizations started to use the term in a serious manner. In the United States (a/the) number of large corporations appointed a vice president for sustainability. Not only (did/were) these officials interested in how their companies could profit by producing “green” products, (and/but) they were often given the task of making the company more efficient by reducing wastes and pollution and by reducing its carbon emissions. 


[41-42] 변형 문제 - 빈칸 문제

Aristotle did not think that all human beings should be allowed to engage in political activity: in his system, women, slaves, and foreigners were explicitly (a) excluded from the right to rule themselves and others. Nevertheless, his basic idea that politics is a unique collective activity that is directed at certain (b) common goals and ends still resonates today. But which ends? Many thinkers and political figures since the ancient world have developed different ideas about the goals that politics can or should achieve. This approach is known as political moralism. For moralists, political life is a branch of ethics ― or moral philosophy ― so it is (c) unsurprising that there are many philosophers in the group of moralistic political thinkers. Political moralists argue that politics should be directed toward achieving substantial goals, or that political arrangements should be organized to (d) protect certain things. Among these things are political values such as justice, equality, liberty, happiness, fraternity, or national self-determination. At its most radical, moralism produces descriptions of ideal political societies known as Utopias, named after English statesman and philosopher Thomas More’s book Utopia, published in 1516, which imagined an ideal nation. Utopian political thinking dates back to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato’s book the Republic, but it is still used by modern thinkers such as Robert Nozick to explore ideas. Some theorists consider Utopian political thinking to be a (e) promising undertaking, since it has led in the past to justifications of totalitarian violence. However, at its best, Utopian thinking is part of a process of striving toward a better society, and many thinkers use it to suggest values to be                           .

(1) ignored or neglected 

(2) pursued or protected

(3) connected or concerned 

(4) admired or loved

(5) discriminated or separated 


[43~45] 어법 선택 

(A) When Master Brooks played a Mozart piece on the violin for his class to learn, the room was filled (with/in) waves of beautiful, soul-stirring sound. The class tried (emulating/to emulate) the music played by this renowned guest musician. (Between/Among) the students in the class, Joe Brooks was by far the best. In fact, Joe was the master’s son. His father had (been placed/placed) a baby violin in his hands at the age of four, and Joe was a natural talent. Now, just twelve years later, he was already on (a) his way to (becoming/become) a virtuoso like his father. (D) After the class, Joe was alone with his father. He had (important something/something important) to talk about. Joe took a deep breath and said, “I have (been asked/asked) to play in a concert, and I would like your permission first. It is a crossover concert.” Master Brooks looked (surprising/surprised). Indeed, the master’s dislike of crossover music was no secret. “Father,” Joe took a deep breath and (continuing/continued), “I respect your views, but it is not (why/what) (e) you think. Why don’t you come and listen to our practice tomorrow? If you don’t like it, I will cancel.” (C) “Well, did you get permission?” asked Brian as soon as Joe (entering/entered) the practice room the following day. “Um, I’m not sure,” answered Joe without confidence. “(c) You can tell us about it after practice,” Brian said as he placed his fingers on the keyboard. (Beside/Besides) him, Nick was tuning his guitar. Joe thought that he (will/would) play just one last time before telling them that (d) he might pull out of the concert. The trio (swung/swinging) into their routine, as easily as only a group that (had practiced/had been practiced) long and hard together could. (B) When they finished practicing, Joe noticed his father (stood/standing) in the corner. “Wow, that was (quite/quiet) wonderful,” he said with admiration. Master Brooks came toward his son. “I love the way you created those unique sounds while keeping the spirit of the violin. I (estimated/underestimated) the power that crossover music can create,” said Master Brooks to (b) him. Joe and his father returned home, both humming the melody that the band had been (practiced/practicing).



18. 변형 문제 - 내용불일치 찾기 

We are very excited to announce that we will offer the Summer Aviation Flight Camp for student pilot certificates.

It will be held from July 20 to August 3, 2019 at O’Ryan Flight School.                                                   

The summer camp will include programs in which participants can receive flight instruction from                                    professional pilots, go on field trips, try flight simulators, and do a lot more.

Because of the aviation regulation for student pilots, the camp is limited to participants over 16 years old.

Please see the attached document for registration and tuition information.

If you have further questions about the camp, please contact the coordinator at 714-3127-1004.


(1) 여름 항공 비행 캠프가 7월 20일부터 8월 3일까지 열린다.

(2) 이 캠프는 프로 파일럿으로 부터 비행교육을 받는 것을 포함한다.

(3) 항공 규제 때문에 16세 이상의 지원자만 받는다.

(4) 교육비나 등록에 대해서 궁금하면 첨부된 문서를 봐야한다.

(5) 더 궁금한것이 있다면 이메일 보내면 된다.


19. 어법 선택 

It was two hours before the paper submission.

With the deadline close at hand, Claire was still (struggled/struggling) with her writing.

(Pressing/Pressed) for time and stuck in a deadlock, she had no idea how to finish the paper.

She wasn’t even sure (which/whether) she could submit it on time.

(That/What) she found in her paper was scribbled words, half sentences, and a pile of seemingly

strange and (disjointing/disjointed) ideas.

“Nothing (makes/make) sense,” she said to herself.

She looked at her writing and (beginning/began) reading it over and over.       

All of a sudden and (unexpected/unexpectedly), something was found in that pile of thoughts:

the flow and connection of ideas she (had/have) not considered while she was writing.

From this moment, the ticking of the clock sounded (encouraging/encouraged) to her.

“Yes, I can do it!” Claire said as she grabbed her pencil again.


20. 주어진 문장 들어갈 곳은?

This suggests more than repetition. ]

Learning a certain concept such as “molecules” requires more than just a single exposure to the idea. 

(1) If a student is going to remember a science concept, he or she should experience it multiple times and in various contexts. 

(2) That is one of the strengths of the learning cycle: the students have direct experience with the concept,

then they talk about it, and then they have even more direct experience. 

(3) Reading, watching videos, and listening to others’ thoughts contribute to a more solid understanding of the concept. 

(4) Each event allows the student to examine the concept from a different perspective. 

(5) Ultimately this will lead to a substantive, useful understanding of the complexities and nuances of the concept.


21.  어법 선택 

Many companies (confuse/are confused) activities and results. As a consequence, they make the mistake of designing a process that (setting/sets) out milestones in the form of activities that must (carry/be carried) out during the sales cycle. Salespeople have a genius for doing what’s (compensated/compensating) rather than what’s effective. If your process has an activity such as “submit proposal” or “make cold call,” then that’s just (that/what) your people will do. No matter (what/that) the calls were to the wrong customer or went nowhere. No matter that the proposal wasn’t (submitting/submitted) at the right point in the buying decision or (containing/contained) inappropriate information. The process (asked/asking) for activity, and activity was what it got. Salespeople have done (what/that) was asked for. “Garbage in, garbage out” they will delight in telling you. “It’s not our problem, it’s this dumb process.”


22. 어법 선택 

The twenty-first century is the age of information and knowledge. It is a century that (characterizes/is characterized by) knowledge as the important resource that (gains/gaining) competitive advantage for companies. (Acquite/To acquire) all these knowledge and information, organizations must rely on the data that they store. Data, the basic element, (is gathered/gathers) daily from different input sources. Information is extracted or (learned/learning) from these sources of data, and this captured information is then transformed into knowledge that is eventually (used/using) to trigger actions or decisions. By and large, organizations do not have any problem of not (having/had) enough data because most organizations are rich with data. The problem however is that many organizations are poor in information and knowledge. This fact (translating/translates) into one of the biggest challenges (faced by/faces) organizations: how to transform raw data into information and eventually into knowledge, (where/which) if exploited correctly (provides/providing) the capabilities to predict customers’ behaviour and business trends.


23. 어법 선택 

In the twelfth to thirteenth centuries there (was appeared/appeared) the first manuals teaching “table manners” to the offspring of aristocrats. It was a genre that subsequently (had/having) a great success in the early modern period with The Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione, The Galateo by Monsignor Della Casa, and many others produced in different European countries. In a variety of ways and meanings, these are all instruments (intending/intended) to define or distinguish who is in from who is out, (separated/separating) the participants from the ostracized. It is for this reason that manuals of “good manners” (addressing/addressed) to the aristocracy always have a negative reference to the peasant who behaves badly, who “doesn’t know” (that/what) the rules are, and for this reason is excluded from the lordly table. Food etiquette had become a sign of social barriers and of the impossibility of breaking them down.


24. 변형 문제 - 빈칸 추론 

Racial and ethnic relations in the United States are better today than in the past, but many changes are needed before sports are a model of inclusion and fairness. The challenges today are different from the ones faced twenty years ago, and experience shows that when current challenges are met, a new social situation is created in which new challenges emerge. For example, once racial and ethnic segregation is eliminated and people come together, they must learn to live, work, and play with each other despite diverse experiences and cultural perspectives. Meeting this challenge requires a commitment to equal treatment, plus learning about the perspectives of others, understanding how they define and give meaning to the world, and then determining how to form and maintain relationships while respecting differences, making compromises, and supporting one another in the pursuit of goals that may not always be shared. None of this is easy, and challenges                                      .

(1) are not that hard to be achieved

(2) are not defined easily

(3) are ignored for good

(4) are never solved 

(5) are never met once and all the time


29. 어법 선택 

An interesting aspect of human psychology is (that/what) we tend to like things more and find them more (appealed/appealing) if everything about those things is not obvious the first time we experience them. This is (certain/certainly) true in music. For example, we might hear a song on the radio for the first time (that/when) catches our interest and (to decide/decide) we like it. Then the next time we hear it, we hear a lyric we didn’t catch the first time, or we might notice (that/what) the piano or drums are (done/doing) in the background. A special harmony (emerges/emerging) that we missed before. We hear more and more and understand more and more with each listening. Sometimes, the (longer/longest) it takes for a work of art to reveal all of its subtleties to us, the more fond of that thing ― (whether/if) it’s music, art, dance, or architecture ― we become.


30. 변형 문제 - 주어진 문장 들어갈 곳?

Consider, for instance, a teenager whose parents are suspicious and distrustful when she goes out at night; even if she has been forthright about her plans and is not breaking any agreed-upon rules, her identity as a respectable moral subject is undermined by a pervasive parental attitude that expects deceit and betrayal.]

(1) Sometimes the awareness that one is distrusted can provide the necessary incentive for self-reflection. (2) An employee who  realizes she isn’t being trusted by her co-workers with shared responsibilities at work might, upon reflection, identify areas where she has consistently let others down or failed to follow through on previous commitments. (3) Others’ distrust of her might then forbid her to perfrm her share of the duties in a way that makes her more worthy of their trust. (4) But distrust of one who is sincere in her efforts to be a trustworthy and dependable person can be disorienting and might cause her to doubt her own perceptions and to distrust herself.(5) 


1. 빈 칸에 들어갈 수 없는 단어는?

[ ___________ likes to read books. ]

(1) He    (2) Mr.Kim  (3) She  (4) My parents  (5) My grandma 


2. 다음 문장을 의문문으로 제대로 바꾼 것은?

[ He enjoys playing the piano. ]

(1) Is he enjoy playing the piano?

(2) Do he enjoy playing the piano?

(3) Was he enjoy playing the piano?

(4) Does he enjoys playing the piano?

(5) Does he enjoy playing the piano?


3. 문법에 오류가 있는 문장은?

(1) My uncle lives in New Zealand.

(2) He plays soccer every weekend.

(3) My teacher sings really well.

(4) She crys in her room.

(5) My brother rides his bike every day.


[4-7] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요. 

My foot is asleep. I kick it up and down. I hit the chair in front of (가. mine). The girl on the chair (나. looking) back.  Mom is not happy. I sit (다. quiet). Oh, no! My throat feels (라. fun). COUGH! Mom jumps from the sound. I sit quietly.
I look around. A man is asleep . His head moves up and down. I laugh. Don't laugh, I tell (마. my).    Think of tomorrow's math test. (A. That) works. 

4. 윗 글 (가-마) 는 전부 다 잘 못 쓰여져있습니다. 고쳐보세요.







5. 위 글의 밑줄친 두 문장의 asleep의 뜻은 서로 다릅니다. 각각의 뜻을 쓰세요.

My foot is asleep

A man is asleep


6. (A. That)에서 that이 의미하는 바를 영어로 찾아 쓰세요.



7. 윗 글에 내용과 일치하는 것은?

(1) 글쓴이 팔이 저렸다.

(2) 뒷 자리 소녀가 발로 글쓴이 의자를 찼다.

(3) 엄마는 글쓴이 기침소리에 자리에서 벌떡 일어나셨다.

(4) 주변을 보니 한 아저씨가 움직이지도 않고 졸고있었다.

(5) 웃음을 찾으려고 내일있을 수학 시험 생각을 했더니 효과가 있었다.


[8-10] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

 I have a runny nose. I blow my nose. Mom looks at me and (가)say shh. I sit quietly.  
 Oh, no! I see a fly. It sits on my leg. WHACK! I miss. Mom looks at me. 그녀는 그 파리를 보지 않는다. Everyone in the room turns and looks at me. I sit quietly.  

8. 밑줄 fly 와 같은 의미 인 것은?

(1) Birds can fly in the sky.

(2) Check your passport before you go to fly in the air.

(3) The airplane is flying now.

(4) He catches a fly in his room.

(5) I should fly down to Je-ju for a week.


9. (가)say의 알맞은 형태는?

(1) say (2) says  (3) to say  (4) saying (5) said 


10. I have a runny nose.  의 의미는?


[11-12] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

"Sit quietly, Hojin," Mom (가)says.

We are (   a    ) my cousin's school. 

He (나)plays his violin (   b   ) stage, and people (다)listen quietly. 

I move in my (라)sit. Mom's hand is on my leg. 

She (마)shakes her head. I sit quietly

11. (가-마) 중 어법상 잘못된 부분은?


12. (  a  ), (  b  ) 에 들어갈 알맞은 전치사의 짝은?

(1) in     -     at    (2)  in    -   to    (3) on      -    on   (4) at   -    on      (5)  on    -    at  


13. 다음 중 문법이 잘 못된 문장은?

(1) He doesn't cook breakfast.

(2) She writes a letter to her mom.

(3) Ashley doesn't likes her car.

(4) My aunt goes shopping every Saturday.

(5) We don't have money.


[14-15] 다음 글을 읽고 답하시오.

On the way home, Mom smiles and says, "Good job, Hojin.  The concert is __________. 

( Moving) and (laughing) now. It's okay." But I do not move. I do not laugh. I just sit quietly.

14. '끝났어'라는 뜻의 빈칸에 들어갈 단어는?

(1) on   (2) from  (3) over  (4) above  (5) under

15. 윗 글의 (moving) (laughing)를 알맞은 형태로 바꿔쓰시오.

Moving   -

laughing    - 




틀린문장 갯수 ( ) 괄호 안에 있습니다.

(           /           ) 둘 중 맞는 것을 선택하세요.

You can protect tigers simple by switching off the lights. (1)

This may sound strangely, but it is actually truly. (2)

An everyday action that (helped/helps) us (saving/save) energy can also help save an endangered species. 

How is this work? Let’s take a look. (1)

Tigers, one of the world’s largest feline species, having long been the kings of Asia’s forests. (1)

Although being the dominant predators of their habitats, they move silent and remain unseenly most of the time. (3)

Imagine how ancient people must (have felt/feel) when (encountering/encountered) tigers in the wild! 

It is no surprise that tigers (have feared/have been feared) and worshipped by humans for centuries, (stood/standing) as  symbols of power and courage. 

The fact that ancient rock paintings feature images of tigers show how close tigers have been relating to humans  throughout history.(3)

However, the world’s tiger population has been shrunk rapidly. (1)

Illegal hunting and habitat loss is the main reasons behind this decrease. (1)

At the start of the 20th century, it (estimated/was estimated) that there were approximately 100,000 wild tigers. 

In recent years, however, three of the nine subspecies of tigers have became extinct. (1)

In fact, it is now estimated that there are fewer than 4,000 tigers lived in the wild. (1)

Some experts even (are predicted/predict) that the last of the world’s wild tigers will (be disappeared/disappear) within the next 10 years.

It would be very sad (that/if) there were no more wild tigers. 

After all, we could still see them in zoos or watching programs about them on TV. (1)

The fact is, however, that we need to protect tigers in order to protect (us/ourselves). 

This is because all of Earth’s species are interconnecting. (1)

Think about what would be happened if tigers became extinct. (1)

Exist at the top of the food chain, they maintain the populations of animals they prey on, such as deer and boar. (1)

Without tigers, these species will rapid increase in number. (2)

As a result, their food source, vegetation, would begin to be disappeared. (1)

This would cause birds and insects lose their homes, and bigger animals that preying on them would soon run out of food. (2)

Eventually, the entire ecosystem would affect. (1)

Humans are no exception, (though/as) we rely on nature for everything we need to survive, (included/including) air, food, and water. 

This is how the disappearance of a single species can (be threatened/threaten) the whole planet.

Now imagine (that/what) would happen if we made the effort to save tigers. 

Tigers are considering an “umbrella species.” (1)

This is an ecological term referring to species that (live/living) in a large area containing a variety of different ecosystems. 

If we choose to protect these species, we must be conserved their habitat. (1)

As a result, the other species that (sharing/share) this habitat, including trees and insects, are protected too, as if there  were a large umbrella (is/being) held over them. 

You may, however, still wonder how (switch/switching) off the lights helps. 

When fossil fuels are (burned/burning), carbon dioxide is released into the air, and this contributes (to/with) climate change. 

Climate change has a number of negative effects, include rising sea levels that threatening many parts of the world. (2)

One of these place, calling the Sundarbans, is an area on the coast of Bangladesh inhabited by a large number of tigers.(2)

If Earth’s oceans continue to raise, this area could be wiping out and its tiger population could be reduced by as much as 96%. (2)

You can also protect tigers when shopped. (1)

Many popular products, including chocolate, instant noodles, and soap, are made in palm oil. (1)

Unfortunately, forests which tigers live are being destroyed to build more and more palm oil plantations. (1)

Products that using this environmentally friendly palm oil usually have a special mark on the label. (1)

Look at it the next time you go shopping! (1)

There are many other things you can do to protecting tigers and other endangering species. (2)

You could volunteer at a nonprofit organization or shared important information on social networking sites. (1)

Whatever small your actions may seem, they can help made a big difference. (2)

Most importantly, you must remember what we all share the same planet. (1)

If a single species disappears, every other living creatures, including human beings, could affect.(2)



불을 끄고 호랑이를 살리세요.

You can protect tigers simply by switching off the lights. 

그저 불을 끄는 것만으로도 당신은 호랑이를 보호할 수 있습니다.

This may sound strange, but it is actually true. 

이것이 이상하게 들리지 모르지만 그것은 진짜로 사실입니다.

An everyday action that helps us save energy can also help save an endangered species. 

우리가 에너지를 아끼는 데 도움이 되는 일상적인 행동이 멸종 위기에 처한 동물을 구하는 데에도 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.

How does this work? Let’s take a look.

어떻게 이게 작용하는 걸까요? 한번 봅시다.


위험에 처한 종

Tigers, one of the world’s largest feline species, have long been the kings of Asia’s forests. 

세계에서 가장 큰 고양잇과 동물 중 하나인 호랑이는 오랫동안 아시아 숲의 왕이었습니다.

Despite being the dominant predators of their habitats, they move silently and remain unseen most of the time. 

그들의 서식지에서 지배적인 포식자임에도 불구하고, 그들은 조용히 움직이며 대부분의 시간을 눈에 띄지 않는 상태로 지냅니다.

Imagine how ancient people must have felt when encountering tigers in the wild!

고대인들이 야생에서 호랑이와 마주쳤을 때 어떻게 느꼈을지 상상해 보셔요.

It is no surprise that tigers have been feared and worshipped by humans for centuries, standing as symbols of power and  courage. 

호랑이가 오랜 세기 동안 힘과 용기의 상징으로 존재하며 인간에게 두려움과 숭배의 대상이었던 것은 그렇게 놀라운 일이 아닙니다.

The fact that ancient rock paintings feature images of tigers shows how closely tigers have been related to humans throughout history.

고대 암각화에 호랑이의 모습이 그려져 있다는 사실은 역사에 걸쳐서 호랑이가 인간과 얼마나 밀접하게 관련되어 있는지를 보여줍니다.

At one time, tigers were found all across Asia, from Korea to Turkey. 

한 때, 호랑이는 한국에서 터키에 이르는 아시아 전역에서 발견되었습니다.

However, the world’s tiger population has been shrinking rapidly. 

하지만 전 세계의 호랑이 수는 급격히 감소하고 있습니다.

Illegal hunting and habitat loss are the main reasons behind this decrease. 

불법 사냥과 서식지 상실이 이러한 (개체 수) 감소의 주요 원인입니다.

At the start of the 20th century, it was estimated that there were approximately 100,000 wild tigers. 

20세기 초에는, 약 10만 마리의 야생 호랑이가 있었던 것으로 추정되었습니다.

In recent years, however, three of the nine subspecies of tigers have become extinct. 

그러나 최근 몇 년간 9개의 호랑이 아종 중 3개의 종은 멸종되었습니다.

In fact, it is now estimated that there are fewer than 4,000 tigers living in the wild. 

실제로 현재는 야생에서 사는 호랑이가 4,000마리 이하인 것으로 추정됩니다.

Some experts even predict that the last of the world’s wild tigers will disappear within the next 10 years.

어떤 전문가들은 심지어 전 세계의 마지막 야생 호랑이가 향후 10년 안에 사라질 것으로 예상합니다.


우리의 서로 연결된 세계

It would be very sad if there were no more wild tigers. 

만약 야생 호랑이가 더이상 존재하지 않는다면 매우 슬플겁니다.

Would it really matter, though? 

근데 그게 진짜 중요할 까요?

After all, we could still see them in zoos or watch programs about them on TV. 

어쨌든, 우리는 여전히 그들을 동물원에서 보거나 TV에서 그들에 관한 프로그램을 시청할 수 있으니까요.

Shouldn’t we be more worried about protecting human beings? 

우리는 인간을 보호하는 것에 대해 더 걱정해야 하는 것 아닐까요?

The fact is, however, that we need to protect tigers in order to protect ourselves. 

그러나 사실은 우리 자신을 보호하기 위해 우리는 호랑이를 보호할 필요가 있습니다.

This is because all of Earth’s species are interconnected.

이것은 지구의 모든 종이 서로 연결되어 있기 때문입니다.

Think about what would happen if tigers became extinct. 

호랑이가 멸종된다면 어떤 일이 일어날지 생각해 보십시오.

Existing at the top of the food chain, they maintain the populations of animals they prey on, such as deer and boar. 

그들은 먹이 사슬의 정점에 존재하며 사슴과 멧돼지같이 그들이 잡아먹는 동물들의 개체 수를 유지합니다.

Without tigers, these species would rapidly increase in number. 

호랑이가 없다면, 이러한 종들의 수가 급격히 증가할 것입니다.

As a result, their food source, vegetation, would begin to disappear. 

그 결과로, 그들의 먹이인 초목이 사라지기 시작할 것입니다.

This would cause birds and insects to lose their homes, and bigger animals that prey on them would soon run out of food. 

이것은 새들과 곤충들이 그들의 집을 잃는 사태를 일으킬 것이고, 그것들을 잡아먹는 더 큰 동물들은 곧 먹이가 바닥나게 될 것입니다.

Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be affected. 

결국엔, 전체의 생태계가 영향을 받을 것입니다.

Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for everything we need to survive, including air, food, and water. 

인간도 예외가 아닌데, 우리는 공기, 음식 그리고 물을 포함하여 살아가는 데 필요한 모든 것을 자연에 의존하고 있기 때문입니다.

This is how the disappearance of a single species can threaten the whole planet.

이렇게 해서 하나의 종이 사라지는 것이 지구 전체를 위협할 수도 있는 것입니다.

Now imagine what would happen if we made the effort to save tigers. 

이제 우리가 호랑이를 보호하기 위해 노력한다면 어떤 일이 일어날지 상상해 보십시오.

Tigers are considered an “umbrella species.” 

호랑이는 '우산종'으로 여겨집니다.

This is an ecological term referring to species that live in a large area containing a variety of different ecosystems. 

이것은 서로 다른 다양한 생태계를 포함하는 넓은 지역에 사는 종을 일컫는 생태학적 용어입니다.

If we choose to protect these species, we must conserve their habitat. 

만약 우리가 이러한 종들을 보호하기로 결정한다면, 우리는 그들의 서식지를 보호해야만 합니다.

As a result, the other species that share this habitat, including trees and insects, are protected too, as if there were  a large umbrella being held over them.

결과적으로, 나무와 곤충을 포함해 이 서식지를 공유하는 다른 종들도 마치 그들 위에 큰 우산이 씌워져 있는 것처럼 보호를 받게 됩니다.


작은 노력으로 큰 결과들을

Now, it is obvious that we must protect tigers. 

이제는 우리가 호랑이를 보호해야 한다는 것은 명백합니다.

You may, however, still wonder how switching off the lights helps. 

그러나 당신은 아마 불을 끄는 것이 어떻게 도움이 되는지 여전히 궁금할 겁니다.

Well, the lights in our homes require electricity, and more than half of the world’s electricity is created by burning fossil fuels. 

그러니까, 우리의 집에 있는 불은 전기를 필요로 하고, 전 세계 전기의 절반 이상은 화석 연료를 태움으로써 만들어집니다.

When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide is released into the air, and this contributes to climate change. 

화석 연료가 탈 때 이산화탄소가 공기 중으로 배출되는데, 이것은 기후 변화의 원인이 됩니다.

Climate change has a number of negative effects, including rising sea levels that threaten many parts of the world. 

기후 변화는 세계의 많은 지역에 위협을 가하는 해수면 상승을 포함하여 많은 부정적인 영향을 미칩니다.

One of these places, called the Sundarbans, is an area on the coast of Bangladesh inhabited by a large number of tigers. 

이러한 지역 중 한 곳은 순다르반스라고 불리는데, 다수의 호랑이가 서식하는 방글라데시의 해안에 있는 지역입니다.

If Earth’s oceans continue to rise, this area could be wiped out and its tiger population could be reduced by as much as 96%. 

만약 지구의 해수가 계속 상승한다면, 이 지역은 완전히 파괴될 수 있고 그곳의 호랑이 개체 수는 96%만큼이나 감소될 수 있습니다.

By conserving energy, however, we can slow climate change, and this will slow the rise of the oceans. 

하지만 에너지를 아낌으로써 우리는 기후 변화를 늦출 수 있고, 이것은 해수의 상승을 늦출 것입니다.

So keep switching off the lights whenever you’re the last person to leave a room!

그러므로 당신이 방을 나가는 마지막 사람일 때마다 계속 불을 끄도록 하십시오!

You can also protect tigers when shopping. 

당신은 또한 장을 볼 때도 호랑이를 보호할 수 있습니다.

Many popular products, including chocolate, instant noodles, and soap, are made with palm oil. 

초콜릿, 라면, 그리고 비누를 포함해서 많은 대중적인 제품들은 팜유로 만들어집니다.

Unfortunately, forests where tigers live are being destroyed to build more and more palm oil plantations. 

불행하게도, 호랑이들이 사는 숲이 점점 더 많은 팜유 농장을 짓기 위해 파괴되고 있습니다.

Some palm oil, however, is produced in a more sustainable way. 

하지만 어떤 팜유는 (환경 파괴 없이) 보다 지속 가능한 방식으로 생산됩니다.

Products that use this environmentally friendly palm oil usually have a special mark on the label. 

이러한 환경친화적인 팜유를 사용한 제품들은 보통 상표에 특별한 표시가 있습니다.

Look for it the next time you go shopping!

다음에 장을 보러 갈 때 그것을 찾아보세요!



There are many other things you can do to protect tigers and other endangered species. 

호랑이와 다른 멸종 위기의 종들을 보호하기 위해 당신이 할 수 있는 다른 일이 많이 있습니다.

You could volunteer at a nonprofit organization or share important information on social networking sites. 

당신은 비영리 단체에서 봉사 활동을 하거나 소셜 네트워킹 사이트(SNS)에 중요한 정보를 공유할 수도 있습니다.

However small your actions may seem, they can help make a big difference. 

당신의 활동이 아무리 사소한 것처럼 보일지라도, 그것들은 큰 변화를 만드는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

Most importantly, you must remember that we all share the same planet. 

무엇보다 중요한 것은, 우리 모두가 같은 지구를 공유하고 있다는 사실을 기억해야 한다는 것입니다.

If a single species disappears, every other living creature, including human beings, could be affected.

만약 하나의 종이 사라지면, 인간을 포함한 다른 모든 살아 있는 생명체가 영향을 받을 것입니다.



[ Gateway ] 

Clearly, schematic knowledge helps you — guiding your understanding and enabling you to reconstruct things  you cannot remember. 

분명히, 도식적인 지식은 여러분의 이해를 이끌어 주고 기억할 수 없는 것들을 재구성할 수 있게 하여 여러분에게 도움을                              준다. 

But schematic knowledge can also hurt you, promoting errors in perception and memory. 

하지만 도식적인 지식은 또한 인식과 기억에 오류를 조장하여 여러분에게 해를 끼칠 수 있다. 

Moreover, the types of errors produced by schemata are quite predictable: 

게다가, 도식에 의해서 발생하는 오류의 ‘유형’은 상당히 예측 가능하다. 

Bear in mind that schemata summarize the broad pattern of your experience, and so they tell you, in essence,  what’s typical or ordinary in a given situation. 

도식은 여러분의 경험의 광범위한 양식을 간추려 주며 그래서 본질적으로, 주어진 상황에서 어떤 것이 전형적이거나 평범한지                   여러분에게 말해 준다는 것을 명심하라. 

Any reliance on schematic knowledge, therefore, will be shaped by this information about what’s “normal.” 

따라서, 도식적인 지식에 대한 어떠한 의존이라 하더라도, 그것은 어떤 것이 ‘일반적’인 것인지에 대한 이러한 정보에 의해                          형성될 것이다. 

Thus, if there are things you don’t notice while viewing a situation or event, your schemata will lead you to fill in  these “gaps” with knowledge about what’s normally in place in that setting. 

그러므로 어떤 상황이나 사건을 보면서 여러분이 알아차리지 못하는 것이 있으면, 여러분의 도식이 그 환경에서 일반적으로                      무엇이 그 자리에 있는가에 관한 지식으로 이러한 ‘공백’을 채우도록 여러분을 이끌어 줄 것이다. 

Likewise, if there are things you can’t recall, your schemata will fill in the gaps with knowledge about what’s                       typical in that situation. 

마찬가지로, 여러분이 기억할 수 없는 것이 있으면, 여러분의 도식이 그 상황에서 무엇이 전형적인가에 관한 지식으로 그 공백을                채워 줄 것이다. 

As a result, a reliance on schemata will inevitably make the world seem more “normal” than it really is and will make  the past seem more “regular” than it actually was.

결과적으로, 도식에 의존하는 것은 불가피하게 세상을 실제보다 더 ‘평범한’ 것으로 보이게 할 것이고, 과거를 실제 그랬던 것보다            더 ‘규칙적인’ 것으로 보이게 할 것이다.




Clearly, schematic knowledge helps you — guiding your understanding and (enabling/enable) you to reconstruct things  you cannot remember. But schematic knowledge can also hurt you, (promoting/promotes) errors in perception and      memory.  Moreover, the types of errors (producing/produced by) schemata are quite predictable: (Bear/Born) in mind that schemata  summarize the broad pattern of your experience, and so they tell you, in essence,  what’s typical or ordinary in a  (given/giving) situation. Any reliance on schematic knowledge, therefore, will (shape/be shaped by) this information about what’s “normal.”  Thus, if there are things you don’t notice (while/during) viewing a situation or event, your schemata will lead you (fill/to fill) in these “gaps” with knowledge about what’s  normally in place in (that/what) setting.  Likewise, if there are things you can’t recall, your schemata will  fill  in the gaps with knowledge about what’s typical in that situation. As a result, a reliance on schemata will inevitably  make  the world seem more “normal” than it really (does/is) and will make the past seem more “regular” than it actually was.



13강 Exercise 01

Worker bees don’t “normally” lay eggs.   

일벌들은 ‘보통은’ 알을 낳지 않는다. 

That’s because the queen’s pheromones suppress the reproductive systems of the workers. 

그것은 여왕벌의 페로몬이 일벌들의 생식계를 억제하기 때문이다.

However, if the queen dies and there are no larvae that can be trained to replace her, that can change. 

그러나, 만일 여왕벌이 죽고 그 여왕벌을 대체하도록 훈련될 수 있는 유충이 없으면, 그것은 바뀔 수 있다. 

Unless a beekeeper intervenes with a new queen, the hive is doomed. 

 양봉업자가 새로운 여왕벌을 가지고 개입하지 않는다면, 그 벌집은 운이 다한 것이다. 

In that case, a dying queenless colony will try to spread its genes before it goes to an end, using an unexpected  strategy: some of the workers will start laying eggs. 

그 경우, 여왕벌이 없게 된 소멸되어가는 군체는 그것이 운명을 다하기 전에 예상치 못한 전략을 사용하여 유전자를 퍼뜨리려                    하는데, 그것은 일벌 중 일부가 알을 낳기 시작하는 것이다. 


However, since they haven’t mated, their unfertilized eggs will yield only male bees. 

그러나, 그것들은 짝짓기하지 않았기 때문에, 그것들의 수정되지 않은 알은 오직 수벌만 생기게 한다. 

Maybe some of them will get lucky and find a willing queen, passing the hive’s genes along in its dying days.

아마 그것들 중 몇몇은 운이 좋아서 적극적인 여왕벌을 찾아, 죽어가는 꿀벌 떼의 유전자를 전하게 될 것이다. 



Worker bees don’t “normally” lay eggs. That’s because the queen’s pheromones (suppressed/suppress) the reproductive  systems of the workers. However, if the queen dies and there are no larvae that can (train/be trained) to replace her,  (what/that) can change. (If/Unless) a beekeeper intervenes with a new queen, the hive is doomed.  In that case, a dying queenless colony will try to spread its genes before it goes to an end, (used/using) an unexpected  strategy: some of the workers will start laying eggs. However, since they haven’t mated, their unfertilized eggs will         yield only  male bees. Maybe some of them will get lucky and find a willing queen, (pass/passing) the hive’s genes along in its dying days.


13강 Exercise 02


In the real estate industry, location is all-important in determining the market value of properties.

부동산 업계에서, 입지는 부동산의 시장가치를 결정하는데 있어 매우 중요하다.

A good house in a slum district will not fetch a high price, no matter how good it is. 

빈민가 지역에 있는 좋은 집은 아무리 좋은 집이라도 비싼 가격으로 팔리지 않을 것이다. 

But how is it that some locations come to be better than others? 

하지만 어째서 일부 장소들이 다른 장소들보다 더 나아지게 되는가? 

Usually, it starts out with a natural advantage. 

 대개 그것은 자연적인 이점과 함께 시작된다. 

One area may be conveniently placed near to major businesses, or it may be close to the sea or a river, or it may be  slightly hilly, allowing good views.

한 지역이 편리하게 주요 사업체 근처에 위치해 있거나, 바다나 강 근처에 있거나, 약간의 언덕이 있어, 좋은 전망을 제공할 수 있다. 

These natural advantages are enough that people will seek them out and pay slightly more                 for them than they would for  other properties. 

이러한 자연적인 이점들은 사람들이 그것들을 많은 노력을 기울여 찾아내어 다른 부동산보다 조금 더 많은 돈을 지불하기에 충분하다. 

When some properties attract elevated prices, they raise the prices of other properties nearby. 

일부 부동산들이 높은 가격을 유인하면, 그들은 근처의 다른 부동산의 가격을 상승시킨다. 

In this way, the average prices in one area will drift to become higher than in neighbouring areas. 

이러한 방식으로, 한 지역의 평균 가격은 서서히 변해서 인근 지역에서보다 더 비싸지게 될 것이다. 

People naturally assume that the area with higher prices must be better to live in. So the process escalates.

사람들은 당연히 가격이 더 높은 지역이 살기에 분명 더 좋을 것이라고 생각한다. 그렇게 해서 그 과정은 강화된다.



In the real estate industry, location is all important in determining the market value of properties.  A good house in a slum district will not fetch a high price, no matter how (bad/good) it is.  But how is it that some locations come to be better than (other/others)?  Usually, it starts out with a natural advantage. One area may be (conveniently/convenient) placed near to major           businesses,  or it may be close to the sea or a river, or it may be slightly (hilly/hill), (allows/allowing) good views.   These natural advantages are enough that people will seek (them/it) out and pay slightly more for them than  they would for other properties. When some properties attract elevated prices, they (raise/rise) the prices of other     properties  nearby. In this way, the average prices in one area will drift to become higher than in neighbouring areas.  People naturally  assume (where/that) the area with higher prices must be better to live in. So the process escalates.


13강 Exercise 03

Like all sectors in mature industries, the construction sector is characterized by a relatively few                      leading thinkers who innovate and monitor trends and a larger group of technical experts who receive                                    and disseminate innovation and new ideas. 

충분히 발달한 산업의 모든 분야와 마찬가지로, 건설 분야는 동향[유행]을 혁신하고 탐지하는 비교적 소수의 선도적인 생각을 하는            사람들과 혁신과 새로운 아이디어를 받아들이고 전파하는 그보다 더 큰 무리의 기술 전문가들로 특징지어진다. 

This dissemination group consists of architects, consultants, designers, and engineers. 

이 전파하는 집단은 건축가, 상담역[컨설턴트], 설계자, 엔지니어로 구성되어 있다. 

In the construction sector this dissemination group is very small, relatively conservative, and divided up                      into groups. 

건설 분야에서 이 전파하는 집단은 매우 작고, 비교적 보수적이며, 여러 집단으로 나뉘어 있다. 

However, it gets a great deal of media publicity for innovation and                                       forward thinking, particularly architects. 

그러나 그 집단, 특히 건축가들은, 혁신과 진보적인 사고를 함에 있어 매체의 막대한 주목을 받는다. 

Yet for most construction work, such high levels of technical sophistication are not necessary and are not                     supported because it is costly. 

하지만 대부분의 건설 공사에 있어서, 그렇게 높은 수준의 기술적인 정교함은 불필요하며, 비용이 많이 들기 때문에 지지받지 못한다. 

Most buildings are built for functional purposes and not to advance or explore the limits of technology. 

대부분 건물은 기능적인 목적을 위해 지어지는 것이지, 기술의 한계를 진전시키거나 탐구하기 위해 지어지지 않는다. 

A practical building with a facade that is interesting or artful is more than sufficient for                                            most purposes.

흥미롭거나 기교가 뛰어난 전면을 가진 실용적인 건물은 대부분 용도에 아주 충분하다.



  Like all sectors in mature industries, the construction sector is characterized by a relatively few (led/leading) thinkers         who  innovate and (monitoring/monitor) trends and a larger group of technical experts (who/whose) receive and      disseminate  innovation and new ideas. This dissemination group consists of architects, consultants, designers, and engineers.  In the  construction sector this dissemination group is very small, relatively conservative, and (divided/dividing) up into groups.  However, it gets a great deal of media publicity for innovation and forward thinking, particularly architects.                  Yet for most  construction work, such high levels of technical sophistication are not necessary and are not (supporting/supported) because it is costly. Most buildings are built for functional purposes and not to advance or (exploring/explore) the limits  of technology. A practical building with a facade that is interesting or artful (are/is) more than sufficient  for most purposes.


13강 Exercise 04

“Why teach history?” 

“왜 역사를 가르칠까?” 

Not, I propose, because it’s there. 

나는 역사가 거기 있기 때문이라고 말하지는 않는다.

Rather, we should teach history because it is a resource that can shed light on the lives we live today. 

오히려, 역사는 우리가 오늘날 살고 있는 삶을 밝혀 줄 수 있는 자원이기 때문에 우리는 역사를 가르쳐야 한다. 

We can learn from history because earlier times and thinkers were confronted with problems, ideas and                 circumstances which have affinities to those that confront us today. 

이전 시대와 사상가들은 오늘날 우리가 직면하고 있는 것들과 유사성을 갖고 있는 문제, 개념, 상황에 직면했었기 때문에 우리는                역사로부터 배울 수 있다. 

We can learn from them both when past ages are committed to concepts and views similar to our own, and                 when they have views that are notable for their differences. 

우리는 과거의 시대가 우리 자신의 것들과 유사한 개념과 견해에 전념할 때와, 그것들의 차이로 인해 주목할 만한 관점을 가지고                있을 때 둘 다 그것들로부터 배울 수 있다. 

Only a fool would ignore his past experience when confronted with a new situation. 

새로운 상황에 직면할 때 어리석은 사람만이 자신의 과거 경험을 무시할 것이다. 

It would be equally foolish to ignore our collective history. 

우리의 집단적 역사를 무시하는 것도 마찬가지로 어리석은 일일 것이다. 

This is why history should occupy a central place not only in the liberal arts curriculum, but in primary, secondary and  post secondary education.

이러한 이유로 역사가 교양과목 교육과정에서뿐만 아니라 초등, 중등, 중등 이후의 교육에서도 가장 중요한 자리를 차지해야 하는              것이다.



  “Why teach history?” Not, I propose, because it’s there. Rather, we should teach history (though/because) it is a resource  that can shed light on the lives we live today.  We can learn from history because earlier times and thinkers (were confronted/confronted) with problems, ideas and circumstances (when/which) have affinities to those that confront  us today.  We can learn from them both (when/which) past ages are committed to concepts and views similar to our own,      and (where/when) they have views that are notable for their differences.  Only a fool would ignore his past experience        when (comfronting/confronted) with a new situation. It would be (equal/equally) foolish to ignore our collective history.  This is why history should occupy a central place (not/not only) in the liberal arts curriculum, but in primary, secondary  and post secondary education.



13강 Exercise 05

The goal of legal socialization is to instill in people a felt obligation or responsibility to follow laws and accept legal         authority. 

법 사회화의 목표는 사람들에게 법을 따르고 법적 권위를 수용할 절실한 의무감이나 책임감을 심어주는 것이다. 

The goal of moral socialization is to instill in people a duty to follow societal standards of proper behavior              independent of  rules and codes. 

도덕 사회화의 목표는 사람들에게 규칙과 규범과는 관계없이 적절한 행동의 사회적 기준을 따를 의무감을 심어주는 것이다. 

Given that in normal everyday life those behaviors that society considers immoral are frequently prohibited                       by law, the two  usually work toward the same goal. 

보통의 일상생활에서 사회가 비도덕적이라고 여기는 그런 행동들이 빈번하게 법에 의해 금지된다는 점을 고려하면, 그 둘은                      보통 같은 목표를 향해 작용한다. 

However, that is not always the case. 

하지만, 항상 그런 것은 아니다. 

Criminalizing a behavior does not make it immoral, nor is all immoral behavior necessarily criminalized. 

어떤 행동을 법으로 금지하는 것은 그것을 비도덕적으로 만드는 것이 아니며, 모든 비도덕적인 행동이 반드시 법으로                                금지되는 것도 아니다.

Most people can think of an instance where they believe a behavior is immoral, but would not support                   criminalizing it or using the full force of the law to stop people from doing it. 

대부분의 사람들은 어떤 행동이 비도덕적이라고 믿지만 사람들이 그것을 하는 것을 막기 위해 그것을 법으로 금지하거나                          법의 온전한 힘을 사용하는 것을 자신들이 지지하지 않을 경우를 생각할 수 있다. 

At the same time, even if people do abstractly support legal regulation of immoral behavior, they vary in how and  the extent to which they want the legal system to intervene. 

동시에 사람들은 비록 자신들이 비도덕적 행동의 법적 규제를 추상적으로 정말 지지한다고 하더라도, 어떻게 그리고 어느 정도나               법체계가 개입하기를 원하는지에 있어서는 서로 다르다. 

Such views are strongly shaped by the way in which people understand the position and function of the law within          society.

그러한 관점들은 사람들이 사회 안에서 법의 위치와 기능을 이해하는 방식에 의해 강하게 형성된다.






  The goal of legal socialization is to instill in people a felt obligation or responsibility (to follow/follows) laws and               accept  legal authority. The goal of moral socialization is to instill in people a duty (follows/to follow) societal standards of proper behavior independent of rules and codes. Given that in normal everyday life those                behaviors (where/that) society considers immoral are frequently prohibited by law, the two usually work toward            the same  goal.  However, that is not always the case. Criminalizing a behavior does not make (it/them) immoral,              nor is all immoral behavior  necessarily criminalized. Most people can think of an instance (which/where) they believe a behavior is immoral,    but  would not (be supported/support) criminalizing it or using the full  force of the law to stop people (from doing/to do) it.  At the same time, even if people do abstractly support legal  regulation of immoral behavior, they vary in (when/how) and the extent to which they want the legal system to            intervene. Such views are strongly shaped by the way (in which/that) people understand the position and function                   of the law within society. 



13강 Exercise 06

For many years the British-French rivalry has extended from rugby matches, politics and trading insults to trading  mortality statistics. 

오랫동안 영국과 프랑스의 경쟁은 럭비 경기, 정치, 그리고 모욕적 언행을 주고받는 것에서 사망률 통계를 주고받는 것에 이르기까지           확대되었다. 

Since records in France started to be accurately collected, they have reported considerably fewer deaths from heart  disease and a longer lifespan than the British. 

프랑스에서 기록이 정확하게 수집되기 시작한 이래로 기록들은 (프랑스가) 영국보다 심장병으로 인한 사망자 수가 상당히 적고                  수명이 더 길다는 것을 알려주었다. 

The French are proud of this, but many UK colleagues tell me that much of the difference is due to a reluctance to              record deaths properly, with the same ‘Anglo-Saxon rigour’. 

프랑스인들은 이를 자랑스러워하지만, 많은 영국인 동료들은 그 차이의 상당 부분이 죽음을 동일한 ‘앵글로 색슨의 엄격함’을 가지고          제대로 기록하기를 꺼리는 것에 기인한다고 말한다. 

Others disagree, asserting that misclassification could only explain at most 20 per cent of the difference, and point to  a consistent north-south difference across Europe. 

다른 사람들은 (사망자 집계의) 분류 오류는 기껏해야 그 차이의 20퍼센트만을 설명할 수 있다고 주장하면서 이 말에 동의하지 않고           유럽 전역에서 일관되게 나타나는 남북 차이를 거론한다. 

Even within France itself there is a wide north-south difference, which suggests that most of the variation between                 UK and  France is due to the healthier habits of the southerners.

심지어 프랑스 자체 내에서도 남과 북 사이에는 큰 차이가 존재하고, 이는 영국과 프랑스의 대부분의 차이가 남부 사람들의                   더 건강한 습관 때문이라는 것을 암시한다.







For many years the British-French rivalry has (been extended/extended) from rugby matches, politics and trading              insults to trading  mortality statistics. Since records in France started to be accurately collected, they have reported  considerably  fewer deaths from heart disease and a longer lifespan than the British.  The French are proud of this, but many UK  colleagues tell me (that/it) much of the difference is due to a reluctance  to record deaths (proper/properly), with the same ‘Anglo-Saxon rigour’. Others disagree, (assert/asserting) that  misclassification could only explain at most 20 per cent of the difference, and point to a consistent north-south difference across Europe.  Even within France itself there is a wide north-south difference, (where/which) suggests that most of the variation  between UK  and France is due to the healthier habits of the southerners.



13강 Exercise 07

Once harvested, potatoes, even under ideal conditions, keep for only a few months before they sprout, and they  are vulnerable to mould and decay. 

감자는 일단 수확되면 이상적인 조건에서도 겨우 몇 달간만 신선하게 유지되다가 싹이 나고, 곰팡이와 부패에 취약하다.

Native South Americans, however, developed a method of preserving them so that they could be stored for years    to provide a  safeguard against famine. 

 하지만 남아메리카 원주민들은 기근에 대비한 안전장치를 제공하기 위해 그것들이 수년간 보관될 수 있도록 그것들을                             (썩지 않게) 저장하는 방법을 개발했다. 

The cold, dry climate of the altiplano (the high Andean plateau) made this possible. 

altiplano(안데스산맥의 높은 고원)의 춥고 건조한 기후가 이것을 가능하게 했다. 

After harvest, the potatoes were covered to prevent dew from settling on them and left out overnight in  freezing temperatures. 

감자는 수확 후에 이슬이 그 위에 내려앉는 것을 막기 위해 덮인 상태로 몹시 추운 기온에 하룻밤 밖에 놓여진다. 

The following day, the potatoes were exposed to the sun and farm families — men, women and children            alike — trod on the  frozen potatoes to express their liquid, a process repeated several times during the                following days. 

그다음 날에 그 감자는 태양에 노출되고, 농가 식구들, 즉 남자, 여자, 아이들이 모두 언 감자를 밟아 으깨어 그 액을 짜냈는데,                    (이는) 그다음 여러 날 동 안 여러 번 반복되는 과정이었다. 

The resulting freeze-dried potato, called chuño, was stored in sealed, permanently frozen underground warehouses  where it would keep for years before deteriorating. 

그 결과로 생긴 chuño라고 불리는 냉동 건조된 감자는 수년간 신선하게 유지되다가 (상태가) 나빠지게 될 밀폐된 영구 냉동                      지하 창고에 보관되었다. 

Chuño was ground into flour and baked into bread, or rehydrated and used for thickening soups and stews, such as  chupe, which was made with available meat and vegetables.

chuño는 빻아서 가루로 만들어 구워서 빵으로 만들거나, 수프와 chupe 같은 스튜를 걸쭉하게 하기 위해 물을 넣어 원상으로                     되돌려 사용되었는데, 그것(chupe)은 구할 수 있는 고기와 채소로 만들어졌다.




  Once (harvest/harvested), potatoes, even under ideal conditions, keep for only a few months before they sprout,                 and they are vulnerable to mould and (decay/decayed). Native South Americans, however, developed a method of  preserving them   so that they could (store/be stored) for years to provide a safeguard against famine.  The cold,  dry climate of the altiplano (the high Andean plateau) made this (possibly/possible).  After harvest,  the potatoes were covered to prevent dew from settling on them and (leaving/left) out overnight in freezing  temperatures. The following day, the potatoes were exposed to the sun and farm families — men, women and children (like/alike) — trod on the frozen potatoes to express their liquid, a process repeated several times during the following        days. The resulting freeze-dried potato, called chuño, was stored in sealed, permanently frozen underground            warehouses  (which/where) it would keep for years before deteriorating. Chuño was ground into flour and baked   into bread, or  rehydrated and used for thickening soups and stews, such as chupe, (what/which) was made with  available meat and  vegetables.



13강 Exercise 08

  Have you ever played with the sand art toy where you pour colored sand into empty plastic frames or bottles         one layer at a  time to make pretty designs and patterns? 

예쁜 무늬와 문양을 만들기 위해 빈 플라스틱 틀이나 병에 한 번에 한 겹씩 색 모래를 부어 넣는 모래 예술 장난감을 가지고                         놀아본 적이 있는가? 

Natural builders use a similar technique, but on a much larger scale, when they build rammed earth walls. 

자연 건축업자들은 흙 다짐 벽을 만들 때 유사한 기법을 사용하지만, 훨씬 더 큰 규모로 사용한다. 

A single wall of this type is often used as an accent piece in a naturally built house. 

이런 형태의 단일 벽은 흔히 자연을 이용하여 지어진 집에서 악센트 피스로 사용된다. 

Rammed earth walls are often made of layers of red, orange, yellow, brown and cream-colored earth. 

흙 다짐 벽은 흔히 붉은색, 주황색, 노란색, 갈색 및 크림색 흙의 겹으로 만들어진다. 

To make a wall like this, first a frame, or formwork, is built. Next, a damp mixture of sand, gravel and clay is         poured into the  form.

이와 같은 벽을 만들기 위해서, 우선 틀, 즉 거푸집이 만들어진다. 다음으로, 모래, 자갈 그리고 찰흙의 축축한 혼합물이                            틀 안으로 부어진다.

To make it more attractive, the different layers might be colored with natural pigments. 

그것을 더 매력적이게 하기 위해, 서로 다른 겹을 천연 안료로 착색할 수 있다. 

Once the earth is in the form, it is packed down to compress it and make it stick together as                                           a solid wall.

일단 흙이 틀 안에 들어가면, 압축하여 단단한 벽으로 서로 달라붙게 하기 위해 그것은 눌러 다져진다.






  Have you ever played with the sand art toy (which/where) you pour (colored/color) sand into       empty plastic frames or bottles  one layer at a time to make pretty designs and patterns?  Natural builders use a similar technique, but on a much larger scale, (when/what) they build rammed earth                           walls. A single wall of this type is often (using/used) as an accent piece in a naturally built house.  Rammed earth walls are often made of layers of red, orange, yellow, brown and cream-colored earth.  To make a wall like this, first a frame, or formwork, is (building/built).  Next, a damp mixture of sand,                                     gravel and clay is poured  into the form.  To make (them/it) more attractive, the different layers might  be colored with natural pigments.  (Unless/Once) the earth is in the form, it is packed down to compress it and                 make it stick together as a solid wall.


36.  어법 선택

Without money, people (could/can) only barter. Many of us barter to a small extent, (what/when) we return favors.  A man might offer to mend his neighbor’s broken door (in return/in turn) for a few hours of babysitting, for instance.  Yet it is hard to imagine these personal  exchanges working on a larger scale.What would happen if you wanted a loaf of bread  and all you had to trade was your new  car? Barter depends on the double coincidence of wants, (which/wher)e not only  (does/is) the other person happen to have what I want,  but I also have what he wants. Money solves all these problems.  There is no need to find someone who wants (where/when/what) you have to trade;  you simply pay for your goods (to/with) money.  The seller can then take the money and buy from someone else. Money  is transferable and deferrable―the seller  can hold on to it and (bought/buy) (where/when) the time is right. 


37. 변형 문제 - 빈칸 추론 

Brain research provides a framework for understanding how the brain processes and internalizes athletic skills.  In practicing a complex movement such as a golf swing, we experiment with different grips, positions and swing movements, analyzing each in terms of the results it yields. This is a conscious, left­brain process. Once we identify those elements of the swing that produce the desired results, we                                        in an attempt to record them permanently  in “muscle memory.” In this way, we internalize the swing as a kinesthetic feeling that we trust to recreate the desired swing on demand. This internalization transfers the swing from a consciously controlled left­brain function to a more intuitive or automatic right­brain function. This description, despite being an oversimplification of the actual processes involved, serves  as a model for the interaction between conscious and unconscious actions in the brain, as it learns to perfect an athletic skill. 

(1) are afraid of trying it 

(2) try doing that once

(3) do nothing for that

(4) take a note of it

(5) rehearse them over and over again 




38. 어법 선택 

You are in a train, (standing/stood) at a station next to another train. Suddenly you seem (starting/to start) moving.   But then you realize that you aren’t actually moving at all. It is the second train (that/what) is moving in the opposite  direction. The illusion of relative movement works (another/the other) way, too. You think (the other/another) train has moved, (only to/in order to) discover that it is your own train that is moving. It can be hard to tell the difference between  apparent movement and real movement. It’s easy (if/whether) your train starts with a jolt, of course, but not if your  train moves very smoothly. When your train overtakes a (slightly/slight) slower train, you can sometimes fool yourself  into thinking your train is still and the other train is moving slowly backwards. 



You’re probably already (starting/started) to see the tremendous value of network analysis for businesspeople.  In the business world, information is money: a tip about anything from a cheap supplier to a competitor’s marketing     campaign (to/for) an under­the­table merger discussion can inform strategic decisions that might yield millions of dollars  in profits. You might catch it on TV or in the newspaper, but that’s information everyone knows.  The most profitable information (likely/unlikely) comes through network connections that provide "inside" information.  And it isn’t just information (what/that) travels through network connections―it’s influence as well. If you have a connection  at  another company, you can possibly ask your connection to push (where/that) company to do business with yours, to avoid  a competitor, or to hold off on the launch of a product. So clearly, any businessperson wants to increase their personal  network. 


40. 변형 문제 - 빈칸 추론 

Intergroup contact is more likely to reduce stereotyping and create favorable attitudes if it is backed by social norms  that promote equality among groups. If the norms support openness, friendliness, and mutual respect, the contact has a greater chance of changing attitudes  and reducing prejudice than if they do not. Institutionally supported intergroup contact―that is,  contact sanctioned by an outside authority or by established customs ―is more likely to produce positive changes than  unsupported contact. Without institutional support, members of an in­group may be reluctant to interact with outsiders  because they feel doing  so is deviant or simply                         With the presence of institutional support, however, contact  between groups is more likely to be seen as appropriate, expected, and worthwhile. For instance, with respect to desegregation in elementary schools, there is evidence that students were more highly motivated and learned more in classes conducted  by teachers (that is, authority figures) who supported rather than opposed  desegregation.

(1) supportive 

(2) proper

(3) inappropriate 

(4) effective

(5) mutual 



One cannot take for granted that the findings of any given study will have validity. (Consider/Considering) a situation  (which/where) an investigator is studying deviant behavior. In particular, she is investigating the extent (to which/which) cheating by  college students occurs on exams. (Reasoned/Reasoning) that it is more difficult for people monitoring an exam  to keep students under surveillance in large classes than in smaller (them/ones), she hypothesizes that a higher rate of cheating  will occur on exams in large classes than in small. To test this hypothesis, she collects data on cheating in  both large classes and small ones  and then (analyzes/analyzing) the data. Her results show that more cheating per student  occurs in the larger classes. Thus, the data apparently support the investigator’s research hypothesis. A few days later,  however, a colleague (pointing/points) out that all the large classes in her study (using/used) multiple‐choice exams,      (so/whereas) all the small classes (using/used) short answer and essay exams. The investigator immediately realizes that  an extraneous variable (exam format) is (interfering/interfered) with the independent variable  (class size) and may be  (operated/operating) as a cause in her data. The apparent support for her research hypothesis may be nothing more  than an artifact. Perhaps the true effect is that more (cheating/cheated) occurs on multiple­choice exams than  on essay exams, regardless of class size.


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