1. 아래 밑줄 친 부분과 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 문장은?
You should finish your homework now.
(1) You may finish your homework now.
(2) You don't have to finish homework now.
(3) You will finish your homework now.
(4) You'd better finish your homework now.
(5) You can finish your homework now.
2. 아래의 상황의 말에 해줄수 있는 조언은?
[ My mom's birthday is next week, but I don't have enough money. ]
(1) You don't write a letter.
(2) You wrote a letter.
(3) You may write a letter.
(4) You should write a letter.
(5) You can't write a letter.
3. 다음 문장을 순서대로 나열하세요.
(가) May I help you?
(나) Thanks. Well, I like this jacket. How much is it?
(다) Yes, please. Can I try on this jacket?
(라) Yes, of course. You can try on any item in our store.
4. 대화에 알맞게 아래 단어들을 배열하세요.
가 : ( I, home, May, go, now,?)
나 : Yes, you may.
[5-7] 아래 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
A : Excuse me. (a) I'm looking for a gift for my mother.
B : (b)How about this scarf?
A : (c) She already has good one. (가)Oh, how much this phone case is? I like it.
B : It's ten dollars.
A : It's a little expensive. Can I get a discount?
B : (d) I'm sorry, but I can't. It's not on sale.
A : (e) Okay, I'll just take it.
5. 윗 글 (가) 문장에서 잘 못된 부분을 찾아 고치세요.
6. (a)-(e) 문장 중 잘못된 것은?
7. 윗 글과 내용이 일치하지 않는 것은?
(1) A는 가게에 온 손님이다.
(2) B는 가게에 점원이다.
(3) A는 어머니 선물을 사러 갔다.
(4) A는 할인받기를 원했다.
(5) A는 할인받지 못하자 물건을 사지 않았다.
8. 다음을 영어로 올바르게 옮긴 것은?
나는 영어 배우는 것을 즐긴다.
(1) I enjoy learn English.
(2) I enjoy learnt English.
(3) I enjoy to learn English.
(4) I enjoy learning English.
(5) I enjoy to learning English.
9. 아래 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절하지 않은것은?
She _____________________________ last night.
(1) was at home
(2) claened her room
(3) read some books
(4) ate some cookies
(5) plaied tennis
10. 아래 두 문장을 하나로 만들 때 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
I wrote a report.
I finished it.
- I __________________________________.
(1) finished wrote a report.
(2) finished write a report.
(3) finished writing a report.
(4) finished to write a report.
(5) finished to wrote a report.
[11-12] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
This backpack is just like new!
I have a backpack for sale.
I bought it three months ago, and it was 90 dollars.
It is black outside and pink inside.
It is 50 centimeters tall and 25 centimeters wide.
I'm selling (가)it for 30 dollars.
Email: blackpinkbag4sale@email.com
11. 다음 문장 중 윗 글 내용과 일치하지 않는것은?
(1) 물건을 팔려고 쓴 글이다.
(2) 3개월 전에 구입했다.
(3) 겉은 검정이고 안은 분홍색이다.
(4) 50cm 너비에 25cm길이이다.
(5) 샀던 가격에서 60달러를 뺀 가격에 팔고 있다.
12. 다음의 (가) it 이 뜻하는 단어를 윗 글에서 찾아 쓰시오.
13. 빈 칸에 알맞은 것은?
Ashley _________________ lunch at her mom's place last week.
(1) has (2) is having (3) will have (4) had (5) can't have
14. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 하나는?
(1) Listening to music is my hobby.
(2) She is dancing on the stage.
(3) My mom loves baking cookies.
(4) I'll start jogging tomorrow.
(5) I don't enjoy reading comic books.
15. 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 잘못된 것은?
My teacher bought a new house ___________.
(1) last weekend (2) a week ago (3) yesterday (4) next month (5) last night
16. 문법에 오류가 있는 문장 2개를 고르시오.
(1) Iron man were at the party last weekend.
(2) Did Captain America go home last night?
(3) Was Captain Marvel at home yesterday?
(4) Black Panther didn't finished my homework.
(5) Thanos killed many people.
[17-18] 다음 글을읽고 질문에 답하시오.
Riverside Park Flea Market
Every Saturday 10:00 - 16:00
Friday, May 25th
Tomorrow, my sister and I will sell things at the flea market!
We found many good items around the house.
I cleaned them, and she made their price tags.
(가)This things are ready for new owners now.
17. 다음 질문에 대답할 수 없는 것은?
(1) When does the flea market start?
(2) Who cleaned the items?
(3) Where did they find good items?
(4) Who made the price tags?
(5) How much did they get?
18. 위 글에 (가)this 는 적절치 않은 단어다. 고쳐보세요.
[19-22] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하세요.
We arrived at the flea market around ten o'clock. I put our items ( a ) the table.
My sister (가)shouting, "Good items here!' People enjoyed looking at them, but they didn't buy anything.
Then, a girl came. She said, "I like these shoes, But they're a little (나)cheap."
"Okay, then you can have a 20 percent (다)count," I said. She was our first customer!
Time passed, and we got tired. Then a woman said, “Keep trying!”
She had a table next ( b ) us. She gave some bread to us.
We started shouting again, “Best prices here!”
19. 윗 글(가) - (다) 는 잘 못 쓰여진 단어이다. 고쳐쓰세요.
20. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
(1) 저 자매는 10시쯔음 벼룩시장에 도착했다.
(2) 글쓴이의 여자형제가 좋은상품있다며 소리쳤다.
(3) 옆 테이블에서 빵을 줬다.
(4) 시간이 지나도 피곤하지 않았다.
(5) 첫번째 손님은 여자이다.
21. (a), (b) 에 들어갈 전치사는?
(1) on - for (2) on - to (3) in - to (4) in - for (5) at - to
[22-23] 다음 글을 읽고 문제에 답하세요.
In the (가)end, we sold many things. How (나)much did we make?
We got 24,000 won. That’s great! How (다)will we use this money?
First, we will save half of the money. Then, we will (라)donate 20 percent of the rest for hungry children.
After that, we will (마)going shopping. Maybe we will buy things at the flea market at low prices!
22. (가)-(마) 중 잘 못 쓰인 단어는?
23. 윗 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
(1) 중간 쯤 저 자매는 물건을 많이 팔았다.
(2) 자매는 3만원 넘게 팔았다.
(3) 자매는 11,000원을 저금할 것이다.
(4) 자매는 2,400원을 배고픈 아이들에게 기부할 것이다.
(5) 남은 돈은 자매가 백화점가서 쇼핑할 예정이다.
24. 빈 칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?
I ________________ to go skiing.
(1) want (2) plan (3) like (4) enjoy (5) decide
25. 의도하는바가 나머지와 다른 하나는?
(1) Of course (2) That's all right (3) Sounds great (4) I don't think so (5) I agree
26. 아래 단어들을 배열하세요.
A : Why do you take a taxi?
B : (save, because, I, time, can)
27. 빈 칸에 알맞는 것은?
A : Candy is a great dessert.
B : _____________________________________. It's too sweet.
(1) I think so. (2) Sounds good. (3) Of course (4) I don't agree (5) That's right.
28. 아래 문장들을 배열하세요.
A : I like its camera.
B : Why do you like it?
C : What do you like about your smartphone?
D : Because I can take nice pictures.
[29-31] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.
Today, I'm going to (가)telling you an important fact: Earth is not ( * ) center of ( * ) universe.
What are you (나)talk about, Copernicus?
Earth is ( * ) center, and ( * ) sun goes around it!
No, we were wrong.
Earth goes around
the sun.
No way! (여기서 나가!)
29. (가), (나) 를 올바르게 고치시오.
30. (여기서 나가!) 영어단어 4개로 문장 만드시오.
31. ( * ) 에 들어갈 공통된 단어는?
[32- 34] 다음을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
"Today, I'm going to talk about new (discover/discoveries)."
Until the 16th century, the center of the universe (was/were) Earth.
This was (obvious/obviously), and everyone believed it.
But copernicus asked, "Is it really true?"
His question started a big change.
Today, Earth isn't the center of the universe (b.더이상).
(가.This story teaches us an important lesson.)
32. 윗 글에 둘 중 하나 고르는 어법 선택하시오.
33. (b.더이상) 을 영어로 바꾸세요.
34. (가) 부분을 3형식으로 잘 바꾼 문장은?
(1) This story teaches to us an important lesson.
(2) This story teaches us to an important lesson.
(3) This story teaches an important lesson for us.
(4) This story teaches an important lesson to us.
(5) This story teaches an important lesson on us.
[35-38] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.
There are (a. others) examples in history. In the past, humans couldn't travel through the air.
But some people began to wonder, "Can we travel through the air?"
The Wright brothers also asked this question, and they finally made an airplane.
The same went (b. to) the submarine. Traveling under the water looked (c. impossibly), but people finally found a way.
It's still going on today. Where does meat come from? Of couse, it comes from animals.
But some scientists wanted (d. getting) meat in a different way.
"How about plants?" they wondered. They used beans and peas, and they made new, healthy "meat."
( 가 ), it doesn't taste like beans or peas. It tastes exactly like real meat.
Do you want to find out new things?
( 나 ) look around and (명백한 것들에 질문을 해라), just like history's great inventors!
35. (a)-(d) 까지 다 잘 못 쓰였는데 고쳐쓰세요.
36. (명백한 것들에 질문을 해라)를 3단어로 영어로 쓰시오.
37. (가) (나) 에 들어갈 알맞은 단어의 짝은?
(1) Unfortunately - So
(2) Unfortunately - Then
(3) Surprisingly - Then
(4) Surprisingly - So
(5) Since - So
38. 다음 어법상 잘못된 문장은?
(1) I enjoy learning Japanese.
(2) I want to go home.
(3) She planned to study abroad.
(4) He decided running every day.
(5) I hope to be a lawyer.
39. 어법상 옳은 것은?
(1) I will give you to this bag.
(2) She taught us for English.
(3) He made a cake for us.
(4) My mom bought me to a flower.
(5) My uncle sent a letter for me.
40. 밑줄 친 동사가 목적어를 두개 가지지 않는 것은?
(1) Mr.Kim shows you some pictures.
(2) You buy my best friend a gift.
(3) I will tell him the story.
(4) I gave my dad a letter.
(5) She makes me happy.
1. (4)
2. (4)
3. 가 - 다 -라 -나
4. May I go home now?
5. this phone case is - > is this phone case
6. (d)
7. (5)
8. (4)
9. (5)
10. (3)
11. (4)
12. backpack
13. (4)
14. (2)
15. (4)
16. (1), (4)
17. (5)
18. these
19. shouted / expensive / discount
20. (4)
21. (2)
22. (마) going - > go
23. (5)
24. (4)
25. (4)
26. Because I can save time
27. (4)
28. C A B D
29. tell / talking
30. Get out of here
31. the
32. discoveries/ was / obvious
33. anymore
34. (4)
35. other / for / impossible / to get/
36. question obvious things
37. (3)
38. (4)
39. (3)
40. (5)