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A defining element of catastrophes is the magnitude of their harmful consequences.
큰 재해를 정의하는 요소 하나는 그 해로운 결과의 거대한 규모이다.
To help societies prevent or reduce damage from catastrophes, a huge amount of effort and technological sophistication are often employed to assess and communicate the size and scope of potential or actual losses.
사회가 큰 재해로부터 오는 손실을 방지하거나 줄이는 데 도움을 주기 위해서, 잠재적 혹은 실제적 손실의 규모와 범위를 산정하고 전달하기 위한 대단히 큰 노력과 기술적인 정교한 지식이 자주 사용된다.
This effort assumes that people can understand the resulting numbers and act on them appropriately.
이 노력은 사람들이 그 결과로 생기는 수를 이해할 수 있고 그에 의거하여 적절하게 행동할 수 있다는 것을 가정한다.
However, recent behavioral research casts doubt on this fundamental assumption.
그러나 최근의 행동 연구는 이러한 근본적인 가정에 의혹을 던진다.
Many people do not understand large numbers.
큰 수를 이해하지 못하는 사람들이 많다.
Indeed, large numbers have been found to lack meaning and to be underestimated in decisions unless they convey affect (feeling).
사실상 큰 수는 정서적 반응(감정)을 전달하지 않는다면 의미가 없으며 결정을 할 때 과소평가된다는 것이 밝혀졌다.
This creates a paradox that rational models of decision making fail to represent.
이것은 의사 결정의 이성적인 모델이 표현하지 못하는 역설을 만들어 낸다.
On the one hand, we respond strongly to aid a single individual in need.
한편으로 우리는 곤궁한 상태에 빠진 한 사람을 돕기 위하여 강렬하게 반응한다.
On the other hand, we often fail to prevent mass tragedies or take appropriate measures to reduce potential losses from natural disasters.
다른 한편으로 우리는 대량의 비극을 방지하거나 자연재해로부터 잠재적인 손실을 줄이기 위한 적절한 조치를 하지 못할 때가 흔히 있다.
A (defined/defining) element of catastrophes is the magnitude of their harmful consequences. To help societies (preventing/prevent) or (reducing/reduce) damage from catastrophes, a huge amount of effort and technological sophistication are often (employed/employing) to assess and communicate the size and scope of potential or actual losses. This effort assumes that people can understand the resulting numbers and act on them (appropriately/appropriate). However, recent behavioral research (casts/casting) doubt on this fundamental assumption. Many people do not understand large numbers. Indeed, large numbers have (found/been found) to lack meaning and to be underestimated in decisions (if/unless) they convey affect (feeling). This creates a paradox that rational models of decision making (fail/failed) to represent. On the one hand, we respond strongly (aid/to aid) a single individual in need. On the other hand, we often fail to prevent mass tragedies or (take/taken) appropriate measures to reduce potential losses from natural disasters.
5강 Exercise 01
One of the next major waves of medical advancement will be in the development of genomic sequencing, which will help doctors sequence human DNA to discover the precise cause of an illness, and develop a specific treatment for it.
다음에 다가올 의학 발전의 주요 물결 중 하나는 게놈 배열 순서를 밝히는 일의 발전에 있을 터인데, 이것은 의사들이 질병의 정확한 원인을 발견하고 그것(질병)에 대한 특정한 치료별을 개발하기 위해 인간의 DNA의 배열 순서를 밝히는데 도움을 줄 것이다.
Experts believe this process will be easy to commercialize relatively quickly, as sequencing gets cheaper.
전문가들은 배열 순서를 밝히는 작업의 비용이 더 저렴해 지면서 비교적 빠르게 이 과정을 상용화하는 것이 쉬워질 것으로 믿고 있다.
Using advances in genomic research, scientists are developing blood tests that can detect cancer, while also beginning to apply academic research to real-world scenarios.
게놈 연구의 발전을 이용하여, 과학자들은 암을 발견할 수 있는 혈액 검사를 개발하는 한편, 또한 실생활의 시나리오에 학술적 연구를 적용하기 시작하고 있다.
As researchers get better at identifying the specific genes that are mutating and causing cancer, drug companies will need to produce medications that address these problems more quickly.
연구원들이 돌연변이를 일으키고 암을 유발하는 특정 유전자를 더 잘 규명함에 따라, 제약 회사들은 이러한 문제들을 더 빨리 다룰 약을 생산해야 할 것이다.
In the next decades, scientists expect to have more specialized “precision medicines’ to treat cancer.
향후 10년 안에, 과학자들은 암을 치료할 수 있는 더 전문화된 “정밀약품”을 갖게 될 것으로 기대하고 있다.
One of the next major waves of medical advancement will be in the development of genomic sequencing, (which/that) will help doctors sequence human DNA (to discover/discovering) the precise cause of an illness, and develop a specific treatment for it. Experts believe this process will be easy to commercialize (relative/relatively) quickly, as sequencing gets cheaper. Using advances in genomic research, scientists are (developed/developing) blood tests that can detect cancer, (while/during) also beginning to apply academic research to real-world scenarios. As researchers get better at identifying the specific genes that (is/are) mutating and causing cancer, drug companies will need to produce medications that (address/addresses) these problems more quickly. In the next decades, scientists expect to have more (specialized/speciality) “precision medicines’ to treat cancer.
5강 Exercise 02
Though we cannot choose most of the challenges we face in life, we can choose how we’re going to face them.
우리가 삶에서 직면하는 어려움들의 대부분을 선택할 수는 없지만, 우리는 어떻게 그것에 대항할 것인지는 선택할 수 있다.
Are we going to have a bad experience, crumble under pressure, run away, or avoid challenges altogether?
우리는 나쁜 경험을 할 것인가, 그 압박에 무너질 것인가, 도망갈 것인가 아니면 어려움을 모두 피할 것인가?
Or are we going to find the strength and inner resources to rise to the challenges and fully actualize our potential?
아니면 우리가 힘과 내적 잠재력을 찾아내어 그 어려운 문제에 대처하고 우리의 잠재력을 완전히 발휘할 것인가?
That’s the term psychologists use for becoming the person you are meant to be — actualize your potential.
그것, 즉 잠재력을 발휘한다는 것은 심리학자들이 응당 여러분이 되어야 하는 사람에 되는데 사용하는 용어이다.
Facing your teenage years in the right way will give you this opportunity.
올바른 방식으로 여러분의 10대 시절과 마주하는 것은 여러분에게 이런 기회를 줄 것이다.
When you face the challenge before you right now, learn from them and grow with them, you become that person.
여러분이 지금 당장 여러분 앞의 어려움에 맞서고, 그것들로부터 배우고, 그것들과 함께 성장할 때, 여러분은 그런 사람이 된다.
The challenges in your life require you to call on the inner resources residing deep inside you.
여러분의 삶의 어려움들은 여러분이 여러분의 내면 깊은 곳에 자리하고 있는 내적 자질을 드러내기를 요구한다.
By doing that, you come to know yourself and to develop your innate capacities.
그렇게 함으로써, 여러분 자신을 알고 여러분의 타고난 능력을 키우게 된다.
That is what we meant by actualizing your potential, and being challenged presents you with the opportunities to do it.
그것이 우리가 말하는 여러분의 잠재력을 발휘한다는 것이고, 어려움에 처하는 것은 여러분에게 그렇게 할 기회를 제공한다.
Though we cannot choose most of the challenges we (face/facing) in life, we can choose how we’re going to face them. Are we going to have a bad experience, crumble under pressure, run away, or avoid challenges altogether? Or are we going to find the strength and inner resources to rise to the challenges and (full/fully) actualize our potential? That’s the term psychologists use for becoming the person you (mean/are meant) to be — actualize your potential. Facing your teenage years in the right way will give you (to/x) this opportunity. When you face the challenge before you right now, (learn/learning) from them and grow with them, you become that person. The challenges in your life require you (to call/calling) on the inner resources (residing/reside) deep inside you. By doing that, you come to know yourself and (developing/to develop) your innate capacities. That is what we meant by actualizing your potential, and (being / x) challenged presents you with the opportunities to do it.
5강 Exercise 03
Social Media facilitates price comparison on the part of consumers, thus making them more aware of online and in-store discounts and subsequently encouraging consumer price sensitivity.
소셜 미디어는 소비자 측의 가격 비교를 용이하게 하여 소비자들이 온라인 (및 매장 내) 할인을 더욱 잘 인식하게 하고 그 결과 소비자 가격 민감도를 촉진한다.
What makes the social media space even more effective is the fact that not only do marketers have a new medium through which to share pricing and promotion information, but quite often it is one’s friends, family or other connections who are passing along price and promotion information from brands.
소셜 미디어 공간을 더욱 효과적으로 만드는 것은 마케팅 담당자들이 가격 책정과 홍보 정보를 공유할 수 있는 새로운 매체를 가질 뿐만 아니라, 아주 흔하게 브랜드들의 가격과 홍보 정보를 전달하는 것이 바로 우리 자신의 친구, 가족, 혹은 다른 인척들이라는 사실이다.
When deals are activated by a consumer, he/she is given the opportunity to share their deal experience with specific individuals via email or more broadly via social media platforms.
거래가 소비자에 의해 활성화되면, 그 소비자는 전자 메일을 통해 혹은 더욱 광범위하게 소셜 미디어 플랫폼을 통해서 자신의 거래 경험을 특정한 개인들과 공유할 기회를 가지게 된다.
Given the influence of word-of mouth information, this is even more impactful as a source.
입소문 정보의 영향을 고려하면, 이것은 정보원으로서 훨씬 더 영향력이 강하다.
Social Media (is facilitated/facilitates) price comparison on the part of consumers, thus (making/make) them more aware of online and in-store discounts and subsequently (encouraging/encouraged) consumer price sensitivity. What makes the social media space even more effective is the fact that not only (do/are) marketers have a new medium through (which/where) to share pricing and promotion information, but quite often it is one’s friends, family or other connections (who/which) are passing along price and promotion information from brands. When deals are (activating/activated) by a consumer, he/she is given the opportunity (to share/sharing) their deal experience with specific individuals via email or more (broad/broadly) via social media platforms. Given the influence of word-of mouth information, this is even more impactful as a source.
5강 Exercise 04
In certain malls, there is a fair amount of sunlight that comes in from a central skylight or a few strategically placed skylights.
어떤 쇼핑센터에서는 중앙 천장 채광창이나 몇 개의 전략적으로 배치된 천장 채광창에서 들어오는 햇빛의 양이 상당하다.
Most mall developers refuse to use the true outside world in any significant way, one fearing that this may encourage the shopper to want to leave the mall and go elsewhere ㅡ to another world.
대부분의 쇼핑센터 개발업자는 실물 그대로의 외부 세계를 의미 있게 사용하기를 거부하는데, 어떤 개발업자는 이것(실물 그대로의 외부 세계를 의미 있게 사용하는 것)이 쇼핑객에게 그 쇼핑센터를 떠나 다른 곳, 즉 다른 세상으로 가고 싶은 마음이 들게 할 수 있다고 염려한다.
The notion of shopping as theater or “retail drama” kicks in at this point.
연극으로서의 쇼핑 혹은 ‘소매 드라마’라는 개념이 이 지점에서 효력을 발휘하기 시작한다.
“The idea,” according to Laura Byrne Paquet, “is to replicate the artificial feeling of a theater or a Hollywood sound stage, where shoppers can be the stars of their own show.”
Laura Byrne Paquet에 따르면, “그 생각은 극장이나 할리우드의 방음 스튜디오의 인위적인 느낌을 복제하려는 것인데, 그곳에서 쇼핑객은 자기 방송 프로의 인기 스타가 될 수 있다.”
This concept is carried forth in a phenomenal way; if the shoppers and others are “part of the cast” there is the archway as a stage and the ability to try on “costumes,” touch “props” and in general, engage in the dramatic ritual of shopping.
이 개념은 경이롭게 실행되는데, 만일 쇼핑객들과 여타의 사람들이 ‘출연진의 일원’이라면, 무대로서의 아치 및 통로가 있으니, ‘(무대) 의상’을 입어보고, ‘소품’을 만져보며, 전반적으로 쇼핑의 드라마적 의식에 참여하는 능력이 생긴다.
In certain malls, there is a (fair/fairly) amount of sunlight that (came/comes) in from a central skylight or a few strategically (placed/placing) skylights. Most mall developers refuse (using/to use) the true outside world in any significant way, one (fearing/fears) that this may encourage the shopper (to want/wanting) to leave the mall and go elsewhere ㅡ to another world. The notion of shopping as theater or “retail drama” kicks in at this point. “The idea,” according to Laura Byrne Paquet, “is to replicate the artificial feeling of a theater or a Hollywood sound stage, (where/which) shoppers can be the stars of their own show.” This concept is (carrying/carried) forth in a phenomenal way; if the shoppers and others (are/were) “part of the cast” there is the archway as a stage and the ability to try on “costumes,” touch “props” and in general, (engaging/engage) in the dramatic ritual of shopping.
5강 Exercise 05
In the Great Bear Rainforest, the bears drag salmon into the forest, where insects and fungi turn the salmon into food for the trees, which then provide homes to birds in their branches and to wolves in dens under their roots.
Great Bear Rainforest에서 곰들은 연어를 숲속으로 끌고 가고, 숲에서는 곤충과 균류가 연어를 나무의 먹이로 만들며, 그런 다음 나무는 가지 안에 새들의 집을, 뿌리 밑 굴 안에 늑대의 집을 제공한다.
When a tree falls over in a big windstorm, berry bushes grow on the fallen tree and insects decompose the wood.
나무가 큰 폭풍에 쓰러지면, 산딸기 덤불이 쓰러진 나무 위에서 자라며 벌레가 목재를 분해한다.
Bears eat the berries and also insects such as ants and termites that live in the fallen log.
곰은 산딸기류와 쓰러진 통나무 안에 사는 개미와 흰개미 같은 곤충을 먹기도 한다.
Sometimes wolves eat bears, but mostly they eat salmon and the deer that live among the big trees.
때로는 늑대가 곰을 먹지만 대부분은 연어와 큰 나무들 사이에서 사는 사슴을 먹는다.
People also eat salmon and deer, and use the bark and wood of the cedar trees. Changes to one part of this ecosystem, even a small part, have consequences for everything else.
사람들도 연어와 사슴을 먹으며 삼나무의 껍질과 목재를 사용한다. 이 생태계의 한 부분, 심지어 작은 부분에서의 변화는 다른 모든 것에 영향을 미친다.
Our future cannot be separated from the future of the rainforest.
우리의 미래는 토양의 곤충과 열대 우림의 개구리와 연어의 미래와 분리될 수 없다.
In the Great Bear Rainforest, the bears drag salmon into the forest, (which/where) insects and fungi turn the salmon into food for the trees, (where/which) then provide homes to birds in their branches and to wolves in dens under their roots. When a tree falls over in a big windstorm, berry bushes (grow/growing) on the fallen tree and insects decompose the wood. Bears eat the berries and also insects such as ants and termites (that/who) live in the fallen log. Sometimes wolves eat bears, but (mostly/most) they eat salmon and the deer that (live/living) among the big trees. People also eat salmon and deer, and use the bark and wood of the cedar trees. Changes to one part of this ecosystem, even a small part, (have/having) consequences for everything else. Our future cannot (separates/be separated) from the future of the rainforest.
5강 Exercise 06
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.
아리스토텔레스는 “우리가 반복적으로 행하는 것이 우리 자신이다.
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
그렇다면 탁월함은 행동이 아닌 습관인 것이다.”라고 말했다.
Developing conscious habits is a tool to achieve an integrated life.
의식적인 습관을 익히는 것은 원만한 삶을 이루는 도구이다.
Developing good or productive habits and eliminating bad or destructive habits involves looking at what you need to implement in your life, as well as what you need to eliminate.
좋거나 생산적인 습관을 익히고 나쁘거나 파괴적인 습관을 없애는 것은 여러분이 여러분의 삶에서 무엇을 없앨 필요가 있는지 뿐만 아니라 무엇을 실행할 필요가 있는지 살펴보는 것을 수반한다.
Stephen Covey says, “Our character basically is a composite of our habits.”
Stephen Covey는 “우리의 품성은 기본적으로 우리의 습관들이 합쳐진 것이다.”라고 말한다.
Take a look at your habits and ask yourself what is moving you closer to your goals and what is moving you away from them.
자신의 습관을 살펴보고 무엇이 여러분을 여러분의 목표에 더 다가가게 하는지 그리고 무엇이 여러분을 그것으로부터 멀어지게 하는지 스스로에게 물어보라.
Understand that it takes 21 days to begin a new habit (that’s 21 consecutive days, so yes, every time you do something new ... or choose not to ... it does make a difference), so this relatively painful process of change isn’t indefinite, it just takes a few weeks ㅡ
새로운 습관을 시작하는 데 21일이 걸린다는 것을 이해하라. (그것은 연속적인 21일이다. 그렇다. 여러분이 새로운 것을 할 때마다 ...또는 ...을 하지 않기로 선택할 때마다, 그것이 차이를 만든다) 그래서 이 비교적 고통스러운 변화의 과정은 무한하지 않고, 단 몇 주가 걸릴 뿐이다.
and on the 22nd day, it will actually be harder for you to not do your new habit than it will be to continue doing it.
그리고 22번째 되는 날, 여러분이 새로운 습관을 지속하는 것보다 그것을 하지 않는 것이 실제로 더 어려울 것이다.
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly (do/are done). Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” (Developing/Developed) conscious habits is a tool to achieve an (integrating/integrated) life. Developing good or productive habits and (eliminating/eliminate) bad or destructive habits involves looking at what you need to implement in your life, as well as what you need to eliminate. Stephen Covey says, “Our character (basically/basic) is a composite of our habits.” Take a look at your habits and ask yourself (who/what) is moving you closer to your goals and what is moving you away from them. Understand that (what/it) takes 21 days to begin a new habit (that’s 21 consecutive days, so yes, every time you do something new ... or choose not to ... it does make a difference), so this relatively painful process of change (isn’t/doesn't) indefinite, it just takes a few weeks ㅡ and on the 22nd day, it will actually be harder (of/for) you to not do your new habit than it will be to continue doing it.
5강 Exercise 07
Globalization drives the culture of fast fashion.
세계화는 패스트패션 문화를 추진 동력이다.
Currently, there is also a lightly different drive to promote the idea of transitioning to slow fashion.
현재, 슬로패션으로 이동하려는 생각을 촉진하는 조금 다른 추진 동력도 있다.
However, this gradual shift requires time, measured not in months or years but in decades or generations.
그러나, 이 점진적인 변화는 시간을 필요로 하며, 몇 달 혹은 몇 년이 아니라 수십 년이나 수 세대 단위로 측정된다.
Recycling and remanufacturing which do not equate with models in nature always lead to a question mark.
자연의 모델과 동일하지 않은 재활용과 재생은 언제나 의문 부호로 이어진다.
Therefore, a different approach to address the challenges facing sustainable fashion is absolutely necessary.
그러므로, 지속가능한 패션이 직면한 어려운 문제들을 다루기 위한 또 다른 접근법이 절대적으로 필요하다.
We suggest the shift should be directed towards nature.
우리는 그 변화가 자연을 향해야 한다고 권고한다.
We must try and discover the mechanisms that drive nature’s incessant creation of organisms without piling up mountains of waste.
우리는 산더미같은 쓰레기를 쌓아올리지 않고서 자연이 끊임없이 유기체를 만들어 내게 하는 메카니즘을 찾으려고 노력해야 한다.
Researchers have already begun the study of biodegradation, mineralization and biomass formation, which is nature’s way of creating zero waste.
연구자들은 이미 생물 분해, 무기질화 그리고 생물량 형성에 관한 연구를 시작했는데, 이는 쓰레기를 만들어내지 않는 자연의 방법이다.
Discovery of the laws of zero waste in nature could then be mimicked in the production of fast-compostable textile fibres.
자연에서 쓰레기 제로의 법칙을 발견하는 것은 빠르게 퇴비화될 수 있는 직물 섬유의 생산에 모방될 수 있을 것이다.
Globalization (is driven by/drives) the culture of fast fashion. Currently, there is also a lightly different (drive/driving) to promote the idea of transitioning to slow fashion. However, this gradual shift requires time, (measured/measuring) not in months or years but in decades or generations. Recycling and remanufacturing (where/which) do not equate with models in nature always (lead/led) to a question mark. Therefore, a different approach to address the challenges (facing/faced) sustainable fashion (is/are) absolutely necessary. We suggest the shift should (be directed/direct) towards nature. We must try and discover the mechanisms (that/what) drive nature’s incessant creation of organisms without piling up mountains of waste. Researchers have already begun the study of biodegradation, mineralization and biomass formation, (which/that) is nature’s way of creating zero waste. Discovery of the laws of zero waste in nature could then (be mimicked/mimic) in the production of fast-compostable textile fibres.
5강 Exercise 08
Praise that arouses delight and pride in a baby and toddler can have very different effects on older children, particularly in the classroom.
아기와 걸음마를 배우는 아이에 기쁨과 자부심을 불러일으키는 칭찬은 나이가 더 든 어린이들에게, 특히 교실에서는, 아주 다른 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
When Roy Baumeister studied the effects of praise, he found that it generated more anxiety than pleasure in school-aged children.
Roy Baumeister가 칭찬의 영향에 대해 연구했을 때, 그는 그것이 학령기의 아이들에게는 기쁨보다는 불안감을 더 만들어 낸다는 것을 발견했다.
Children accustomed to the background hum of praise seemed to become dependent on praise to initiate any activity.
칭찬이라는 배경 소음에 익숙해 있는 어린이들은 어떤 활동을 시작하려면 칭찬에 의존하게 되는[칭찬이 있어야 하는] 것처럼 보였다.
A child who was accustomed to classroom praise spend less time focusing on a project and soon stopped working to wait for a teacher’s assessment.
교실 칭찬에 익숙해진 어린이는 프로젝트에 집중하는 데에는 시간을 적게 보냈고 곧 교사의 평가를 기다리기 위해서 곧 작업을 멈췄다.
Praise seemed to hinder concentration, too.
또한, 칭찬은 집중을 방해하는 것처럼 보였다.
Children’s absorption in a task (often called flow) seemed to be disrupted by the reminder that someone was watching.
어린이가 과제에 몰두하는 것(많은 경우 ‘몰입’이라고 하는데)은 누가 보고 있다는 것이 상기됨으로써 방해를 받는 것 같았다.
When they were singing or playing an instrument, swimming or hitting a ball, or doing anything that involved deep skills run on autopilot, their performance was particularly badly affected by praise.
그들이 노래를 하거나 악기를 연주하거나, 수영을 하거나 공을 치거나, 또는 자동으로 작동되는 심오한 기술과 관련된 어떤 것이든 할 때, 그들의 수행은 칭찬에 의해 매우 나쁘게 영향을 받았다.
Praise that (arouses/rouses) delight and pride in a baby and toddler can have very different effects on older children, particularly in the classroom. When Roy Baumeister studied the effects of praise, he found that it (generated/generating) more anxiety than pleasure in school-aged children. Children (accustomed/accustoming) to the background hum of praise seemed to become dependent on praise to initiate any activity. A child who (was accustomed/accustomed) to classroom praise spend less time (focusing/focused) on a project and soon stopped (working/to work) to wait for a teacher’s assessment. Praise seemed to hinder concentration, too. Children’s absorption in a task (often called flow) seemed to (be disrupted by/disrupt) the reminder that someone was watching. When they were singing or playing an instrument, swimming or hitting a ball, or doing anything that involved deep skills run on autopilot, their performance was particularly (badly/bad) affected by praise.
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