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We argue that the ethical principles of justice provide an essential foundation for policies to protect unborn generations and the poorest countries from climate change.
우리는 정의의 윤리적 원칙이 아직 태어나지 않은 세대와 가장 가난한 나라들을 기후 변화로부터 보호하기 위한 정책에 대한 근본적인 기초를 제공한다고 주장하는 바이다.
Related issues arise in connection with current and persistently inadequate aid for these nations, in the face of growing threats to agriculture and water supply, and the rules of international trade that mainly benefit rich countries.
농업과 물 공급에 대한 점점 증가하는 위협과 주로 부유한 국가들에게만 이득을 주는 국제 무역의 규칙에 직면하여, 이(가난한) 국가들을 위한 현재의 끈질기게 부족한 원조와 관련하여 연계된 문제들이 발생한다.
Increasing aid for the world’s poorest peoples can be an essential part of effective mitigation.
세계의 가장 가난한 국민들에 대한 원조를 증가시키는 것은 효과적인 (탄소배출) 완화의 필수적인 부분이다.
With 20 percent of carbon emissions from (mostly tropical) deforestation, carbon credits for forest preservation would combine aid to poorer countries with one of the most cost-effective forms of abatement.
탄소배출량의 20%는 (대개 열대 지역의) 벌채로부터 오므로, 삼림 보존을 위한 탄소배출권은 더 가난한 국가들에 대한 원조와 비용 효율성이 가장 높은 (탄소 배출) 감소의 형태 중의 하나와 결합시켜 줄 것이다.
Perhaps the most cost-effective but politically complicated policy reform would be the removal of several hundred billions of dollars of direct annual subsidies from the two biggest recipients in the OECD ― destructive industrial agriculture and fossil fuels.
아마 비용 효율성이 가장 높지만 정치적으로 가장 복잡한 정책 개혁은, OECD에서 두 가지의 가장 큰 수혜 분야, 곧 파괴적인 산업화 농업과 화석 연료로부터 오는 연간 수천억 달러의 직접적인 보조금을 없애는 일일 것 이다.
Even a small amount of this money would accelerate the already rapid rate of technical progress and investment in renewable energy in many areas, as well as encourage the essential switch to conservation agriculture.
이 돈의 적은 양이라도 보존 농업으로의 근본적인 변화를 촉진할 뿐만 아니라, 많은 지역에서 이미 빠르게 진행되고 있는 재생 가능한 에너지에 대한 기술적 진보와 투자를 가속할 것이다.
We argue that the ethical principles of justice (is provided/provide) an essential foundation for policies to protect unborn generations and the (poor/poorest) countries from climate change. Related issues (arose/arise) in connection with current and persistently inadequate aid for these nations, in the face of (grown/growing) threats to agriculture and water supply, and the rules of international trade that (main/mainly) benefit rich countries. (Increased/Increasing) aid for the world’s poorest peoples can be an essential part of effective mitigation. With 20 percent of carbon emissions from (mostly tropical) deforestation, carbon credits for forest preservation would combine aid to poorer countries with one of the most cost-effective forms of abatement. Perhaps the most cost-effective but politically (complicating/complicated) policy reform would be the removal of several hundred billions of dollars of direct annual subsidies from the two biggest recipients in the OECD ― destructive industrial agriculture and fossil fuels. Even a small amount of this money would accelerate the already (rapidly/rapid) rate of technical progress and investment in renewable energy in many areas, as well as (encouraging/encourage) the essential switch to conservation agriculture.
4강 Exercise 01
We are about to embark on creating one of the most important habits of all: gratitude.
이제 우리는 가장 중요한 습관 중 하나, 즉 감사하는 마음을 (습관으로) 만들기 시작하려고 한다.
After conducting and reviewing hundreds of studies, the University of California, Berkeley, concluded that gratitude is one of the most reliable methods for increasing happiness and life satisfaction.
수백 개의 연구를 하고 검토한 후에, 버클리 소재 캘리포니아 대학은 감사하는 마음이 행복과 삶의 만족감을 증가시키는 가장 신뢰할 수 있는 방법 중 하나라는 결론을 내렸다.
It boosts feelings of optimism, joy, pleasure, and enthusiasm.
그것[감사하는 마음]은 낙관주의, 기쁨, 즐거움, 그리고 열정의 느낌을 증가시킨다.
It reduces anxiety and depression, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, reduces symptoms of illness, and makes us less bothered by aches and pains.
그것은 불안과 우울증을 줄여주고, 면역체계를 강화시키고, 혈압을 낮추고 질병의 증상을 줄여 주고, 우리를 아픔과 통증에 덜 시달리게 해 준다.
It encourages us to exercise more and take better care of our health.
그것은 우리에게 운동을 더 많이 하고 우리의 건강을 더 잘 돌보도록 고무한다.
Grateful people get more hours of sleep each night, spend less time awake before falling asleep, and feel more refreshed upon awakening.
감사하는 사람들은 매일 밤 더 많은 시간 잠을 자고, 잠이 들기 전에 깨어 있는 시간이 더 적고, 깨어날 때 더 상쾌함을 느낀다.
Gratitude makes people more resilient and helps them recover from traumatic events.
감사하는 마음은 사람들을 더욱 회복력 있게 만들고 대단히 충격적인 사건에서 회복하도록 도와준다.
We are about to embark on (created/creating) one of the most important habits of all: gratitude. After conducting and reviewing hundreds of studies, the University of California, Berkeley, (concluding/concluded) that gratitude is one of the most reliable methods for increasing happiness and life satisfaction. It boosts feelings of optimism, joy, pleasure, and enthusiasm. It reduces anxiety and depression, (strengthening/strengthens) the immune system, lowers blood pressure, reduces symptoms of illness, and makes us less (bother/bothered) by aches and pains. It encourages us (exercising/to exercise) more and take better care of our health. Grateful people get more hours of sleep each night, spend less time awake before falling asleep, and feel more refreshed upon awakening. Gratitude makes people more (resilience/resilient) and helps them recover from traumatic events.
4강 Exercise 02
Some believe there is no value to dreams, but it is wrong to dismiss these nocturnal dramas as irrelevant.
어떤 사람들은 꿈이 가치가 없다고 믿지만, 밤에 일어나는 이 드라마를 무관한 것으로 일축하는 것은 잘못이다.
There is something to be gained in remembering.
(꿈을) 기억했을 때 얻어지는 어떤 것이 있다.
We can feel more connected, more complete, and more on track.
우리는 더 연결되어 있고, 더 완전하고, 더 진행이 잘 되어 성공할 가능성이 있다고 느낄 수 있다.
We can receive inspiration, information, and comfort.
우리는 영감, 정보, 위안을 얻을 수 있다.
Albert Einstein stated that his theory of relativity was inspired by a dream.
Albert Einstein은 그의 상대성 이론이 꿈에서 영감을 얻은 것이라고 말했다.
In fact, he claimed that dreams were responsible for many of his discoveries.
사실, 그는 자신의 많은 발견들이 꿈의 덕분이라고 주장했다.
Asking why we dream makes as much sense as questioning why we breathe.
우리가 왜 꿈꾸는지를 묻는 것은 왜 우리가 숨 쉬는지를 질문하는 것만큼 아주 타당하다.
Dreaming is an integral part of a healthy life.
꿈은 건강한 삶의 필수적인 부분이다.
The great news is that this is true whether or not we remember our dreams.
아주 좋은 소식은 우리가 우리의 꿈을 기억하든 그렇지 않든 이것은 사실이라는 것이다.
Many people report being inspired with a new approach for a problem upon awakening, even though they don’t remember the specific dream.
많은 사람들은 비록 자기들이 그 구체적인 꿈을 기억하지는 못하지만 잠에서 깨자마자 문제에 대한 새로운 접근법을 생각하게 되었다고 말한다.
Some believe there is no value (for/to) dreams, but it is wrong to dismiss these nocturnal dramas as irrelevant. There is something to (gain/be gained) in remembering. We can feel more (connected/connecting), more complete, and more on track. We can receive inspiration, information, and comfort. Albert Einstein stated that his theory of relativity (were/was) inspired by a dream. In fact, he claimed that dreams (be/were) responsible for many of his discoveries. (Asked/Asking) why we dream makes as much sense as questioning why we breathe. Dreaming is an integral part of a healthy life. The great news is that this is true whether or not we remember our dreams. Many people report (is/being) inspired with a new approach for a problem upon awakening, even though they don’t remember the specific dream.
4강 Exercise 03
Today’s rapidly changing technological landscape can represent a challenge for consumers who might lack trust in technology and be skeptical of its purported benefits.
오늘날의 급변하는 기술 환경은, 기술에 대한 신뢰가 부족하고 그것의 이점이라고 알려진 것에 대해 회의적일 수 있는 소비자들에게 어려운 문제를 제기할 수도 있다.
Anthropomorphic thought can help remedy this skepticism and distrust, and is especially consequential in consumer-product interactions where being mindful and conscious are important criteria for evaluation and accountability.
의인화된 사고는 이러한 회의와 불신을 사로잡는 데 도움이 될 수 있으며, 유념하고 의식하는 것이 평가와 책임의 중요한 기준이 되는 소비자와 제품 간의 상호 작용에서 특히 중요하다.
For example, in a vehicle simulation study, Waytz and colleagues found that participants reported higher levels of trust in autonomous vehicles (e.g., self-driving cars) that featured anthropomorphic cues (e.g., a name, gender, voice) than in those vehicles that lacked anthropomorphic cues.
예를 들어, 차량 시뮬레이션 연구에서 Waytz와 동료들은 참여자들이 의인화된 신호가 부족한 차량보다 의인화된 신호(예를 들면, 이름, 성별, 목소리)를 특징으로 자율주행차량(예를 들어 스스로 운전하는 차)에 대한 신뢰도가 더 높다고 말하는 것을 발견했다.
Moreover, participants in the simulated anthropomorphized vehicle felt less stressed from an observer’s point of view, and in the event of an accident, were less likely to blame their vehicles.
더욱이, 시뮬레이션된 의인화된 차량의 참여자들은 관찰자의 관점에서 스트레스를 덜 받는다고 느꼈고, 사고가 발생한 경우에 자기들의 차량을 탓할 가능성이 더 적었다.
Today’s rapidly (changed/changing) technological landscape can represent a challenge for consumers (who/which) might lack trust in technology and be skeptical of its purported benefits. Anthropomorphic thought can help remedy this skepticism and (distrusted/distrust), and is especially consequential in consumer-product interactions (where/which) being mindful and conscious are important criteria for evaluation and accountability. For example, in a vehicle simulation study, Waytz and colleagues found that participants reported higher levels of trust in autonomous vehicles (e.g., self-driving cars) that (featuring/featured) anthropomorphic cues (e.g., a name, gender, voice) than in those vehicles that (lacking/lacked) anthropomorphic cues. Moreover, participants in the (simulating/simulated) anthropomorphized vehicle felt less stressed from an observer’s point of view, and in the event of an accident, were less likely to blame their vehicles.
4강 Exercise 04
Corporations establish rewards to drive performance.
기업은 실적을 추진하기 위해 보상을 제정한다.
Often these rewards focus on meeting budgets and avoiding risk.
흔히 이런 보상은 예산에 맞추고 위험을 피하는데 중점을 둔다.
Rewards of this type cause managers to invest in safe products that pose little chance of a big loss but also little chance of a big profit.
이런 유형의 보상은 관리자로 하여금 큰 손실을 볼 가능성이 거의 없을 뿐만 아니라 큰 이득을 볼 가능성도 거의 없는 안전한 제품에 투자하게 한다.
These rewards totally block any motivation to explore riskier paths.
이런 보상은 더 모험적인 길을 탐색하려는 욕구는 무엇이든 완전히 차단한다.
The companies reward the speed at which low-risk products are created and marketed, even if they are hoping for radical new ideas.
기업은 급진적인 새로운 아이디어를 바란다고 해도, (실패) 위험이 적은 제품이 만들어져서 팔리는 속도에 보상을 준다.
The outcome is little appetite for risk and an overdose of incremental ideas.
그 결과로 모험에 대한 욕구는 거의 없어지고, 서서히 나아지는[혁신적이지 않은] 아이디어의 양은 과다해진다.
Interestingly, managers get frustrated with the outcome, blind to the behavior that the organization is explicitly or implicitly rewarding.
흥미롭게도, 관리자들은 그 조직이 명시적으로나 암묵적으로 보상하고 있는 그 행위는 깨닫지 못하고 그 결과에 좌절한다.
A badly designed measurement or reward system mutes the rest of the rules, even if optimally designed.
잘못 고안된 평가 혹은 보상 체계는 최적으로 고안된다고 해도 나머지 규정들을 약화시킨다.
Corporations (are established/establish) rewards to drive performance. Often these rewards focus on meeting budgets and avoiding risk. Rewards of this type cause managers to invest in safe products that (posed/pose) little chance of a big loss but also little chance of a big profit. These rewards totally block any motivation (to explore/exploring) riskier paths. The companies reward the speed at which low-risk products are (creating/created) and marketed, even if they are (hoping/hoped) for radical new ideas. The outcome is little appetite for risk and an overdose of incremental ideas. Interestingly, managers get frustrated with the outcome, blind to the behavior that the organization is explicitly or implicitly (rewarded/rewarding). A badly designed measurement or reward system mutes the rest of the rules, even if optimally designed.
4강 Exercise 05
Values and their supporting beliefs are lenses through which we see the world.
가치와 그것을 지지하는 신념은 우리가 세상을 보는 렌즈이다.
The views that these lenses provide are often of what life ought to be like, not what it is.
이 렌즈가 제공하는 경관은 흔히 삶이 무엇인지가 아니라 삶이 어떠‘해야 하는지’에 관한 것이다.
For example, Americans value individualism so highly that they tend to see almost everyone as free and equal in pursuing the goal of success.
예를 들어, 미국인들은 개인주의를 높이 평가하여 성공의 목표를 추구함에 있어 거의 모든 사람을 자유롭고 평등하게 보는 경향이 있다.
This value blinds them to the significance of the circumstances that keep people from achieving success.
이 가치는 사람들로 하여금 성공을 달성하지 못하게 하는 상황의 중요성을 보지 못하게 한다.
The dire consequences of family poverty, parents’ low education, and dead-end jobs tend to drop from sight.
가족의 빈곤, 부모의 낮은 교육, 그리고 장래성이 없는 직업의 결과는 안 보이게 되기 싶다.
Instead, Americans see the unsuccessful as not taking advantage of opportunities, or as having some inherent laziness or dull minds.
대신에, 미국인들은 성공하지 못한 사람들을 기회를 이용하지 못하거나, 어느 정도 타고난 게으름이나 우둔한 머리를 가진 것으로 여긴다.
And they “know” they are right, because the mass media dangle before their eyes enticing stories of individuals who have succeeded despite the greatest of handicaps.
그리고 그들은 그들이 옳다는 것을 ‘아는데’, 왜냐하면 대중 매체가 엄청나게 불리한 조건에도 불구하고 성공한 사람들에 대한 매혹적인 이야기를 그들의 눈앞에 제시하기 때문이다.
Values and their supporting beliefs are lenses through (where/which) we see the world. The views that these lenses provide are often (of what/ of which) life ought to be like, not what it is. For example, Americans value individualism so (high/highly) that they tend to see almost everyone as free and equal in (to pursue/pursuing) the goal of success. This value blinds them to the significance of the circumstances that (kept/keep) people from achieving success. The dire consequences of family poverty, parents’ low education, and dead-end jobs tend to drop from sight. Instead, Americans see the unsuccessful as not (taken/taking) advantage of opportunities, or as having some inherent laziness or dull minds. And they “know” they are right, because the mass media dangle before their eyes (enticed/enticing) stories of individuals who (have been succeding/have succeeded) (though/despite) the greatest of handicaps.
4강 Exercise 06
I would guess that there are a few dancers who believe, as I once did, that injuries are caused primarily by accidents: slipping, tripping, running into someone or something, or forgetting to point your foot at the right instant and inadvertently twisting your ankle.
내가 전에 그랬던 것처럼, 부상이 미끄러짐, 발을 헛디딤, 사람이나 물건과 부딪침, 혹은 적절한 순간에 여러분 발의 끝을 세우는 것을 잊어서 본의 아니게 발목을 삐는 것과 같은 사고로 인해 주로 일어난다고 믿는 무용수들이 몇 명 있을 것 같다.
But the longer I’ve danced, the more I’ve understood that accidents are quite rare as causes of dance injuries.
그러나 내가 춤을 더 오랜 시간 동안 출수록, 무용에서 발생하는 부상의 원인이 사고인 경우가 상당히 드물다는 것을 더 많이 이해하게 되었다.
The majority of injuries are caused — and prevented — by how you work at your dancing, consistently and over time.
부상의 대다수는 여러분이 지속적으로 그리고 시간이 지나면서 춤을 출 때 어떻게 몸이 움직이느냐에 따라 발생하고 또 방지될 수 있다.
Working incorrectly just once usually won’t hurt you: your body is quite resilient and can bounce back from some amount of abuse.
한 번만 부정확하게 춤을 추는 것은 대개 여러분이 다치게 하지 않는데 여러분의 신체는 상당히 회복력이 있고 어느 정도의 혹사로부터 다시 회복될 수 있다.
But if you work incorrectly again and again, class after class, performance after performance, day after day, and year after year, your body — or some part of it — will finally give out.
그러나 여러분이 매 수업 시간, 매 공연, 매일, 그리고 매년 계속해서 부정확하게 춤을 추면, 여러분의 신체, 혹은 그것의 어떤 부위가 결국 제대로 작동하지 않게 될 것이다.
It will simply refuse to function anymore.
그것은 그야말로 더는 기능하기를 거부할 것이다.
I would guess that there are a few dancers who believe, as I once (was/did), that injuries are caused primarily by accidents: slipping, tripping, running into someone or something, or forgetting to point your foot at the right (instant/instantly) and inadvertently twisting your ankle. But the longer I’ve danced, the (most/more) I’ve understood that accidents are quite (rare/rarely) as causes of dance injuries. The majority of injuries are (causing/caused )— and prevented — by how you work at your dancing, (consistent/consistently) and over time. Working incorrectly just once usually won’t hurt you: your body is quite resilient and can (be bounced/bounce) back from some amount of abuse. But if you work (incorrectly/correctly) again and again, class after class, performance after performance, day after day, and year after year, your body — or some part of it — will finally give out. It will simply refuse (function/to function) anymore.
4강 Exercise 07
The answer to the question about the fading of colour in painting (and in fabric) is fairly simple.
그림에서 (또는 옷감에서) 색이 바래는 것에 대한 질문의 답은 상당히 간단하다.
Ultraviolet radiation is a high energy form of light and, as sunbathers are only too aware, is present in ordinary daylight.
자외선은 고에너지 형태의 빛이고, 일광욕하는 사람들이라면 너무나도 잘 알고 있는 바와 같이, 일상적인 햇빛 속에 존재하고 있다.
Over time, ultraviolet radiation can gradually break up the molecules in pigment, leaving smaller, colourless molecules as products.
시간이 지남에 따라 자외선은 점차로 색소 속에 있는 분자를 쪼개서 더 작고 색깔이 없는 분자를 그 결과물로 남길 수 있다.
There is also a second process of degradation in which pigment molecules may react chemically with oxygen molecules in the atmosphere, a process known as oxidation.
또한 색소 분자가 대기 중의 산소 분자와 화학적으로 반응할 수 있는 산화라고 알려진 2차 분해 과정도 있다.
As with photolysis, this alters the structure of the molecule and, as a consequence, changes the manner in which it absorbs light of various colours.
광분해에서처럼, 이것은 (색소) 분자의 구조를 바꾸고 그 결과, 그것(색소 분자)이 다양한 색깔의 빛을 흡수하는 방식을 변화시킨다.
As the amount of coloured pigment in a given area on a canvas gradually diminishes, so the colour seems to us, as onlookers, to fade.
캔버스의 특정 부분에 있는 유색 색소의 양이 점차적으로 줄어들면서 그렇게 지켜보는 사람인 우리에게도 그 색은 바래는 것처럼 보인다.
So a given pigment doesn’t actually change colour: it simply becomes weaker in the mix of pigments over time.
따라서 특정 색소가 실제로 색을 바꾸는 것이 아니라, 시간이 지남에 따라 혼합되어 있는 색소들 속에서 묽어져갈 뿐이다.
The answer to the question about the (faded/fading) of colour in painting (and in fabric) is fairly simple. Ultraviolet radiation is a high energy form of light and, as sunbathers are only too aware, (is/are) present in ordinary daylight. Over time, ultraviolet radiation can gradually (be broken/break) up the molecules in pigment, leaving smaller, colourless molecules as products. There is also a second process of degradation in (what/which) pigment molecules may react (chemical/chemically) with oxygen molecules in the atmosphere, a process known as oxidation. As with photolysis, this alters the structure of the molecule and, as a consequence, (is changed/changes) the manner in (that/which) it absorbs light of various colours. As the amount of coloured pigment in a given area on a canvas gradually diminishes, so the colour seems to us, as onlookers, to fade. So a (given /giving) pigment doesn’t actually change colour: it simply becomes weaker in the mix of pigments over time.
4강 Exercise 08
Since the pull of gravity influences the stability of the body during the performance of physical activity, the balance or appropriate distribution of those gravitational forces upon the body is essential to promoting stability or ‘balance’. The location of the centre of gravity, or the point around which the mass or sum of gravitational forces is equally distributed or ‘balanced’, is thus of vital importance in the performance of physical skills.
중력의 당김이 신체 활동 수행 중에 신체의 안정성에 영향을 미치기 때문에, 신체에 대한 중력의 균형, 즉 적절한 분배는 안정성, 즉 ‘균형’을 촉진하는데 필수적이다. 따라서 무게 중심, 즉 그 주위로 질량 또는 중력이 합이 균일하게 분포하거나 ‘균형이 잡힌’ 지점의 위치는 신체 기능 수행에 있어 대단히 중요하다.
We know that the lower the centre of gravity and the closer it is to the base of support, the more stable an object.
우리는 무게 중심이 더 낮고 지지 기반에 가까워질수록 물체가 더 안정적이라는 것을 알고 있다.
Thus when rugby players scrummage they attempt to get their body weight as low as possible to avoid being pushed backwards.
따라서 럭비 선수들이 스크럼을 짤 때 그들은 뒤로 밀리는 것을 피하기 위해 그들의 체중[체중 중심]을 가능한 한 낮게 두려고 노력한다.
Likewise, when those involved in a tug-of-war pull on the rope they try to lower their centre of gravity by leaning backwards and planting their feet well in front of them to increase stability and decrease their chances of being pulled forward by their opponents.
마찬가지로 줄다리기에 참여한 사람들이 줄을 당길 때는, 안정성을 높이고 상대편에 의해 자신들이 앞으로 끌려갈 가능성을 줄이기 위해 뒤로 몸을 기울이고 발을 자신들의 앞에 잘 자리 잡도록 하여 무게 중심을 낮추려고 노력한다.
Since the pull of gravity influences the stability of the body (during/while) the performance of physical activity, the balance or appropriate distribution of those gravitational forces upon the body (being/is) essential to promoting stability or ‘balance’. The location of the centre of gravity, or the point around (which/where) the mass or sum of gravitational forces is equally (distributing/distributed)or ‘balanced’, is thus of vital importance in the performance of physical skills. We know that the lower the centre of gravity and the (closer/close) it is to the base of support, the more stable an object. Thus when rugby players scrummage they attempt to get their body weight as low as possible to avoid (to push/being pushed) backwards. Likewise, when those involved in a tug-of-war pull on the rope they try (to lower/ lowering) their centre of gravity by leaning backwards and planting their feet well in front of them to increase stability and (decreased/decrease) their chances of being pulled forward by their opponents.
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