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Biological organisms, including human societies both with and without market systems, discount distant outputs over those available at the present time based on risks associated with an uncertain future.
시장 시스템이 있거나 없는 두 가지 인간 사회를 다 포함한 생물학적 유기체들은 불확실한 미래와 관련된 위험에 기초하여 현재 이용할 수 있는 생산물보다 (시간상으로) 멀리 있는 것들을 평가 절하한다.
As the timing of inputs and outputs varies greatly depending on the type of energy, there is a strong case to incorporate time when assessing energy alternatives.
투입과 생산의 시기가 에너지 유형에 따라 크게 다르기 때문에, 대체 에너지를 평가할 때 시간을 통합하려는 강력한 사례가 있다.
For example, the energy output from solar panels or wind power engines, where most investment happens before they begin producing, may need to be assessed differently when compared to most fossil fuel extraction technologies, where a large proportion of the energy output comes much sooner, and a larger (relative) proportion of inputs is applied during the extraction process, and not upfront.
예를 들어 대부분의 투자가 생산하기 전에 발생하는 태양 전지판이나 풍력 엔진으로부터의 에너지 생산은 대부분의 화석 연료 추출 기술과 비교했을 때 다르게 평가될 필요가 있을 수 있는데, 화석 연료 추출 기술에서는 많은 비율의 에너지 생산이 훨씬 더 빨리 가능하고, 더 큰 (상대적) 비율의 투입이 추출 과정 동안에 적용되고 선행 투자되지는 않는다.
Thus fossil fuels, particularly oil and natural gas, in addition to having energy quality advantages (cost, storability, transportability, etc.) over many renewable technologies, also have a “temporal advantage” after accounting for human behavioral preference for current consumption/return.
따라서 화석 연료, 특히 석유와 천연가스는 많은 재생 가능 기술보다 에너지 품질 이점(비용, 저장성, 운송 가능성 등)이 있을 뿐만 아니라 현재의 소비/수익에 대한 인간의 행동 선호를 설명하는 것에 비추어 보면 ‘시간적 이점’도 또한 갖는다.
Biological organisms, (including/included) human societies both with and without market systems, discount distant outputs over those available at the present time based on risks (associated/associating) with an uncertain future. (As/Though) the timing of inputs and outputs (varies/various) greatly (depended/depending) on the type of energy, there is a strong case to incorporate time when (assessing/assessed) energy alternatives. For example, the energy output from solar panels or wind power engines, (where/which) most investment happens before they begin producing, may need to be (assessed/assessing) differently (how/when) compared to most fossil fuel extraction technologies, (when/where) a large proportion of the energy output comes much sooner, and a larger (relative) proportion of inputs is (applying/applied) during the extraction process, and not upfront. Thus fossil fuels, particularly oil and natural gas, in addition to (have/having) energy quality advantages (cost, storability, transportability, etc.) over many renewable technologies, also (having/have) a “temporal advantage” after accounting for human (behavioral/behavior) preference for current consumption/return.
15강 Exercise 01
또한, 노인 청취자들은 많은 휴지[멈춤] 또는 과장된 운율로 매우 느리게 말하는 것이 도움이 된다는 것을 발견하지 못했다.
Elderspeak is charcterized by several components.
노인 언어는 몇 가지 구성 요소에 의해 특징지어진다.
Which ones are beneficial for older adults and which ones are not helpful?
어떤 구성 요소가 노인에게 유익하고 어떤 것이 도움이 되지 않을까?
Kemper and Harden had older adults watch a videotape in which a speaker described a route that was also traced on a map.
Kemper와 Harden은 노인들에게 지도상에서도 따라가게 되는 어떤 경로를 한 화자가 묘사하고 있는 비디오테이프를 시청하게 했다.
The older adults reported that the instructions were easier to follow when the speaker reduced the grammatical complexity and used semantic elaboration (that is, repeated and expanded upon what was said).
노인들은 화자가 문법적 복잡성을 줄이고 의미의 상세화를 사용했을 때(즉, 발화되는 내용을 반복하고 상세히 말했을 때) 설명을 이해하기가 더 쉽다고 말하였다.
Simpler grammar and semantic elaboration also helped older adults improve their accuracy when they had to reproduce the same route on a map of their own.
더 단순한 문법과 의미의 상세화는 또한 노인들이 자신들의 지도 위에 같은 경로를 재현해야 했을 때 자신들의 정확성을 향상하는 데 도움을 주었다.
In contrast, shortening the length of the speaker’s utterances into two- and five-word sentences did not improve the older adults’ comprehension of the instructions, nor did it improve their performance when they traced a map of their own.
그에 반해서 화자의 발화 길이를 두 단어 문장과 다섯 단어 문장으로 줄이는 것은 설명에 대한 노인들의 이해를 향상하지 못했을 뿐 아니라, 그들이 자신들의 지도를 따라갈 때에도 그들의 수행을 향상하지 못했다.
Also, the older listeners did not find that an extremely slow rate of speaking with many pauses or exaggerated prosody was helpful.
Elderspeak is (characterized/characterizing) by several components. (Which/That) ones are beneficial for older adults and (what/which) ones are not helpful? Kemper and Harden had older adults watch a videotape (to/in) which a speaker (describing/described) a route that was also (tracing/traced) on a map. The older adults (reporting/reported) that the instructions were easier to follow when the speaker (reduced/reducing) the grammatical complexity and (use/used) semantic elaboration (that is, repeated and expanded upon (what/that) was said). Simpler grammar and semantic elaboration also helped older adults (improve/improving) their accuracy (where/when) they had to reproduce the same route on a map of their own. In contrast, (shorten/shortening) the length of the speaker’s utterances into two- and five-word sentences did not improve the older adults’ comprehension of the instructions, (nor/or) did it improve their performance when they (tracing/traced) a map of their own. Also, the older listeners did not find that an extremely slow rate of speaking with many pauses or (exaggerating/exaggerated) prosody was helpful.
15강 Exercise 02
In one experiment, a student was required to wear an embarrassing T-shirt (one sporting a large image of Barry Manilow — a popular singer but of low prestige among college students) before entering a room in which a group of their peers were assembled.
한 실험에서, 한 학생이 자기 동료 집단이 모여 있는 방에 들어가기 전에 당황스러운 티셔츠(유명한 가수이지만 대학생들 사이에서는 명성이 높지 않은 Barry Manilow의 모습을 담은 커다란 그림을 자랑스럽게 보여 주는 셔츠)를 입도록 요청을 받았다.
The scientists noted in their paper that ‘all participants nonetheless put on the shirt, although none looked particularly thrilled about doing so’.
과학자들은 자신들의 논문에서 ‘어느 누구도 그 셔츠를 입는 것에 대하여 신이 나는 것 같지는 않았지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 모든 참가자들이 그렇게 했다.’라고 언급했다.
The wearer of the T-shirt was later asked to estimate the number of fellow students in the crowded room who definitely discerned the face on the shirt, and this was compared with the actual number who had noticed.
티셔츠를 입은 사람은 나중에 사람들로 붐비는 방에서 셔츠 위에 그려진 얼굴을 분명히 알아보는 동료 학생들의 수를 추정해 달라는 요청을 받았고, 이것은 실제로 알아차린 학생의 수와 비교되었다.
In fact, the students were so consumed with their own embarrassment over wearing the clothes that they were unable to accurately gauge how conspicuous it was to others.
사실상, 학생들은 그 옷을 입는 것에 대한 스스로의 당혹감에 너무 영향을 받아서 그것이 다른 사람들에게 얼마나 눈에 띄는지를 정확하게 측정할 수 없었다.
The T-shirt wearers overestimated how many others spotted the embarrassing shirt on average by a factor of two.
티셔츠를 입은 사람들은 얼마나 많은 다른 사람들이 당황스러운 티셔츠를 알아보았는지를 평균적으로 두 배나 많게 과대 추정하였다.
In one experiment, a student was (required/requiring) to wear an embarrassing T-shirt (one sporting a large image of Barry Manilow — a popular singer but of low prestige among college students) before entering a room (in/on) which a group of their peers were (assembled/assembling). The scientists noted in their paper that ‘all participants nonetheless (put/putting) on the shirt, although none looked particularly (thrilling/thrilled) about doing so’. The wearer of the T-shirt was later (asking/asked) to estimate (a/the) number of fellow students in the crowded room (where/who) definitely discerned the face on the shirt, and this was (comparing/compared) with the actual number who had noticed. In fact, the students were so consumed with their own embarrassment over (worn/wearing) the clothes that they were unable to (accurate/accurately) gauge how conspicuous (it was/was it) to others. The T-shirt wearers overestimated (why/how) many others spotted the embarrassing shirt on average by a factor of two.
15강 Exercise 03
Dr. Davidson and his colleagues have shown that there is asymmetry in the prefrontal cortex reflecting our affective style.
Davidson 박사와 그의 동료들은 우리의 감정 양식을 반영하는 전전두엽 피질에 비대칭성이 있다는 것을 보여 주었다.
When there is more activity in the right side of the prefrontal cortex, it correlates with negative emotions such as worry, sadness, and anger.
전전두엽 피질의 우측이 더 활성화되면 그것은 걱정, 슬픔, 분노 같은 부정적인 감정과 상관관계가 있다.
If the left side is more active, we tend to be in a positive emotional state, with a sense of well-being, enthusiasm, even joy.
만약 (전전두엽 피질의) 좌측에 움직임이 더 많아지면, 우리는 행복감, 열정, 심지어 기쁨과 함께 긍정적인 감정 상태가 되는 경향이 있다.
Developing a greater ability to recover, then, should show up as a shift in the relative activity between the two sides of the prefrontal cortex:
그렇다면, 더 큰 회복력을 생기게 하는 것은 전전두엽 피질의 양측 사이의 상대적 활동의 변화로 나타나게 된다.
the left side ought to become more active as the right side calms down.
즉, 우측은 진정되면서 좌측이 더 움직임이 활성화되어야 한다.
In fact, that happened with a group that practiced mindfulness meditation for eight weeks.
실제로, 이런 일은 8주 동안 마음 챙김 명상을 실행하는 한 집단에서 일어났다.
They had greater activity in the left side, reported a stronger sense of well-being, and even showed a positive change in immune system function, as measured by influenza antibody titers.
그들은 (전전두엽 피질의) 좌측이 더 활성화되었고, 더 강한 행복감을 (느낀다고) 말하였으며, 심지어 인플루엔자 항체 역가(力價)를 통해 측정된 바와 같이 면역 체계 기능에 긍정적인 변화를 보였다.
Those who had the most activity in the left prefrontal cortex had the strongest immune system response, suggesting a connection between overall well-being and the health of the immune system.
왼쪽 전전두엽피질의 움직임이 가장 활발한 사람들이 가장 강한 면역 체계 반응을 보였는데, 이는 전반적인 행복과 면역 체계의 건강 사이의 연관성을 시사해 주었다.
Dr. Davidson and his colleagues (have shown/have been shown) that there is asymmetry in the prefrontal cortex (reflected/reflecting) our affective style. When there is more activity in the right side of the prefrontal cortex, it (is correlated/correlates) with negative emotions such as worry, sadness, and anger. If the left side is more active, we tend to be in a positive emotional state, with a sense of well-being, enthusiasm, even (joyful/joy). (Developed/Developing) a greater ability to recover, then, should show up as a shift in the relative activity between the two sides of the prefrontal cortex: the left side ought to become more active as the right side calms down. In fact, that (was happened/happened) with a group that (practicing/practiced) mindfulness meditation for eight weeks. They had greater activity in the left side, (reporting/reported) a stronger sense of well-being, and even (showed/showing) a positive change in immune system function, as measured by influenza antibody titers. Those who had the most activity in the left prefrontal cortex (having/had) the strongest immune system response, (suggested/suggesting) a connection between overall well-being and the health of the immune system.
15강 Exercise 04
Focus groups are commonly used in marketing but in some countries there are very real problems with them.
포커스 그룹은 마케팅에서 흔히 사용되지만 몇몇의 나라에서는 그들에게 매우 실질적인 문제가 있다.
Since it is difficult to recruit random people to be in focus groups, research agencies have developed large pools of consumers willing to take part in focus groups at short notice.
포커스 그룹에 들어갈 사람들을 무작위로 모집하는 것이 어려우므로, 연구 기관들은 촉박한 통보에도 포커스 그룹에 기꺼이 참여할 대규모 소비자 풀을 만들었다.
However, the problem is that many of these consumers are too willing.
그러나 문제는 이런 소비자 중 많은 수가 너무 자발적이라는 것이다.
Research has revealed that many consumers enjoy the pay, free food, and experience of being an expert and focus on pleasing the moderator in order to get invited back regularly.
연구는 많은 소비자가 보수, 무료 음식, 그리고 전문가가 되는 경험을 즐기고, 정기적으로 다시 초대를 받기 위해 진행자를 만족시키는 데 주력한다는 것을 밝혀냈다.
Unfortunately, the way to please the very human moderator seems to be to work out what they want to hear, rather than providing them with genuine insights about the brand.
안타깝게도, 바로 그 인간적인 진행자를 만족시키는 방식은 브랜드에 대한 진정한 통찰력을 그들에게 제공하는 것이라기보다는 그들이 듣고 싶어 하는 말을 알아내는 것으로 보인다.
This makes much of the data gained from focus-group panels worthless.
이것은 포커스 그룹 패널로부터 얻은 자료의 많은 부분을 쓸모없게 만든다.
Agencies are aware of this problem and ensure a churn rate within groups to keep them fresh, but consumers get around this by using multiple names in order to remain in the pool.
(연구) 기관들은 이 문제를 알고 있고, 그들[패널]을 새롭게 유지하기 위해 그룹 내에서 참가 중단율을 확실히 하고 있지만, 소비자들은 (소비자) 인력풀에 남아 있기 위해 여러 이름을 사용함으로써 이것을 피한다.
Focus groups are commonly (using/used) in marketing but in some countries there are very real problems with them. (Although/Since) it is difficult to recruit random people to be in focus groups, research agencies (have developed/have been developed) large pools of consumers (unwilling/willing) to take part in focus groups at short notice. However, the problem is that many of these consumers are too willing. Research has (been revealed/revealed) that many consumers enjoy the pay, free food, and experience of being an expert and (focusing/focus) on (pleased/pleasing) the moderator in order to get (invited/inviting) back regularly. Unfortunately, the way to please the very human moderator seems to be to work out (that/what) they want to hear, rather than providing them with genuine insights about the brand. This makes (many/much) of the data (gaining/gained) from focus-group panels worthless. Agencies are aware of this problem and (ensuring/ensure) a churn rate within groups to keep (one/them) fresh, but consumers get around this by using multiple names in order to remain in the pool.
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