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A few days ago, I submitted my application and recipe for the 2nd Annual DC Metro Cooking Contest.
며칠 전에 저는 제 2회 연례 DC Metro 요리 대회의 지원서와 요리법을 제출했습니다.
However, I would like to change my recipe if it is possible.
하지만, 가능하다면 저의 요리법을 바꾸고 싶습니다.
I have checked the website again, but I could only find information about the contest date, time, and prizes.
제가 웹사이트를 다시 확인해 보았지만, 대회 날짜와 시간, 그리고 상에 관한 정보만 발견할 수 있었습니다.
I couldn’t see any information about changing recipes.
요리법을 바꾸는 데에 대한 어떤 정보도 볼 수 없었습니다.
I have just created a great new recipe, and I believe people will love this more than the one I have already submitted.
저는 이제 막 훌륭한 새로운 요리법을 만들었는데, 사람들이 제가 이미 제출한 것보다 이것을 더 좋아할 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.
Please let me know if I can change my submitted recipe.
제가 제출한 요리법을 바꿀 수 있는지 저에게 알려 주십시오.
I look forward to your response.
귀하의 응답을 고대하고 있겠습니다.
Dear Mr. Reese,
A few days ago, I submitted my application and recipe for the 2nd Annual DC Metro Cooking Contest. However, I would like to (change/changing) my recipe if it is possible. I have checked the website again, but I could only find information about the contest date, time, and prizes. I couldn’t see (some/any) information about (change/changing) recipes. I have just (been created/created) a great new recipe, and I believe people will love this more than the one I have already (been submitting/submitted). Please let me (knowing/know) if I can change my submitted recipe. I look forward (on/to) your response.
1강 Exercise 01
Your generous donations have made such a difference in the lives of little children who have been stricken with cancer.
귀하의 아낌없는 기부금은 암에 걸린 어린아이들의 삶에 큰 변화를 가져왔습니다.
They might not know your names, but we know that many of our patients can run around in the sunshine now, happy and carefree, because of you.
그들은 귀하의 이름을 모를 수도 있지만, 귀하 덕분에 저희는 많은 환자들이 이제 햇빛 아래서 행복하고 근심 걱정 없이 여기 저기 뛰어 다닐 수 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
Now, as cancer research has progressed, we have the opportunity to introduce an exciting and newly proven treatment that promises to save even more young lives.
이제, 암 연구가 진전됨에 따라, 저희에게 훨씬 더 많은 어린 생명들을 구해줄 희망이 있는 흥미롭고 새롭게 입증된 치료법을 도입할 기회가 왔습니다.
To get this treatment up and running this year, we are hoping that you would consider supporting us with $10,000.
올해 이 치료법이 시행되도록 하기 위해, 귀하께서 저희에게 1만 달러를 후원하는 것을 고려하여 주시기를 바랍니다.
To meet this need, we ask that you make an initial donation of half that amount followed by a final donation by the end of November.
이 요청 내용을 충족시키기 위해서, 저희는 귀하께서 그 금액의 절반에 해당하는 금액의 초기 기부금을 내신 후에 11월 말까지 최종적으로 기부해 주시기를 요청합니다.
We know that you will find your greatest reward in the knowledge that you have blessed countless young lives.
저희는 귀하께서 수많은 어린 생명들을 축복하셨음을 아는 데서 가장 큰 보상을 찾으시리라는 것을 알고 있습니다.
We thank you once again for all you have done in the past, and appreciate your consideration of this new request.
과거에 해 주신 모든 일에 다시 한 번 감사드리며, 이 새로운 요청을 귀하께서 고려해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Your generous donations have (been made/made) such a difference in the lives of little children who have (stricken / been stricken) with cancer. They might not know your names, but we know that many of our patients can run around in the sunshine now, happy and carefree, because of you. Now, as cancer research ( has been progressed/has progressed), we have the opportunity (introduce / to introduce) an exciting and newly proven treatment that (promise / promises) to save even more young lives. To get this treatment up and running this year, we are (hoped/hoping) that you would consider (supporting / to support) us with $10,000. To meet this need, we ask (if / that) you make an initial donation of half that amount (following / followed by) a final donation by the end of November. We know that you will find your greatest reward in the knowledge (that / which) you have blessed countless young lives. We thank you once again for all you have done in the past, and appreciate your consideration of this new request.
1강 Exercise 02
I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Columbia Journal Classifieds for a copywriter.
저는 Columbia Journal Classifieds 에 나온 귀사의 카피라이터 구인 광고를 보고 이 편지를 씁니다.
I am a copywriter with 8 years’ experience of conceptualizing and producing engaging copy for catalogs, annual reports, brochures and all types of collateral material.
저는 8년간 카탈로그, 연례 보고서, 안내용 책자와 온갖 종류의 부수적인 자료를 위한 매력적인 광고문을 개념화하고 제작한 경험이 있는 카피라이터입니다.
In addition, my writing abilities have helped me create original works of art for clients like Mead Coated Papers and Oxford Healthcare.
게다가 저의 문안 작성 실력 덕분에 저는 Mead Coated Papers와 Oxford Healthcare와 같은 고객들을 위하여 독창적인 멋진 작품들을 만들어 왔습니다.
I am knowledgeable about MS Word and WordPerfect, as well as both Macintosh and PC platforms.
저는 Macintosh와 PC 플랫폼뿐만 아니라 MS Word와 WordPerfect에 정통합니다.
Much of my work has been crafted for the following clients : Macmillan Reference Libray, Watson Guptill Publications, Hawaii University Press, and Arcade Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine.
제 제작물의 상당량은 다음의 고객들을 위해 만들어졌는데, 그들은 Macmillan 참고 도서관, Watson Guptill 출판사, Hawaii 대학교 출판부, 그리고 Arcade Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine입니다.
I have confidence in my ability to produce powerful, gripping copy for your organization.
저는 귀사를 위해 효과적이고 주의를 끄는 광고문을 만들어 낼 제 능력에 자신이 있습니다.
My experience allow me to complete any project from concept to the final stages at a fast pace to meet deadlines, and to package it for the Web.
제 경험 덕분에 저는 그 어떤 프로젝트라도 구상에서부터 마지막 단계에 이르기까지 빠른 속도로 완료하여 마감 기한을 맞출 수 있고 그것을 웹에 맞도록 제시할 수 있습니다.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.
답장을 고대하겠습니다. 시간을 내어 살펴봐 주셔서 감사합니다.
Dear Sir or Madam :
I am writing in response (to/for) your advertisement in the Columbia Journal Classifieds for a copywriter. I am a copywriter with 8 years’ experience of conceptualizing and (produce / producing) engaging copy for catalogs, annual reports, brochures and all types of collateral material. In addition, my writing abilities have helped me (create / creating) original works of art for clients like Mead Coated Papers and Oxford Healthcare. I am knowledgeable about MS Word and WordPerfect, as well as both Macintosh and PC platforms. Much of my work has (crafted / been crafted) for the following clients : Macmillan Reference Libray, Watson Guptill Publications, Hawaii University Press, and Arcade Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine. I have confidence in my ability (produce / to produce) powerful, gripping copy for your organization. My experience allow me (complete / to complete) any project from concept to the final stages at a fast pace (meet / to meet) deadlines, and to package it for the Web. I look forward to (hear / hearing) from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.
1강 Exercise 03
Do you want to save on electricity costs through solar power but can’t or don’t want to put panels on your roof?
태양광 발전을 통해 전력비용을 절약하고 싶지만 지붕에 패널을 설치할 수 없거나 설치를 원치 않으십니까?
Residents in the Town of Whately now have exclusive opportunity to sign up for a regional community shared solar farm being built in the town by Nexamp, the veteran-founded and Massachusetts- based solar provider.
Town of Whately의 주민들은 이제 전문가가 설립하고 매사추세츠에 본사가 있는 태양광 발전공급자인 Nexamp가 마을에 건설 중인 지역 공동체 공유의 태양광 발전소에 가입할 독점적인 기회를 갖고 있습니다.
Through Nexamp’s Solarize My Bill community solar program, Whately households and businesses can take advantage of the environmental and economic benefits of going solar without installing solar panels on their property.
Nexamp의 Solarize My Bill 지역사회 태양광 에너지 공급 프로그램을 통해, Whately의 가정 및 기업은 그들의 건물에 태양광 패널을 설치하지 ‘않고도’ 태양광 발전을 사용하는 환경적인 그리고 경제적인 이점을 활용할 수 있습니다.
By subscribing to a share of the clean electricity generated by a local community solar project, participants can directly offset their electric bill and save on electricity costs with no upfront investment or long-term commitment.
지역 공동 태양광 프로젝트에 의해 만들어지는 청정 전력의 한 지분을 신청함으로써 가입자들은 선불 투자나 장기간의 출자 없이도 자신들의 전기요금을 직접적으로 상쇄시키고 전력비용을 절약할 수 있습니다.
To learn more about how you can save while supporting local sources of renewable energy, visit www.SolarizingtheBill.com or call 600-445-2124 to speak with a member of the Nexamp community solar team.
어떻게 재생 가능한 지역 에너지원을 지원하면서 절약까지 할 수 있는지에 대해 더 자세히 알아보려면, www.SolarizingtheBill.com을 방문하거나 600-445-2124로 전화하여 Nexamp 지역 태양광 발전 팀원과 이야기하십시오.
Do you want to save on electricity costs through solar power but can’t or don’t want to put panels on your roof?
Residents in the Town of Whately now (has/have) exclusive opportunity to sign up for a regional community shared solar farm (is built/being built) in the town by Nexamp, the veteran-founded and Massachusetts- based solar provider.
Through Nexamp’s Solarize My Bill community solar program, Whately households and businesses can take advantage of the environmental and economic benefits of going solar without installing solar panels on their property.
By subscribing to a share of the clean electricity (generating/generated by) a local community solar project, participants can (direct/directly) offset their electric bill and save on electricity costs with no upfront investment or long-term commitment.
To learn more about how you can save while (supported/supporting) local sources of renewable energy, visit www.SolarizingtheBill.com or call 600-445-2124 to speak with a member of the Nexamp community solar team.
1강 Exercise 04
I want to thank you for bringing members of “Puerto Ricans for a Positive Image.” to the American Broadcasting System (ABS) this week to meet with me and other ABS senior executives.
저는 저를 비롯한 다른 ABS 고위 임원들을 만나기 위해 이번 주에 American Broadcasting System(ABS)으로 ‘Puerto Ricans for a Positive Image’의 회원들을 데리고 오신 것에 대해 귀하에게 감사드리고 싶습니다.
The heartfelt passion for portraying more positive images of the Puerto Rican community was certainly heard by our executives.
저희 임원들은 Puerto Rico 주민 공동체의 더 긍정적인 이미지를 나타내기 위한 그 진정한 열정을 분명하게 청취했습니다.
As we discussed in our meeting, it was never our intent to misrepresent images of your community, and the show in question no longer airs on ABS.
우리가 회의에서 논의한 것처럼, 귀하의 주민 공동체에 대한 이미지를 잘못 전하는 것은 결코 저희의 의도가 아니었고, 문제의 그 방송 프로그램은 더는 ABS에서 방송되지 않습니다.
ABS is known for the diversity for its characters, and over the years we have been continually recognized by multiple groups for stories that challenge stereotypes and bring different perspectives and voices to the screen.
ABS는 그 등장인물들의 다양성으로 유명하고, 수년간 저희는 고정 관념에 도전하고 여러 다른 관점과 목소리를 화면으로 내보내는 이야기들에 대해 다수의 단체로부터 지속적으로 인정받아 왔습니다.
We apologize for any inadvertent offense taken and can assure you that we will continue to strive to reflect the vast diversity of our audience with respect and, where appropriate, with self-deprecating humor.
저희는 의도하지 않게 끼쳐 드린 그 어떤 불쾌감에 대해서도 사과드리고, 존중하는 마음으로, 그리고 적절한 경우에는 자신을 낮추는 유머로 저희 시청자의 엄청난 다양성을 반영하려고 계속 노력할 것임을 분명히 말씀드릴 수 있습니다.
Thank you again for meeting with us and for voicing your concerns.
저희를 만나 주시고 귀하의 염려를 표하여 주신 것에 대해 다시 한 번 감사드립니다.
Dear Mr. Rivera
I want to thank you for bringing members of “Puerto Ricans for a Positive Image.” to the American Broadcasting System (ABS) this week (meet / to meet) with me and other ABS senior executives. The heartfelt passion for portraying more positive images of the Puerto Rican community (was / to be) certainly ( hearing / heard) by our executives. As we discussed in our meeting, (it / which) was never our intent to misrepresent images of your community, and the show in question no longer airs on ABS.
ABS is known for the diversity for its characters, and over the years we have been continually recognized by multiple groups for stories that (challenge / challenges) stereotypes and (brought/bring) different perspectives and voices to the screen. We apologize for any inadvertent offense (taken / taking) and can assure you (that / when) we will continue to strive to reflect the vast diversity of our audience with respect and, where appropriate, with (self-deprecated/self-deprecating )humor. Thank you again for meeting with us and for voicing your concerns.
Victoria Howard
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