1-7. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Although certainly not limited to America, the tall tale found fertile soil in what is now the United States, perhaps most notably in reference to the Western Frontier, which lent itself to hyperbole.
분명히 미국에 국한되는 것은 아니지만, ‘tall tale(터무니없이 과장 된 모험을 그린 이야기)’은 현재의 미국이 된 곳에서, 아마도 가장 뚜렷하게는 서부 개척지와 관련하여, 번성할 수 있는 환경을 찾았는데, 그곳은 과장된 서술에 적합한 곳이었다.
As a result of the seemingly limitless horizon, the vast forests, the powerful rivers, and the other incredible natural features of the landscape of a largely unsettled America, a narrative genre that took exaggeration as its fundamental principle was utterly reborn in American storytelling.
무한해 보이는 지평선, 광대 한 숲, 힘차게 흐르는 강, 그리고 대체로 사람이 살지 않는 미국의 지형의 다른 놀라운 자연적 특징들의 결과로, 과장을 기본적인 원칙으로 취한 서사 장르가 미국의 스토리텔링 속에서 완전히 다시 태어났다.
The tall tale is, first and foremost, an engaging and entertaining story about characters of utterly outsized proportions, a story of the “biggest,” the “baddest,” and the “best.”
‘tall tale’은 다른 무엇보다도, 덩치가 아주 큰 등장인물들에 대 한 매력적이고 재미있는 이야기, 즉 ‘가장 큰 사람들’, ‘가장 멋진 사람들’ 그리고 ‘가장 좋은 사람들’의 이야기이다.
Classically told with a straight face and a “just-the-facts” manner, the wildly exaggerated content of the tall tale is often related with ostentatious language in sharp contrast to its dry delivery.
무표정한 얼굴과 ‘사 실만을 말하는’ 태도로 관행적으로 이야기되는 ‘tall tale’의 몹시 과장된 내용은, 그것의 무미건조한 전달과 뚜렷한 대조를 이루는 화려 한 언어와 흔히 결부된다.
Considering the American cultural emphasis on , it perhaps should come as no surprise that the genre of the tall tale has long struck a resonant chord in the American mind.
거대함에 대한 미국의 문화적 강조를 고려할 때, ‘tall tale’이라는 장르가 미국인들의 마음속에 오랫동안 공명을 일으켜 왔다는 것은 놀라운 일이 아닐 것이다.
*hyperbole 과장된 서술 **ostentatious 화려한 ***resonant 공명을 불러일으키는
① plainness
② greatness
③ casualness
④ humbleness
⑤ practicalness
Although certainly not (limiting/ limited) to America, the tall tale (finding/found) fertile soil in what is now the United States, perhaps most notably in reference to the Western Frontier, (where/which) lent itself to hyperbole.
As a result of the seemingly limitless horizon, the vast forests, the powerful rivers, and the other incredible natural features of the landscape of a (large/largely) unsettled America, a narrative genre that took exaggeration as (its/it's) fundamental principle was utterly reborn in American storytelling.
The tall tale is, first and foremost, an engaging and entertaining story about characters of utterly outsized proportions, a story of the “biggest,” the “baddest,” and the “best.”
Classically told with a straight face and a “just-the-facts” manner, the wildly (exaggerated /exaggerate) content of the tall tale is often related with ostentatious language in sharp contrast to its dry delivery.
Considering the American cultural emphasis on , it perhaps should come as no surprise that the genre of the tall tale has long (strike/struck) a resonant chord in the American mind.
1-8. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Afterimages can produce simultaneous contrast effects.
잔상은 동시대비 효과를 낳을 수 있다.
If these are illusory colors, they nonetheless do much of the work of real colors, so much so that one can set up situations in which afterimage colors will be taken to be the colors of particular physical objects or of the light that illuminates them.
비록 이것들이 환상에 불과 한 색이라 할지라도, 그럼에도 불구하고, 그것들은 실제 색들이 하는 많은 일을 하는데, 매우 많은 일을 하므로 잔상의 색이 특정한 물리 적 물체의 색이나 그것들을 비추는 빛의 색으로 여겨질 상황을 만들 수 있다.
For example, one can walk into a room to see a rapidly rotating disk illuminated by a bright light.
예를 들어, 어느 방으로 걸어 들어가서 밝은 불빛을 받는 빠르게 회전하는 디스크를 보는 경우가 있다.
The surface of the disk is seen to be a homogeneous bluish green.
그 디스크의 표면은 균일한 청록색으로 보인다.
But when the disk is stopped, it is seen to be half white and half black, with a radial segment cut out at the boundary.
하지만 디스크가 정지되면, 그것이 반은 흰 색이고 반은 검은색으로 보이는데, 두 색의 경계에 부채꼴로 잘라낸 부분이 있다.
If the disk is stopped at a particular angle of rotation, a red light may be seen through the cutout.
디스크가 특정 회전 각도에서 정지되면 잘라낸 부분을 통해 빨간색 불빛을 볼 수 있을 것이다.
The color the rotating disk was seen to have was entirely afterimage color, produced by that occurred at every rotation; when the disk is rapidly turning the red light is never seen as red.
회전하는 디스크가 지니고 있는 것처럼 보인 색은 전적으로, 회전할 때마다 발생한 빨간색 불빛의 짧은 섬광에 의해 만들어진 잔상의 색이었다. 디스크가 빠르게 회전할 때 그 빨간색 불빛은 결코 빨간색으로 보이지 않는다.
*afterimage 잔상 **homogeneous 균일한 ***radial segment 부채꼴(반지름 두 개와 호로 둘러싸인 부분)
① the brief flash of red light
② some adaptation to changing speed
③ irregular alternations of black and white
④ minute scratches on the surface of the disk
⑤ subtle effects of a flashbulb in a dark room
Afterimages can produce simultaneous contrast effects.
If these are illusory colors, they nonetheless (do/are) much of the work of real colors, so much so that one can set up situations (in which/of which) afterimage colors will be taken to be the colors of particular physical objects or of the light that (illuminates / illuminating) them.
For example, one can walk into a room to see a rapidly (rotating/rotated) disk illuminated by a bright light.
The surface of the disk (is seen/ sees) to be a homogeneous bluish green.
But when the disk (is stopped/stopped), it is seen to be half white and half black, with a radial segment (cutting/cut) out at the boundary.
If the disk (stopped/is stopped) at a particular angle of rotation, a red light may be seen through the cutout.
The color the rotating disk was seen to have (was/been) entirely afterimage color, produced by that occurred at every rotation; when the disk is rapidly (turned/turning) the red light is never seen as red.
1-9. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Hindsight bias has a particular way in which it manifests.
사후 확신 편향은 그것이 나타나는 특별한 방식을 가지고 있다.
Some people refer to hindsight bias as the “I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon."
어떤 사람들은 사후 확신 편향을 ‘나는 처음부터 쭉 알고 있었어 현상’ 이라고 부른다.
When you hear someone say, “I knew it all along” or “I knew that they would,” they are demonstrating hindsight bias.
누군가가 “나는 처음부터 쭉 알고 있었다.” 또는 “나는 그들이 그럴 줄 알고 있었다.”라고 말하는 것을 들을 때, 그는 사 후 확신 편향을 보여주고 있는 것이다.
When this happens we are selectively recalling an experience that supports the facts we have just learned, and, in actuality, we didn’t know; we were simply emboldened by the recently revealed facts to believe that we did.
이것이 일어날 때 우리는 우 리가 방금 알게 된, 그리고 실제로는 알지 못했던 사실을 뒷받침하는 경험을 선택적으로 떠올리고 있다. 우리는 최근에 드러난 사실에 의해 대담해져서 우리가 알고 있었다고 믿게 되었을 뿐이다.
For instance, when a new hire is doing a good job it is common for us to tell our coworkers that we knew that person was going to do well, when, in fact, we did not know; we were just hoping.
예를 들어, 신입 사원이 일을 잘 해내고 있을 때, 우리가 그 사람이 잘하리 라는 것을 알고 있었다고 동료들에게 말하는 것은 흔한 일인데, 사 실 그때 우리는 알지 못했고 그저 바랄 뿐이었다.
Likewise, if that same person starts performing poorly we are likely, without any critical reflection of our previous comments, to say, “I knew they weren’t going to work out.”
마찬가지로 같은 사람이 실적이 나빠지기 시작하면, 우리는 우리가 이전에 언급했던 것에 대한 어떠한 비판적인 숙고도 없이 “나는 그가 해내지 못할 줄 알았어.”라고 말하기 쉽다.
Hindsight bias allows us to think that we are better at than we really are.
사후 확신 편향에 의해 우리는 우리가 실제 그러한 것보다 예측하는 것에 더 능숙하다고 생각한다.
*embolden 대담하게 만들다
① hiding
② nurturing
③ predicting
④ competing
⑤ persuading
Hindsight bias has a particular way (in which/on which) it manifests.
Some people (refer to/refer at) hindsight bias as the “I-knew-it-all-along phenomenon.”
When you hear someone say, “I knew it all along” or “I knew that they would,” they are demonstrating hindsight bias.
When this (happens / is happened) we are selectively (recalled/recalling) an experience that supports the facts we have just learned, and, in actuality, we didn’t know; we were simply (emboldened by/emboldening) the recently revealed facts to believe that we did.
For instance, when a new hire is doing a good job it is common for us (to tell/telling) our coworkers that we knew that person was going to do well, when, in fact, we did not know; we were just hoping.
Likewise, if that same person starts performing poorly we are (likely/like), without any critical reflection of our previous comments, to say, “I knew they weren’t going to work out.”
Hindsight bias allows us (think/to think) that we are better at than we really (are/do).
1-10. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The green movement is sometimes criticized for .
때때로 환경 운동은 친환경적이 되는 데 드는 비용을 경시한다고 비난을 받는다.
Just as food movements have sometimes acted unaware of the difficulty of a working-class family negotiating not only its food budget but also the effect on that budget of the time constraints of working parents, so too did the early environmentalism movement sometimes pay too little attention to the financial effect of environmentally responsible behavior.
음식과 관련된 운동들이 때때로 노동자 계층 가정이 그들의 식비 예산뿐 아니라 일하는 부모들의 시간 제약이 그 예산에 미치는 영향을 다루는 어려움을 모른 채 행해져 왔듯이, 초기 환경 보호 운동도 때때로 환경적으로 책임 있는 행동을 하는 것의 재정적 영향에 너무 적은 관심을 보였다. 재활용은 전시의 배급제도가 그것을 하도록 사람들을 훈련해 주었었고, 그 이득이 분명하고 단기적이었기 때문에 쉽게 성공했다.
Recycling was an easy win because wartime rationing had conditioned people for it, and the gains were obvious and short-term.
재활용은 전시의 배급제도가 그것을 하도록 사람들을 훈련해 주었었고, 그 이득이 분명하고 단기적이었기 때문에 쉽게 성공했다.
Switching to energy-saving lightbulbs is fairly easy to convince people to do, because of their longevity and the obvious long-term savings.
에너지 절약형 전구로 바꾸는 것은 사람들에게 하도록 설득하기가 꽤 쉬운데 왜냐하면 그것들의 수명이 길고 분명 장기적으로 돈이 절약되기 때문이다.
Reducing water usage is more difficult, particularly given how low water bills tend to be relative to other utilities — a change in behavior may amount to only a few dollars a month, and those few dollars may seem like a more-than-reasonable price for longer showers and a well-watered lawn.
물 사용량을 줄이는 것은 특히 다른 공공 서비스에 비해 수도요금이 얼마나 낮은 경향이 있는지를 고려하면, 더 어렵다. 즉 행동의 변화는 한 달에 단지 몇 달러에 불과할 수도 있고, 그 몇 달러는 더 오랜 샤워와 물을 잘 준 잔디에 대한 아주 적정한(싼) 가격처럼 보일 수 있다.
Even water conservation is only asking for a behavioral change, however, and perhaps the expense of a low-pressure showerhead. Asking people to spend money on going green has historically been difficult.
그런데 심지어 물 보존은 행동의 변화와 아마도 저압 샤워 꼭지 비용을 요구하고 있을 뿐이다. 사람들에게 친환경적이 되는 데 돈을 쓰라고 요구하는 것은 역사적으로 힘들었다.
*rationing 배급제도
① downplaying the cost of going green
② making an easy choice among many options
③ blurring the scope of environmental protection
④ calculating the dollar values of what people give up
⑤ distributing profits to those who have never participated
The green movement is sometimes (criticized/criticizing) for .
Just as food movements have sometimes (acting/acted) unaware of the difficulty of a working-class family negotiating not only its food budget but also the effect on that budget of the time constraints of working parents, so too (was/did) the early environmentalism movement sometimes pay too (a little/little) attention to the financial effect of (environmentally/environmental) responsible behavior.
Recycling was an (easy/easily) win because wartime rationing (had conditioned / conditioned) people for it, and the gains were obvious and short-term.
(Switching/Switched) to energy-saving lightbulbs is fairly easy to convince people (to do/doing), (because of/because) their longevity and the obvious long-term savings.
Reducing water usage is more difficult, particularly (given/giving) how low water bills tend to be relative to other utilities — a change in behavior may amount to only a few dollars a month, and those few dollars may seem (like/that) a more-than-reasonable price for longer showers and a well-watered lawn.
Even water conservation is only (asking/asked) for a behavioral change, however, and perhaps the expense of a low-pressure showerhead. Asking people to spend money on going green has historically been difficult.
1-11. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
It’s amazing how much you can learn about your friends and family, your job, the organization you work in, and yourself when you decide to really listen to others.
다른 사람들의 말을 진정으로 경청하기로 할 때 여러분이 여러분의 친구와 가족, 직업, 여러분이 일하는 조직, 그리고 여러분 자신에 대 해 얼마나 많이 배울 수 있는지는 놀랍다.
But not everyone understands this benefit.
그러나 모든 사람이 이 이 득을 이해하는 것은 아니다.
For example, we heard a story about a tennis pro who was giving a lesson to a new student.
예를 들어, 우리는 새로 온 학생에게 교습을 하고 있던 테니스 프로에 대한 이야기를 들었다.
After watching the novice take several swings at the tennis ball, the pro stopped him and suggested ways he could improve his stroke.
그 초보자가 테니스공을 여러 번 스윙하는 것을 지켜본 후, 프로는 그를 멈추고 그의 타법을 개선할 수 있는 방법을 제안했다.
But each time he did, the student interrupted him and gave his opinion of the problem and how it should be solved.
그러나 매번 그가 그렇게 할 때마다, 그 학생은 그의 말을 가로막았고, 문제와 그것이 어떻게 해결되어야 하는지에 대한 자신의 의견을 말했다.
After several interruptions, the pro began to nod his head in agreement.
몇 번 중단 을 당한 후, 프로는 동의하며 고개를 끄덕이기 시작했다.
When the lesson ended, a woman who had been watching said to the pro, “Why did you go along with that arrogant man’s stupid suggestions?”
교습이 끝났을 때 지켜보고 있었던 한 여자가 프로에게 “왜 그 오만한 남자의 어리석은 제안에 동조했습니까?”라고 말했다.
The pro smiled and replied, “I learned a long time ago that it is a waste of time to try to sell real answers to anyone who just wants to buy echoes.”
프로는 미소를 지으면서 “나는 누구든 단지 공감을 사고 싶은 사람에게 진짜 답을 납득 시키려 애쓰는 것은 시간 낭비라는 것을 오래전에 배웠습니다.”라고 대답했다.
Beware of putting yourself into a position where .
여러분이 모든 답을 알고 있다고 생각하는 입장을 취하는 것을 경계하라.
Anytime you do, you’ll be putting yourself in danger.
여러분이 모든 답을 알고 있다고 생각하는 입장을 취하는 것을 경계하라.
It’s almost impossible to think of yourself as “the expert” and continue growing and learning at the same time.
여러분이 그럴 때마다, 여러분은 자신을 위험에 빠뜨릴 것이다. 자신을 ‘전문가’라고 생각하면서 동시에 계속해서 성장하고 배우는 것은 거의 불가능하다.
① everyone sees you as a mentor
② you think you know all the answers
③ listening to others benefits only them
④ you should live up to your profession
⑤ it’s difficult to profit from the transaction
It’s amazing how (much/many) you can learn about your friends and family, your job, the organization you work in, and yourself (when/what) you decide to really listen to others.
But not everyone understands this benefit.
For example, we heard a story about a tennis pro who was (given/giving) a lesson (for/to) a new student.
After (watching/watched) the novice take several swings at the tennis ball, the pro stopped him and suggested ways he could improve his stroke.
But each time he did, the student interrupted him and gave his opinion (of/to) the problem and how it should (be solved/solve).
After several interruptions, the pro began to nod his head in agreement.
When the lesson ended, a woman who had been
(watching/watched) said to the pro, “Why did you go along with that arrogant man’s stupid suggestions?”
The pro smiled and replied, “I learned a long time ago that it is a waste of time to try to sell real answers to anyone who just wants to buy echoes.”
Beware of putting yourself into a position (where/which) .
Anytime you do, you’ll be (put/putting) yourself in danger. It’s almost impossible to think of yourself as “the expert” and continue (growing/to grow) and (learning/learn) at the same time.
1-12. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The quality of a decision cannot be determined unambiguously by its outcome.
결정의 질은 명확하게 그 결정의 결과에 의해 결정될 수 없다.
For example, most of us believe it would be foolish to accept a bet that the next time we throw a pair of dice we will roll “snake eyes.”
예를 들어, 우리 대부분은 다음번에 주사위 두 개를 던질 때 ‘1의 눈이 두 개 나오게’ 굴린다는 내기를 받아들이는 것은 어리석은 일일 거라 고 믿는다.
(The actual chance of throwing two ones, “snake eyes,” is 1/36).
(1이 2개, 즉 ‘1의 눈이 2개 나오도록’ 던질 실제 확률은 1/36이다.)
Moreover, we would regard the person who accepted such a bet as a poor decision maker — even if he or she happened to roll snake eyes.
비록 그 사람이 우연히 1의 눈이 2 개 나오도록 굴리더라도 말이다.
(A) , if that person were in danger of physical harm or death at the hands of a loan shark, and that bet were the only way to raise enough money to avoid harm, then the person might not seem so foolish.
반면에, 만약 그 사람이 악덕 사채업자의 손에 의해 신체적 피해나 죽음의 위험에 처해 있고, 그 내기 가 피해를 피하기에 충분한 돈을 모을 수 있는 유일한 방법이라면, 그 사람은 그렇게 어리석어 보이지 않을 것이다.
What this example illustrates is that it is the potential outcomes, their probabilities, and their values to the decision maker at the time the decision is made that lead us to judge a particular choice to be wise or foolish.
이 예가 분명히 보여주는 바는 우리에게 특정한 선택을 현명하거나 어리석다고 판단하게 하는 것은 바로 ‘그 결정이 내려지는 시점에서’ 잠재적 결과들, 그것들의 확률 및 의사 결정자에 대하여 그것들이 가지는 가치라는 것이다.
A general who is losing a war, (B) , is much wiser to engage in a high-risk military venture than is a general who is winning a war.
예를 들어, 전쟁에서 지고 있는 장군은 전쟁에서 이기고 있는 장군보다 위험성이 높은 군사상의 모험을 하면 훨씬 더 현명하다.
The failure of such a venture might not reflect unfavorably on the decision-making ability of the losing general; it is more “rational” for the losing general to take a risk.
그러한 모험의 실패는 지고 있는 장군의 결정 능력에 나쁘게 영향을 주지 않을 것인데 지고 있는 장군이 모험을 하는 것이 더 ‘합리적’이기 때문이다.
*snake eyes 두 개의 주사위를 던졌을 때 두 개 모두 1이 나오는 것 **loan shark 악덕 사채업자
(A) (B)
① Therefore …… however
② Therefore …… in addition
③ Otherwise …… for example
④ On the other hand …… for example
⑤ On the other hand …… in addition
The quality of a decision cannot be determined unambiguously by (its/their) outcome.
For example, most of us believe it (would be/is) foolish to accept a bet that the next time we throw a pair of dice we will roll “snake eyes.”
(The actual chance of (throwing/thrown) two ones, “snake eyes,” is 1/36).
Moreover, we would regard the person who accepted such a bet as a poor decision maker — even if he or she happened (to roll/rolling) snake eyes.
(A) , if that person were in danger of physical harm or death at the hands of a loan shark, and that bet (were/was) the only way to raise enough money to avoid harm, then the person might not seem so foolish.
What this example illustrates is that it is the potential outcomes, their probabilities, and their values to the decision maker at the time the decision is made that (lead/leading) us to judge a particular choice (is/to be) wise or foolish.
A general who is losing a war, (B) , is much wiser (to engage/engaging) in a high-risk military venture than is a general who is winning a war.
The failure of such a venture might not reflect unfavorably/unfavorable) on the decision-making ability of the losing general;
it is more “rational” for the losing general to take a risk.
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