3강 1번
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
On a large scale, plays a big role in the economic health of every nation on Earth.
큰 규모에서, 날씨는 지구상 모든 나라의 경제적 건실함에 큰 역할을 한다.
A timely soaking rain can rescue a crop from ruin, while a sudden cloudburst can wash it away.
시기적절하게 흠뻑 적시는 비는 농작물을 파멸로부터 구해 낼 수 있지만, 갑작스러운 폭우는 농작물을 유실시킬 수도 있다.
And farmers aren’t the only ones at risk ; those who depend on natural gas for heat often watch in dismay as a particularly cold winter sends prices skyward.
그리고 농부들이 위험에 처한 유일한 사람들인 것은 아닌데, 천연 가스에 난방을 의존하는 사람들은 특별히 추운 겨울이 가격을 치솟게 할 때 자주 낙담하여 지켜본다.
Hurricanes can drive tourists away from areas that depend on a regular influx of visitors for their livelihoods.
허리케인은 방문객들의 지속적인 유입에 생계를 의존하는 지역에서 관광객들을 쫓아 버릴 수 있다.
Even a gentle phenomenon like fog can result in disaster, as the captains of the Andrea Doria and the Stockholm learned one fateful July night in 1956.
Andrea Doria호와 Stockholm호의 선장들이 1956년 운명 적인 7월 어느 날 밤에 깨닫게 된 것처럼, 심지어 안개와 같은 심하지 않은 현상도 재난을 일으킬 수 있다.
And during the Dust Bowl of 1936, one of the hottest and driest summers ever recorded, more than 15,000 people died of malnutrition and dust-related diseases.
그리고 이제까지 기록된 가장 덥고 건조했던 여름들 중의 하나인 1936년의 ‘황진 시대’ 동안 에, 15,000명이 넘는 사람들이 영양실조와 먼지 관련 질병으로 사망했다.
* cloudburst (갑작스러운) 폭우 ** influx 유입
(1) water
(2) erosion
(3) weather
(4) air pollution
(5) global warming
On a large scale, weather (plays/is played) a big role in the (economic/economical) health of every nation on Earth.
A (timely/time) soaking rain can rescue a crop from ruin, (while/so) a sudden cloudburst can wash it away.
And farmers aren’t the only (one/ones) at risk ; those who depend on natural gas for heat often (watching/watch) in dismay as a particularly cold winter (is sent/sends) prices skyward.
Hurricanes can drive tourists away from areas that (are depended/depend) on a regular influx of visitors for their livelihoods.
Even a gentle phenomenon like fog can result in disaster, as the captains of the Andrea Doria and the Stockholm (learning/learned) one fateful July night in 1956.
And (during/while) the Dust Bowl of 1936, one of the hottest and driest summers ever (record/recorded), more than 15,000 people died of malnutrition and dust-related diseases.
3강 2번
Defining for deep-sea fishes is problematic.
심해어류에 엄밀한 상위 수심 경계선을 규정하는 것은 문제가 많다.
Below 1000 m, the oceans are totally devoid of solar light, the temperature is generally less than 4°C and there is no doubt that fishes living in these cold dark conditions can be considered to be deep-sea species.
1,000미터 아래에서 바다는 태양 빛이 전혀 없고, 온도는 대개 섭씨 4도 미만인데, 그래서 이러한 차갑고 깜깜한 환경에서 사는 물고기들이 심해 어종으로 간주될 수 있다는 것은 의심의 여지가 없다.
However, between 200 and 1000 m there is a transition zone where, although there may be sufficient light for vision using highly sensitive specially adapted eyes, life is more or less unsustainable for normal surface-dwelling fishes.
하지만 200미터에서 1,000미터 사이에서는, (빛에) 매우 민감한 특별히 적응한 눈을 사용하는 시력에는 빛이 충분할 수 있지만, 표층에 사는 보통 어류에게 삶이 거의 지속 불가능한 전이대가 있다.
This zone contains some of the most interesting deep-sea fishes that are obviously different from shallow species.
이 전이대에는 얕은 수심의 어종들과는 확연히 다른 가장 흥미로운 심해어류의 일부가 있다.
Despite living deep, many species have eggs that float to the surface so that larvae can develop in the plentiful food supply in the surface layers.
깊은 곳에 살고 있음에도 불구하고, 많은 어종들에게는 자어(仔魚)가 표층에서 풍부하게 먹이가 공급되는 상태 에서 자랄 수 있도록 수면으로 떠오르는 알이 있다.
In the open ocean many deep-sea fishes migrate towards the surface at night and descend again at dawn to pass the day in darkness and the cold waters below.
외해(外海)에서 많은 심해어류는 밤에 수면을 향하여 이동하고, 새벽에 다시 내려가서 어둠 속에서 그리고 아래쪽의 차가운 바다에서 낮을 지낸다.
Thus deep-sea fishes do not necessarily pass their entire life cycle in the deep sea, and adults may not be restricted entirely to depths greater than 200 m.
따라서 심해어류는 그들의 생애 주기 전체를 반드시 심해에서 보내지는 않으며, 성어(成魚)들이 전적으로 200미터보다 더 대단한 심해로 제한되지는 않을 수 있다.
(1) main food sources
(2) conservation priorities
(3) a typical migratory pattern
(4) a strict upper depth boundary
(5) an appropriate temperature range
(Defining/Define) a strict upper depth boundary for deep-sea fishes is problematic.
Below 1000 m, the oceans are totally devoid of solar light, the temperature is generally less than 4°C and there is no doubt (that/where) fishes living in these cold dark conditions can (consider/be considered) to be deep-sea species.
However, between 200 and 1000 m there is a transition zone (where/which), although there may be sufficient light for vision using highly sensitive specially (adapting/adapted) eyes, life is more or less unsustainable for normal surface-dwelling fishes.
This zone contains some of the most interesting deep-sea fishes that are obviously different (from/to) shallow species.
Despite living deep, many species have eggs that (float/floating) to the surface (so that/because) larvae can develop in the plentiful food supply in the surface layers.
In the open ocean many deep-sea fishes (migrate/migrated) towards the surface at night and (descended/descend) again at dawn to pass the day in darkness and the cold waters below.
Thus deep-sea fishes do not necessarily pass their entire life cycle in the deep sea, and adults may not (be restricted/restrict) entirely to depths greater than 200 m.
3강 3번
There are no general strategies for conducting an argument because the specific something arguments are always about will always be embedded in a social or institutional setting in relation to which some, but not all, strategies will be relevant and, at least potentially, effective.
논쟁을 하기 위한 일반적인 전략은 없는데, 왜냐하면 논쟁이 항상 대상으로 삼는 어떤 특정한 것은 으레 사회적 혹은 제도적 배경 속에 깊이 박혀 있을 것이며 그 배경과 관련하여 전부는 아닌 일부의 전략이 적절하고 적어도 잠재적으로 효과적일 것이기 때문이다.
In the political arena, one tried-and-true strategy is to damage the reputation of your opponent, accusing him or her of all manner of crimes, lies, betrayals, improprieties, and failures of judgment.
정치 활동 무대에서 유효성이 증명된 하나의 전략은 여러분의 상대를 온갖 종류의 범죄, 거짓말, 배반, 부적절한 행동, 그리고 판단 실패에 대해 비난하면서 그 상대의 평판에 손상을 주는 것이다.
But if you do that in an academic argument — an argument between two scholars about the interpretation of a poem or the correct account of a historical event — you might be rebuked and sent away because you will have disregarded the decorum of the academic game.
하지만, 여러분이 어떤 시의 이해에 관한, 혹은 어떤 역사적 사건의 적절한 설명에 관한 두 학자들 사이의 논쟁과 같은 학문적인 논쟁에서 그렇게 한다면, 여러분은 학문적인 활동의 예의를 무시했을 것이므로 책망을 받고는 쫓겨날지도 모른다.
The ways of argument are and while there are surely some general things to be said about argument, and an entire intellectual tradition called rhetoric dedicated to saying them, in the end the study of argument will be a study of the various contexts in which one encounters argument in its various forms.
논쟁의 방식은 상황에 따라 특유하며, 분명히, 논쟁에 관해 이야기되는 몇몇 일반적인 것들과 그것들을 이야기하는 데에 전념하는 수사법이라 불리는 온전한 하나의 지적 전통이 있지만, 결국 논쟁의 연구는 논쟁을 다양한 형태로 마주치게 되는 다양한 상황에 관한 연구가 될 것이다.
(1) culture-free
(2) value-neutral
(3) rhetoric-based
(4) context-specific
(5) etiquette-sensitive
There are no general strategies for conducting an argument because the specific something arguments are always about will always (embed/be embedded) in a social or institutional setting in relation (to which/of which) some, but not all, strategies will be relevant and, at least potentially, effective.
In the political arena, one tried-and-true strategy is to damage the reputation of your opponent, (accusing/accused) him or her of all manner of crimes, lies, betrayals, improprieties, and failures of judgment.
But if you do that in an academic argument — an argument between two scholars about the interpretation of a poem or the correct account of a historical event — you might (be rebuked/rebuke) and (sent/sending) away because you will have disregarded the decorum of the academic game.
The ways of argument are context-specific and while there are surely some general things to be said about argument, and an entire intellectual tradition called rhetoric (dedicating/dedicated) to saying them, in the end the study of argument will be a study of the various contexts (to which/in which) one encounters argument in its various forms
3강 4번
Today, most of our planet’s big animals live in industrial farms.
오늘날, 우리 행성의 큰 동물들의 대부분은 산업식 사육장에서 산다.
We imagine that the earth is populated by lions, elephants, and penguins, roaming freely across vast savannas and oceans.
우리는 광대한 사바나와 대양 전역을 자유롭게 돌아다니는 사자들, 코끼리들 그리고 펭귄들이 지구에 살고 있다고 상상한다.
That may be true of the National Geographic channel, Disney movies, and children’s fairy tales, but it is no longer true of the real world outside the TV screen.
그것은 아마도 내셔널 지오그래픽 채널, 디즈니 영화, 그리고 아이들의 동화에는 해당할지 모르지만, 더 이상 텔레비전 화면 밖의 실제 세계에는 해당하지 않는다.
The world contains forty thousand lions and one billion domesticated pigs ; five hundred thousand elephants and 1.5 billion domesticated cows ; fifty million penguins and fifty billion chickens.
세계에는 4만 마리의 사자와 10억 마리의 사육되는 돼지가, 50만 마리의 코끼리와 15억 마리의 사육되는 소가, 5천만 마리의 펭귄과 500억 마리의 닭이 있다.
In 2009, a census counted 1.6 billion wild birds in Europe, including all species together.
2009년에, 유럽에서는 개체 수 조사에서 모든 종을 죄다 포함해 16억 마리의 야생 조류의 수가 파악되었다.
That same year, the European meat and egg industry raised close to seven billion chickens.
같은해에유럽의육류및달걀산업은거의70억 마리의 닭을 사육했다.
A large portion of vertebrate animals living on our planet are no longer free-living but rather .
우리행성에사는척추동물의많은부분은더이상 자유롭게 살지 않고, 오히려 호모 사피엔스[인간]라는 하나의 동물에 의해 소유되고 통제된다.
(1) are locked up in small steel-and-concrete cages: zoos
(2) are owned and controlled by one animal: Homo sapiens
(3) are imprisoned in their natural habitats surrounded by humans
(4) are constantly chased by heavily armed predators: Homo sapiens
(5) are exploited as fictional characters, often symbolizing Homo sapiens
Today, most of our planet’s big animals live in industrial farms.
We imagine that the earth (is populated by/populates) lions, elephants, and penguins, (roamed/roaming) freely across vast savannas and oceans.
That may be true of the National Geographic channel, Disney movies, and children’s fairy tales, but it is no longer true of the real world outside the TV screen.
The world (contains/contained) forty thousand lions and one billion (domesticated/domesticating) pigs ; five hundred thousand elephants and 1.5 billion (domesticated/domesticating) cows ; fifty million penguins and fifty billion chickens.
In 2009, a census (counting/counted) 1.6 billion wild birds in Europe, including all species together.
That same year, the European meat and egg industry (rose/raised) close to seven billion chickens.
A large portion of vertebrate animals living on our planet are no longer free-living but rather (are owned/own) and (controlling/controlled) by one animal: Homo sapiens
3강 5번
Political acts vary in their capacity .
정치적 행위들은 시민들이 무엇을 원하고 필요로 하는지에 대한 정보를 전달하는 능력에서 각기 다르다.
The vote is a notably blunt instrument of communication.
투표는 특히 무딘 의사소통 수단이다.
Although winning candidates often claim a “mandate,” in truth they usually have only an imprecise understanding of what was on the minds of the voters who placed them in office.
승리한 후보들이 자주 ‘위임받은 권한’을 주장하지만, 사실 그들은 대개 자신들을 공직에 앉혀 준 유권자들의 마음에 있는 것을 부정확하게 이해할 뿐이다.
In contrast, the many forms of direct expression of preferences — a sign at a demonstration, an e-mail to a senator’s office, a prepared statement at a meeting of the local zoning board — can communicate clear and, in some circumstances, quite specific messages.
그에반해서,선호하는바에대한여러직접표현 방식들은, 가령 시위에서의 팻말, 상원 의원 사무실로 보내는 이메일, 지역 구획 위원회 회의에서의 미리 준비된 진술은, 분명하고 일부 상황에서는 꽤 구체적인 메시지를 전달해줄 수 있다.
Organized interests are especially likely to communicate detailed information when they contact public officials, and this information frequently helps in the process of policy formation, although it presents a particular point of view.
조직화된 이익 집단은 공무원과 접촉할 때 상세한 정보를 전달할 가능성이 특히 있는데, 이런 정보는 특정한 관점을 보여줄지라도 정책 형성 과정에서 자주 도움이 된다.
(1) to help put a proposed policy into effect
(2) to organize people based on their real interests
(3) to persuade voters to vote for a particular candidate
(4) to get a qualified and prepared candidate into office
(5) to convey information about what citizens want and need
Political acts (vary/varied) in their capacity to convey information about (why/what) citizens want and need.
The vote is a notably blunt instrument of communication.
Although winning candidates often claim a “mandate,” in truth they usually have only an imprecise (understood/understanding) of what was on the minds of the voters who (are placed/placed) them in office.
In contrast, the many forms of direct expression of preferences — a sign at a demonstration, an e-mail to a senator’s office, a prepared statement at a meeting of the local zoning board — can communicate clear and, in some circumstances, quite specific messages.
(Organized/Organizing) interests are especially likely to communicate detailed information (when/how) they contact public officials, and this information frequently (helps/help) in the process of policy formation, (because/although) it presents a particular point of view.
3강 6번
During their second year, children learn to use the words old and young, which indicate that they have appropriated the age dimension.
생후 두 번째 해에 아이들은 ‘old’와 ‘young’과 같은 단어를 쓰게 되는데, 이 단어들은 그들이 ‘나이라는 차원’을 사용했다는 것을 나타낸다.
They can use this dimension to classify people.
그들은 이 같은 차원을 이용하여 사람들을 분류할 수 있다.
(A) , an understanding of an abstract time domain develops much later.
하지만,추상적인 시간 영역에 대한 이해는 훨씬 더 늦게 발달한다.
Spatial metaphors for time are ubiquitous : it is difficult to talk about time without using words that originate from the visuospatial domain.
시간에 대한 공간적 비유는 어디에나 존재하며, 시공간적 영역에서 유래한 단어를 사용하지 않고 시간에 대해 이야기하기란 어렵다.
Jean Piaget emphasizes that “time and space form an inseparable whole” in children’s minds.
Jean Piaget는 아이들의 생각 속에서 ‘시간과 공간은 불가분한 통일체를 형성한다’고 강조한다.
In other words, young children cannot treat space and time as separate domains.
다시 말해, 어린아이들은 공간과 시간을 분리된 영역으로 다룰 수 없다.
This situation parallels the dimensions of height and volume, which are inseparable for preschool children but become separable when children learn that volume is a conservative dimension.
이 상황은 높이와 부피라는 차원과 유사한데, 높이와 부피의 차원이 취학 전 아이들에게는 분리할 수 없는 것이지만, 아이들이 부피가 보존되는 차원이라는것을배우면분리할수있는것이된다.
(B) , space and time start as a single metric that becomes gradually differentiated into two separable domains.
마찬가지로,공간과 시간은 점차 두개의 분리 가능한 영역으로 구별되는 하나의 측정 기준으로 시작된다.
(1) However - In contrast
(2) For example - In fact
(3) For example - Similarly
(4) However - Similarly
(5) Moreover - In contrast
(While/During) their second year, children learn to use the words old and young, (where/which) indicate that they (have been appropriated/have appropriated the age dimension.
They can use this dimension (classifying/to classify) people.
However, an understanding of an abstract time domain (is developed/develops) much later.
Spatial metaphors for time are ubiquitous : it is difficult to talk about time without (using/used) words that (originating/originate) from the visuospatial domain.
Jean Piaget emphasizes that “time and space form an (inseparable/inspectable) whole” in children’s minds.
In other words, young children cannot (be treated/treat) space and time as separate domains.
This situation parallels the dimensions of height and volume, (which/that) are (inseparable/inspectable) for preschool children but become separable when children learn (what/that) volume is a conservative dimension.
Similarly, space and time start as a single metric that becomes gradually (different/differentiated) into two separable domains.
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