1-1 . 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
When temperatures near 0℃, water molecules start bonding with one another to form a crystal structure.
온도가 0℃에 가까워질 때에, 물 분자들은 서로 결합하기 시작하여 결정 구조를 형성한다.
The hydrogen atoms of each molecule connect to the oxygen atoms of other molecules.
각 분자의 수소 원자들이 다른 분자들의 산소 원자들과 연결된다.
The resulting structure creates a greater amount of space between the molecules than there was when the molecules floated freely about in a liquid state.
결과적으로 나타나는 구조에서는 액체 상태 에서 분자들이 자유롭게 떠다니던 때보다 분자들 사이에 더 많은 양의 공간이 생기게 된다.
All that extra space between the molecules is why ice is less dense than liquid water — and the reason ice .
분자들 사이에 추가로 생기게 된 이 모든 공간이 얼음이 액체 상태인 물보다 밀도가 낮은 이유이며, 얼음이 뜨는 이유이다.
This characteristic of water is good news for fish and other animals that live underwater wherever the temperatures drop to freezing.
물의 이러한 속성은 어디든 기온이 영하로 떨어지는 곳에서 물속에 사는 물고기와 다른 동물들에게 좋은 소식이다.
When the water in a lake, for instance, begins to freeze, the first tiny ice crystals that form remain on the surface.
예를 들어, 호수의 물이 얼기 시작할 때, 가장 먼저 형성되는 아주 작은 얼 음 결정체가 수면 위에 남게 된다.
Eventually, a layer of floating ice will form on the water’s surface, which seals in the liquid water below and keeps it from freezing.
결국에는, 떠 있는 얼음 층이 물의 표면 위에 형성되어, 그것이 아래쪽에 있는 액체 상태의 물을 밀봉 하여 그것을 얼지 않게 해준다.
If water became more dense when it froze — the way most substances do — then the ice crystals would keep sinking to the bottom.
만일 물이 얼 때, 대부분의 물질들이 그렇듯이, 밀도가 더 높아진다면, 얼음 결정체들은 계속해서 바닥으로 가라앉을것이다.
Eventually, the entire lake would be frozen solid from top to bottom — which would be bad news for the fish.
결국에는 전체 호수가 위에서부터 밑에까지 꽁 꽁 얼어 버릴 것이며, 이것은 물고기에게 나쁜 소식이 될 것이다.
① sinks
② melts
③ floats
④ forms
⑤ cracks
어법 고르기 문제
When temperatures near 0℃, water molecules start bonding with one (other/others/another) to form a crystal structure.
The hydrogen atoms of each (molecules/molecule) connect to the oxygen atoms of other molecules.
The (resurlt/resulting) structure creates a greater amount of space between the molecules than there was when the molecules (floating/floated) freely about in a liquid state.
All that extra space between the molecules (are/is) why ice is less dense than liquid water — and the reason ice .
This characteristic of water is good news for fish and (the other/other) animals that (living/live) underwater wherever the temperatures (dropping/drop) to freezing.
When the water in a lake, for instance, begins to freeze, the first tiny ice crystals that (formed/form) remain on the surface.
Eventually, a layer of floating ice will form on the water’s surface, which (seal/seals) in the liquid water below and (keep/keeps) it from freezing.
If water became more dense when it froze — the way most substances (do/are) — then the ice crystals would keep sinking to the bottom.
Eventually, the entire lake would be frozen solid from top to bottom — which would be bad news for the fish.
1-2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
I witnessed a surprising set of behaviors between a group of chimpanzees with whom I periodically interacted.
나는 내가 정기적으로 상호작용을 하는 침팬지 집단 사이에서 놀라운 일련의 행동들을 목격했다.
Sarah likes to look at books, so when I visit I occasionally bring her children’s books that can withstand chimpanzee handling for at least a few minutes.
Sarah는 책을 보는 것을 좋아해서, 나는 방문할 때 가끔 그녀에게 침팬지의 손길을 최소한 몇 분 동 안 견딜 수 있는 어린이용 책을 가져다준다.
I gave Sarah her book and before she could really start “reading” it, Harper, who at this point in time was older but still mischievous, came over and took it away.
나는 Sarah에게 그녀 의 책을 주었는데, 그녀가 실제로 ‘읽기’ 시작하기도 전에, 그 당시 에 나이가 더 많았지만 여전히 장난꾸러기였던 Harper가 와서 그 것을 가져가 버렸다.
Sarah didn’t struggle with Harper when he took it.
Sarah는 Harper가 그것을 가져갔을 때 그와 싸우지 않았다.
Then moments later, Sheba, a very smart female chimpanzee, who didn’t appear to me to have noticed Harper’s behavior because she was happily eating her dried mangos, went over to Harper and took the book from him.
그러고 나서 잠시 후에, 매우 영리한 암컷 침팬지 Sheba가, 말린 망고를 행복하게 먹고 있었기 때문에 내가 보기에는 Harper의 행동을 알아차리지 못한 것처럼 보였는데, Harper에 게 다가가 그 책을 그에게서 빼앗았다.
This in itself wouldn’t be surprising as taking things that others have is typical among members of a group that aren’t clearly dominant.
뚜렷하게 우세하지 않은 집단 구성원들 사이에서는 다른 구성원들이 갖고 있는 것을 빼앗는 일은 흔히 일어나므로 이 일 자체로서는 놀라운 일은 아닐 것이다.
What was surprising was that rather than keeping it herself, she promptly gave it back to Sarah.
놀라운 것은 Sheba가 그것을 자기가 갖지 않고 즉시 그것을 Sarah 에게 돌려주었다는 것이었다.
There were no vocalizations that I was aware of that might indicate Sarah was distressed by Harper’s thievery, nor that Sheba was trying to appease any distress.
Harper의 도둑질 때문에 Sarah가 고통을 받고 있다는 것을 알려줄 수 있는 어떤 소리도 내가 아는 바로는 전혀 없었고, 또한 Sheba가 어떠한 고통을 달래주려 하고 있다는 것을 알려줄 수 있는 어떤 소리도 (내가 아는 바로는) 없었다.
It just looked to me as though Sheba was .
그것은 내게 그저 Sheba가 일을 바로잡고 있는 것처럼 보였다. 아무도 그녀에게 무엇을 해야 할지 말하지 않았다.
No one told her what to do — she just autonomously determined that the book belonged to Sarah.
그녀는 단지 그 책 이 Sarah의 것이라고 스스로 결론을 내렸을 뿐이었다.
*vocalization 소리내기, 발성 **distress 고통을 주다; 고통 ***appease 달래다
① setting things right
② proving her dominance
③ doing mischievous things
④ comforting younger chimps
⑤ showing curiosity about strange thing
I witnessed a surprising set of behaviors between a group of chimpanzees with (which/whom) I periodically interacted.
Sarah likes to look at books, so when I visit I (occasional/occasionally) bring her children’s books that can withstand chimpanzee (handled/handling) for at least a few minutes.
I gave Sarah (to her/her) her book and before she could really start “reading” it, Harper, who at this point in time was older but still mischievous, came over and took (it/them) away.
Sarah didn’t struggle (of/with) Harper when he took it.
Then moments later, Sheba, a very smart female chimpanzee, who didn’t appear (me/to me) to have noticed Harper’s behavior because she was (happy/happily) eating her dried mangos, went over to Harper and took the book from him.
This in (it/itself) wouldn’t be surprising as taking things that others have to be/is) typical among members of a group that (isn't/aren’t) clearly dominant.
What was surprising was that rather than keeping it (herself/her), she promptly gave it back (to Sarah/Sarah).
There were no vocalizations that I was aware of that might indicate Sarah (being/was) distressed by Harper’s thievery, nor that Sheba was trying (appeasing/to appease) any distress.
It just looked to me as though Sheba was .
No one told her what to do — she just autonomously determined that the book belonged (Sarah/to Sarah).
1-3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
One dimension of the mind’s innate search for meaning has to do with the compelling power of .
정신이 본질적으로 의미를 찾는 한 가지 모습은 목적의 강력한 힘과 관련이 있다.
For example, a girl of about nine years old recently described what she understood to be the causes and best treatment for lung cancer.
예를 들어, 아홉 살쯤 된 한 소녀는 최근에 폐암의 원인과 최상의 치료법이라고 자신이 이해한 바를 썼다.
She was extremely articulate.
그녀는 대단히 명확하게 표현했다.
Her interest had been sparked by the fact that her mother had been diagnosed with the disease, prompting her to read as much as she could find on the subject.
그녀의 관심은 그녀의 어머니가 그 질병을 진단 받았다는 사실로 촉발되었으며, 그 때문에 그녀는 그 주제에 대해 찾을 수 있는 한 많은 것을 읽었다.
Learning that is reducible to memorizing facts that are true or false is different from learning that engages actor-centered, adaptive decision making.
맞거나 틀린 사실들을 암기하는 것으로 축소될 수 있는 학습은 행위자 중심의, 적응적인 의사 결정 을 하게 하는 학습과는 다르다.
This kind of decision making is the result of an authentic question generated by the learner on the basis of a genuine need to know and is one that inevitably requires more complex thinking.
이러한 종류의 의사 결정은 알고자 하는 진정한 욕구에 기초하여 학습자에 의해 생성된 진정한 질문의 결과이며 불가피하게 더 복잡한 생각을 필요로 하는 것이다.
It is the search for meaning that organizes actor-centered questions and encourages the use of higher-order functions.
행위자 중심의 질문을 체계화하고 더 높은 차원의 기능을 사용하도록 권장 하는 것은 바로 의미에 대한 추구이다.
*articulate (생각, 감정 등을) 명확하게 표현하는
① logic
② purpose
③ memory
④ creativity
⑤ predictability
One dimension of the mind’s innate search for (meaning/means) (have/has) to do with the compelling power of .
For example, a girl of about nine years old recently described what she understood (to be/is) the causes and best treatment for lung cancer.
She was extremely articulate.
Her interest had been sparked by the fact that her mother (was diagnosed/had been diagnosed) with the disease, prompting her to read as much as she could find on the subject.
Learning that is reducible to (memorize/memorizing) facts that are true or false (is/being) different from learning that engages actor-centered, adaptive decision making.
This kind of decision making is the result of an authentic question(generating/ generated by) the learner on the basis of a genuine need to know and (is/be) one that inevitably requires more complex thinking.
It is the search for meaning that (organizing/organizes) actor-centered questions and (encourage/encourages) the use of higher-order functions.
1-4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
My father had a favorite story about social practices which he learned from his father: An enormous herd of sheep was moving down a country road, led by a wise old ram.
나의 아버지에게는 자신의 아버지로부터 배운, 사회적 관습에 관한 좋아하는 이야기가 하나 있었다. 현명한 늙은 숫양이 이끄는 엄청난 규모의 양 떼가 시골길을 따라서 이동하고 있었다.
As the lead sheep approached an intersection, a young lady on a bicycle was approaching on the crossroad.
선도하는 양이 교차로에 접근했을 때, 자전거를 탄 한 젊은 여성이 교차하는 길에 서 접근하고 있었다.
The old ram realized that if she had to wait for all those sheep to cross, she would be delayed for hours.
그 늙은 숫양은 그녀가 그 모든 양들이 지나가기를 기다려야 한다면, 그녀가 가는 길이 몇 시간 동안 지체될 것이 라는 것을 깨달았다.
The old ram knew he couldn’t stop, because of all the sheep pushing from behind.
그 늙은 숫양은 뒤에서 미는 모든 양들 때문에 멈출 수 없다는 것을 알았다.
Being the gentleman that he was, he came up with a creative solution: he jumped high in the air, giving her room to pass safely under and continue on her way.
그는 그렇듯 신사였으므로, 창의적인 해결책, 즉 자신이 공중으로 높이 뛰어올라, 그녀에게 안전하게 밑으로 통과하여 가던 길을 계속해서 갈 수 있게 공간을 마련해주는 해 결책을 생각해 냈다.
Late that night, as the young lady was safely at home and having supper, the sheep were still jumping over the same intersection, but no one knew why.
그날 밤 늦게, 그 젊은 여성이 안전하게 집에 도 착하여 저녁 식사를 하고 있었을 때, 양들은 여전히 같은 교차로 위 로 뛰어오르고 있었지만, 왜 그러는지는 아무도 몰랐다.
What had started out as a creative idea turned into .
창의적인 아이디어로 시작되었던 것이 무의미한 관습으로 변해 버렸다.
① a senseless institution
② a popular animal show
③ a life-threatening danger
④ an educational experience
⑤ a widespread sporting event
My father had a favorite story about social (practice/practicing/practices) (where/which) he learned from his father:
An enormous herd of sheep (were/was) moving down a country road, (leading/led by) a wise old ram.
As the lead sheep (approached to/approached) an intersection, a young lady on a bicycle was (approaching/approaching to) on the crossroad.
The old ram realized that if she (had had/had) to wait for all those sheep to cross, she would (delay/be delayed) for hours.
The old ram knew he couldn’t stop, because of all the sheep (pushing/pushed) from behind.
(Being/Been) the gentleman that he was, he came up with a creative solution: he jumped high in the air, (giving/given) her room to pass (safe/safely) under and continue on her way.
Late that night, as the young lady was safely at home and (had/having) supper, the sheep were still (jumping/jumped) over the same intersection, but no one (knew/didn't know) why.
What had started out as a creative idea (turning/turned) into .
1-5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Many improvising actors talk about both the high they get from a good improvisation, and the terror they feel when a performance isn’t going well.
많은 즉흥 연기를 하는 배우들은 훌륭한 즉흥 연기로부터 얻는 매우 큰 성취감과 연기가 잘 되지 않을 때 느끼는 공포 둘 다에 대해 이야기한다.
The unpredictability of group creativity can be frightening because .
집단 창의성의 예측 불가능성은 실패가 공개적이기 때문에 무서울 수 있다.
If a painter fails, he or she can paint over the canvas; a writer can crumple up the paper and throw it away.
화가는 실패하더라도, 캔버스 위에 덧칠할 수 있다. 작가는 종이를 구겨서 그것을 버릴 수 있다.
But imagine if writers had to publish every single one of their manuscripts — that’s the situation improv actors find themselves in every night.
하지만 작가가 자기 원고를 하나하나 모두 출판해야 한다면 어떨지 상상해 보라. 그것이 바로 즉흥 연기를 하는 배우들이 매일밤 처하게 되는 상황이다.
Mark Gordon, a director of and actor in The Compass Players, said, “It always felt to me like taking your pants off in front of an audience.
The Compass Players의 감독이자 배우인 Mark Gordon 은 다음과 같이 말했다.
“It always felt to me like taking your pants off in front of an audience. A little terrifying.”
“저는 항상 관중 앞에서 바지를 벗는 것 같은 기분이 들었어요. 조금 무서운 일이죠.”
Ted Flicker, director of the first St. Louis Compass and founder of the New York group The Premise, said, “Unless you’ve actually tasted what improvising in front of an audience feels like, you can’t imagine the horror of it.”
St. Louis Compass의 초대 감독이자 뉴욕의 극단 The Premise의 설립자 Ted Flicker 는 “관중 앞에서 즉흥 연기를 하는 것이 어떤 느낌인지 실제로 체험 해 보지 않았다면, 그것이 주는 공포를 ‘상상할’ 수 없습니다.”라고 말했다.
*crumple 구기다 **improv 즉흥 연기, 애드리브
① failure is public
② horror affects viewers
③ performance is favored
④ success is a gradual process
⑤ actors are uncooperative with each other
Many (improvising/improvised) actors talk about both the high they get from a good improvisation, and the terror they feel when a performance isn’t going well.
The unpredictability of group creativity can be (frightened/frightening) because .
If a painter(had failed/fails), he or she can paint over the canvas; a writer can crumple up the paper and throw (it/them) away.
But imagine if writers had to publish every single one of their manuscripts — that’s the situation improve actors find themselves in every night.
Mark Gordon, a director of and actor in The Compass Players, said, “It always felt (me/to me) like taking your pants off in front of an audience. A little (terrified/terrifying).”
Ted Flicker, director of the first St. Louis Compass and founder of the New York group The Premise, said, “(Unless/If) you’ve actually tasted what improvising in front of an audience feels like, you can’t imagine the horror of it.”
1-6. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Dr. Zajonc’s drive theory claims that the mere presence of an audience is arousing, and that this increases the tendency to produce dominant responses.
Zajonc 박사의 추동 이론은 단순히 관중이 존재하는 것만으로도 자극이 되며 이것이 지배적 반응을 만들어내는 경향을 증가시킨다고 주장한다.
If the dominant responses are appropriate or correct in relation to the task, performance will be enhanced, but if inappropriate, performance will be impaired compared to when the person performs the task alone.
그 지배적 반응이 그 과업과 관련하여 적절하거나 적당하면, 수행이 향상되겠지만, 부적절하면 그 사람이 그 과업을 혼자 수행할 때에 비해 수행이 손상될 것이다.
This means that tasks we are skilled at, which are well learned and of which we have a long history of experience are likely to be enhanced in front of an audience.
이것은 능숙하게 잘하고, 잘 배웠으며, 오랜 시간의 경험을 가진 과업은 관중 앞에서 더 잘될 가능성이 있다는 것을 의미한다.
(A) , tasks at which we are not skilled or those in the early stages of learning will be performed even more poorly in front of an audience.
그에 반해서, 능숙하지 않거나 학습의 초기 단계에 있는 과업은 관중 앞에서 훨씬 더 서툴게 수행될 것 이다.
Take the example of teaching; Zajonc’s drive theory predicts that an experienced, skilled teacher will do well in front of a class.
가르치는 일의 예를 들어 보자. Zajonc의 추동 이론에서는 경험이 많고, 숙련된 교사가 학급 학생들 앞에서 잘할 것이라고 예측 한다.
On the other hand, a new teacher may practise and rehearse at home and be satisfied with his or her performance.
반면에, 신임 교사는 집에서 연습하고 리허설을 하면서 자신의 수행에 만족할지 모른다.
(B) , when the new teacher has to stand in front of a class he or she is likely to perform poorly, both according to his or her own expectations and to those of the students in the class.
그러나 그 신임 교사가 학급 학생들 앞에 서야 할 때는 자신의 기대 수준과 학급 학생들의 기대 수준 모두에 비추어 수업을 제대로 하지 못할 가능성이 있다.
*impair 손상하다, 상하게 하다
(A) (B)
① In contrast …… However
② In contrast …… Therefore
③ As a result …… However
④ For example …… Similarly
⑤ For example …… Therefore
Dr. Zajonc’s drive theory claims that the mere presence of an audience is (aroused/arousing), and that this increases the tendency (to produce/production) dominant responses.
If the dominant responses are appropriate or correct in relation to the task, performance will be (enhanced/enhancing), but if inappropriate, performance will be (imparing/impaired) (comparing/compared) to when the person performs the task alone.
This means that tasks we are (skilled to/skilled at), which are well (learning/learned) and (in which/of which) we have a long history of experience (is /are) likely to be enhanced in front of an audience.
(A) , tasks (on which/at which) we are not skilled or those in the early stages of learning will be (performing/performed) even more (poorly/poor) in front of an audience.
Take the example of teaching; Zajonc’s drive theory predicts that an experienced, skilled teacher will do well in front of a class.
On the other hand, a new teacher may practise and (rehearsing/rehearse) at home and be satisfied with his or her performance.
(B) , when the new teacher has to stand in front of a class he or she is likely to perform (poorly/poor), both according to his or her own expectations and to those of the students in the class.
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