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Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, an American author born in Washington, D.C. in 1896, wrote novels with rural themes and settings.
1896년 Washington D.C.에서 태어난 미국 작가인 Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings는 시골을 다룬 주제와 (시골을) 배경으로 하는 소설을 썼다.
While she was young, one of her stories appeared in The Washington Post.
그녀가 어렸을 때, 그녀의 이야기 중 하나가 The Washington Post에 실렸다.
After graduating from university, Rawlings worked as a journalist while simultaneously trying to establish herself as a fiction writer.
대학교를 졸업한 후 Rawlings는 저널리스트로 일하면서 동시에 소설가로 자리매김하려고 애썼다.
In 1928, she purchased an orange grove in Cross Creek, Florida.
1928년에 그녀는 Florida주 Cross Creek에 있는 오렌지 과수원을 구입했다.
This became the source of inspiration for some of her writings which included The Yearling and her autobiographical book, Cross Creek.
이것은 The Yearling과 자전적인 책인 Cross Creek을 포함해서 그녀의 일부 작품의 영감의 원천이 되었다.
In 1939, The Yearling, which was about a boy and an orphaned baby deer, won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
1939년에 한 소년과 어미 잃은 아기 사슴에 관한 이야기였던 The Yearling은 퓰리처상 소설 부문 수상작이 되었다.
Later, in 1946, The Yearling was made into a film of the same name.
나중에, 1946년에 The Yearling은 같은 제목으로 영화화되었다.
Rawlings passed away in 1953, and the land she owned at Cross Creek has become a Florida State Park honoring her achievements.
Rawlings는 1953년에 세상을 떠났고, 그녀가 Cross Creek에 소유한 땅은 Florida 주립 공원이 되어 그녀의 업적을 기리고 있다.
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, an American author born in Washington, D.C. in 1896, wrote novels with rural themes and settings. While she was young, one of her stories (appeared/was appeared) in The Washington Post. After graduating from university, Rawlings worked (as/for) a journalist while simultaneously trying (to establish/establishing) herself as a fiction writer. In 1928, she purchased an orange grove in Cross Creek, Florida. This became the source of inspiration for some of her writings (which/what) included The Yearling and her autobiographical book, Cross Creek. In 1939, The Yearling, (which/that) was about a boy and an orphaned baby deer, (won/winning) the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Later, in 1946, The Yearling (was made/made) into a film of the same name. Rawlings passed away in 1953, and the land she owned at Cross Creek (has become/became) a Florida State Park honoring her achievements.
7강 Exercise 01
The pirarucu is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world at up to ten feet long and weighing more than four hundred pounds.
피라루쿠는 길이가 10피트에 이르고 무게는 400파운드가 넘는 세계에서 가장 큰 민물고기 중 하나이다.
That’s a true river monster!
그것은 진정한 강의 괴물이다!
Because of its size, it is called arapaima, or “dragon fish.”
그것의 크기 때문에 arapaima, 즉 ‘드래곤 피시’라고 불린다.
All fish can breathe in water, right?
모든 물고기는 물속에서 숨 쉴 수 있다. 그렇지 않은가?
Not this one.
이것은 아니다.
Unlike most fish, which use their gills to take in oxygen from water, the pirarucu needs to come to the surface about every ten minutes to breathe air.
물속에서 산소를 얻기 위해 아가미를 사용하는 대부분의 물고기와 달리, 피라루쿠는 공기를 들이마시기 위해 매 10분 정도마다 수면으로 올라와야 한다.
This helps it survive in the muddy lakes of the Amazon, where little oxygen is available.
이는 이용 가능한 산소가 거의 없는 아마존강의 탁한 호수에서 그것이 생존하는 것을 돕는다.
The pirarucu is one of the native fishermen’s favorite meals.
피라루쿠는 토착 어민이 가장 좋아하는 음식 중 하나이다.
Every part of the fish is eaten.
그 물고기의 모든 부위를 먹는다.
Even the pirarucu’s tough scales are considered valuable and are used as files, like sandpaper.
심지어 피라루쿠의 거친 비늘조차 귀중하게 여겨지며, 사포처럼 줄로 사용된다.
But the pirarucu is endangered.
그러나 피라루쿠는 멸종 위기에 처해 있다.
To make sure this gorgeous giant will be around for a long time to come, only certain native people are allowed to catch a limited number of pirarucu each year.
이 멋진 거대한 물고기가 장래에 오랫동안 반드시 존재하게 하기 위해 오직 특정 토착민만이 매년 제한된 수의 피라루쿠를 잡는 것이 허락된다.
The pirarucu is one of the largest freshwater (fish/fishes) in the world at up to ten feet long and weighing more than four hundred pounds. That’s a true river monster! Because (of/x) its size, it is called arapaima, or “dragon fish.” All fish can breathe in water, right? Not this one. (Unlike/Like) most fish, (which/that) use their gills to take in oxygen from water, the pirarucu needs to come to the surface about every ten minutes (to breathe/breathe) air. This helps it (surviving/survive) in the muddy lakes of the Amazon, (where/which) little oxygen is available. The pirarucu is one of the native fishermen’s favorite meals. Every part of the fish (is/are) eaten. Even the pirarucu’s tough scales are considered (valuably/valuable) and are (used/using) as files, like sandpaper. But the pirarucu is endangered. To make sure this gorgeous giant will be around for a long time to come, only certain native people (are allowed/allow) to catch a limited number of pirarucu each year.
7강 Exercise 02
The Theater at Epidaurus was an example of ancient Greek civic architecture meant to be enjoyed by the general public.
Epidaurus 극장은 일반 대중이 즐기도록 의도된 고대 그리스 시민 건축물의 한 사례였다.
The art of the theater was an important part of ancient Greek culture and religion, as religious ceremonies were incorporated with music and dance, and performed in public spaces.
극장 예술은 고대 그리스 문화와 종교의 중요한 부분이었는데, 그 이유는 종교 의식이 음악 및 무용과 결합되어 있었고 공공장소에서 행해졌기 때문이다.
Greek drama, including tragedies and comedies, was performed in outdoor spaces like the Theater at Epidaurus.
비극과 희극을 포함하여 그리스 연극은 Epidaurus 극장과 같은 야외 장소에서 공연되었다.
At the heart of the theater was the circular orchestra, the central performance area.
극장의 중심부에는 중앙 공연장인 원형의 orchestra가 있었다.
Fifty-five rows of semicircular tiered seats were carved into a hillside, which allowed as many as fourteen thousand spectators a good view of the orchestra.
55개 줄의 반원형의, 단으로 배열된 좌석이 언덕 경사면을 깎아서 만들어졌는데, 이것은 14,000명이나 되는 관객들이 orchestra를 잘 볼 수 있게 해 주었다.
The design of the Theater at Epidaurus is so effective that it is still in use today, and the acoustics are so perfect that no electrified sound system is needed when performances are held at the site.
Epidaurus 극장의 디자인은 매우 효율적이어서 오늘날에도 여전히 사용되고 있으며 음향 효과는 너무나 완벽하여 그곳에서 공연이 이루어질 때 전기 음향 장치가 필요하지 않다.
The Theater at Epidaurus was an example of ancient Greek civic architecture (meant/was meant) to be enjoyed by the general public. The art of the theater was an important part of ancient Greek culture and religion, as religious ceremonies were (incorporating/incorporated) with music and dance, and (performed/performing) in public spaces. Greek drama, (including/included) tragedies and comedies, (was performed/being performed) in outdoor spaces like the Theater at Epidaurus. At the heart of the theater (was/were) the circular orchestra, the central performance area. Fifty-five rows of semicircular tiered seats were carved into a hillside, (which/what) allowed as many as fourteen thousand spectators a good view of the orchestra. The design of the Theater at Epidaurus is so (effectively/effective) that it is still in use today, and the acoustics are so perfect that no (electrified/electrifying) sound system is needed when performances are held at the site.
7강 Exercise 03
Flyer Distribution Guidelines
전단 배포 지침
White Valley School District recognizes the importance of a system to distribute printed flyers that is environmentally friendly.
White Valley 학구는 환경 친화적인 인쇄 전단을 배포하기 위한 체계의 중요성을 인식하고 있습니다.
Therefore the district is working toward revised flyer distribution guidelines.
그래서 학구는 개정된 전단 배포 지침을 지향하여 노력하고 있습니다.
The guidelines are effective from March 1, 2019.
지침은 2019년 3월 1일부터 시행됩니다.
■ The file of the flyer (PDF) must be submitted to the White Valley School District website for approval prior to distribution.
■ 배포 전에 승인을 얻기 위해 전단의 파일(PDF)이 White Valley 학구의 웹사이트에 제출되어야 합니다.
■ Organizations that want to distribute flyers in the school must allow a minimum of five days for approval/denial to be received.
■ 학교에서 전단을 배포하고자 하는 단체는 승인/거부를 받기 위해 최소한 5일의 시간 여유를 두어야 합니다.
■ Hardcopies of the flyers must be provided in bundles of 25 flyers per classroom.
(Flyers that are not pre-bundled will not be accepted by schools.)
■ 전단의 인쇄본은 학급당 25매의 전단 묶음으로 제공되어야 합니다.
(미리 묶이지 않은 전단은 학교에 의해 받아들여지지 않을 것입니다.)
■ Each organization is asked to limit the number of flyers to one flyer per event.
■ 각각의 단체는 행사당 전단 한 개로 전단의 수를 제한할 것이 요구됩니다.
For questions regarding the guidelines regarding distribution of flyers, please contact us at www.wvschools.org or 716-456-2345.
전단의 배포와 관련된 지침에 관한 질문을 하시려면 www.wvschools.org를 방문하시거나 716-456-2345로 저희에게 연락해 주십시오.
Flyer Distribution Guidelines
White Valley School District recognizes the importance of a system to distribute printed flyers that (is/are) environmentally friendly. Therefore the district is working toward (revised/revising) flyer distribution guidelines.
The guidelines are effective from March 1, 2019.
■ The file of the flyer (PDF) must be submitted (to/for) the White Valley School District website (to/for) approval prior to distribution.
■ Organizations that want to distribute flyers in the school must (allow/be allowed) a minimum of five days (for/to) approval/denial to (receive/be received).
■ Hardcopies of the flyers must be provided in bundles of 25 flyers per classroom.
(Flyers that are not pre-bundled will not be (accepted by/accepting) schools.)
■ Each organization is asked (to/of) limit the number of flyers to one flyer per event.
For questions (regards/regarding) the guidelines regarding distribution of flyers, please contact (to us/us) at www.wvschools.org or 716-456-2345.
7강 Exercise 04
We cordially invite all animal lovers and dog owners to join us for our pet-friendly event, BARK IN THE PARK.
우리는 모든 동물 애호가와 애완견 주인을 애완동물 친화적인 행사인 BARK IN THE PARK에 진심으로 초대합니다.
■ This event is being held Sunday, November 4th from 2:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. at the Vienna Dog Park.
■ 이 행사는 Vienna Dog Park에서 11월 4일 일요일 오후 2시부터 오후 4시까지 개최됩니다.
■ Please join us in celebration of our fabulous community and local pet dog organizations.
■ 우리의 멋진 지역 사회 및 지역의 애완견 단체를 축하하는 데 저희와 함께하십시오.
■ This event is free for those interested in playing with their dogs at the dog park.
■ 이 행사는 애완견 전용 공원에서 애완견과 노는 것에 관심이 있는 사람들에게 무료입니다.
■ There will be an area with an obstacle course for the dogs to play leash-free.
■ 애완견이 목줄 없이 놀 수 있는 장애물 코스를 가진 구역이 있을 것입니다.
Join us for this fun and interactive event with your pet.
애완동물과 함께 이 즐거운 교류 행사에 참여하십시오.
The first 35 dogs will receive a free “Bark if you love Vienna” scarf.
(행사에 참가하는) 첫 35마리의 애완견은 ‘Vienna를 사랑한다면 짖어라’라고 씌어 있는 스카프를 무료로 받게 됩니다.
In the event of bad weather, this event will be cancelled. For more information, please call us at (451) 345-4545.
날씨가 나쁠 경우에, 이 행사는 취소될 것입니다. 더 많은 정보를 원하시면, (451) 345-4545로 전화 주십시오.
We cordially invite all animal lovers and dog owners (joining/to join) us (for/to) our pet-friendly event, BARK IN THE PARK.
■ This event is (being held/holding) Sunday, November 4th from 2:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. at the Vienna Dog Park.
■ Please join us in celebration of our fabulous community and local pet dog organizations.
■ This event is free for (those/that) interested in playing with their dogs at the dog park.
■ There will be an area with an obstacle course for the dogs to play leash-free.
Join us for this fun and interactive event with your pet. The first 35 dogs will (be received/receive) a free “Bark if you love Vienna” scarf. In the event of bad weather, this event will (cancel/be cancelled). For more information, please call us at (451) 345-4545.
7강 Exercise 05
2019 NW Acoustic Guitar Competition
2019년 NW 통기타 대회
Elimination Round May 11, 1:00 PM 예선 5월 11일, 오후 1시
Final Round May 18, 2:00 PM 결선 5월 18일, 오후 2시
- Open to all amateur singers
- 아마추어 가수들은 누구나 참가할 수 있음
- Must be between 15 - 25 years old
- 나이가 15~25세이어야 함
- Must compete in groups of three performers
- 3명의 연주자 그룹을 이루어 참가해야 함
- Must sing their own compositions or any “famous” songs
- 자작곡이나 ‘잘 알려진’ 곡을 불러야 함
- Groups should prepare ONE SONG for the Elimination Round and TWO SONGS for the Final Round, if chosen.
- 그룹은 예선용 ‘한 곡’, 그리고 예선 통과 시 결선용 ‘두 곡’을 준비해야 합니다.
- Deadline for registration submission is February 15.
- 등록 서류 제출 마감일은 2월 15일입니다.
Vocal Harmony 40% 보컬의 하모니 40%
Style & Synchronization 30% (연주의) 스타일과 합주 능력 30%
Stage Presence 20% 무대 장악력 20%
Audience Impact 10% 청중 반응 10%
The top three winners will receive $2,000 (First), $1,500 (Second) and $1,000 (Third) respectively.
상위 세 (그룹의) 수상자는 각각 2,000달러(1등), 1,500달러(2등), 1,000달러(3등)를 받게 될 것입니다.
The next seven runners-up will receive $500.
그 다음 일곱 (그룹의)차점자는 500달러를 받게 될 것입니다.
For more information, please call us at (012) 345-6789.
더 많은 정보를 원하시면 (012) 345-6789로 저희에게 전화하세요.
2019 NW Acoustic Guitar Competition
Elimination Round May 11, 1:00 PM
Final Round May 18, 2:00 PM
- Open to all amateur singers
- Must be between 15 - 25 years old
- Must compete in groups of three performers
- Must sing their own compositions or any “famous” songs
- Groups should (prepare/be prepared) ONE SONG for the Elimination Round and TWO SONGS for the Final Round, if (chooses/chosen).
- Deadline for registration submission is February 15.
Vocal Harmony 40%
Style & Synchronization 30%
Stage Presence 20%
Audience Impact 10%
The top three winners will (receive/be received) $2,000 (First), $1,500 (Second) and $1,000 (Third) (respective/respectively). The next seven runners-up will (be received/receive) $500.
For more information, please call us at (012) 345-6789.
7강 Exercise 06
Verreaux’s sifaka lives in the forest of south-western Madagascar.
Verreaux’s sifaka는 Madagascar 남서쪽 숲에 산다.
This species lives in small groups of up to about 12 individuals.
이 종은 대략 12마리까지의 개체 수로 구성되는 작은 무리를 지어 산다.
Groups contain more or less equal numbers of adult males and females.
무리는 거의 동등한 수의 다 자란 수컷과 암컷을 포함한다.
The group defends a small territory.
무리는 작은 영역을 방어한다.
They use their scent to mark the territory’s boundary.
그들은 영역의 경계를 표시하기 위해 자신의 냄새를 이용한다.
Sifakas mate in December, at the height of the dry season.
sifaka는 건기가 한창인 12월에 짝짓기를 한다.
A single young is born five months later and it is weaned after seven months.
단 한 마리의 새끼가 5개월 후에 태어나며 7개월 후에 젖을 뗀다.
Sifakas move through the trees by leaping.
sifaka는 뛰어올라서 나무들 사이를 헤집고 이동한다.
The distance they can jump is increased slightly by small flaps of skin under the animal’s short forearms.
그들이 점프할 수 있는 거리는 그 동물의 짧은 팔뚝 아래의 작은 날개 모양의 피부에 의해 약간 증대된다.
On the ground, sifakas move by hopping sideways on both hind feet.
땅 위에서, sifaka는 두 개의 뒷발로 옆쪽으로 깡충깡충 뛰어 이동한다.
The forearms are held out to the side for balance.
팔뚝은 균형을 위해 옆쪽으로 내민다.
Verreaux’s sifakas eat all types of plant material apart from the roots.
Verreaux’s sifaka는 뿌리를 제외하고 온갖 종류의 식물성 물질을 먹는다.
In the rainy season they prefer to eat easily digested soft fruits and flowers, but in the dry season they rely on wood, bark and leaves.
우기에는 쉽게 소화되는 부드러운 과일과 꽃을 먹기를 선호하지만 건기에는 나무, 나무껍질과 잎에 의존한다.
Verreaux’s sifaka lives (in/on) the forest of south-western Madagascar. This species (lives/live) in small groups of up to about 12 individuals. Groups (are contained/contain) more or less equal numbers of adult males and females. The group defends a small territory. They use their scent (to mark/marking) the territory’s boundary. Sifakas (mate/mating) in December, at the height of the dry season. A single young is born five months later and it is (weaned/weaning) after seven months. Sifakas move through the trees by leaping. The distance they can jump (is/to be) increased slightly by small flaps of skin under the animal’s short forearms. On the ground, sifakas move by hopping sideways on both hind feet. The forearms are (holdin/held) out to the side for balance. Verreaux’s sifakas eat all types of plant material apart from the roots. In the rainy season they prefer to eat easily (digested/digesting) soft fruits and flowers, but in the dry season they rely on wood, bark and leaves.
7강 Exercise 07
As the matriarch of one of America’s first families, Abigail Adams strongly influenced two presidents — her husband, John Adams, and her son John Quincy Adams.
미국의 대통령 일가들 중 한 가문의 여성 가장으로서, Abigail Adams는 두 명의 대통령, 즉 자기 남편 John Adams와 자기 아들 John Quincy Adams에게 강하게 영향을 미쳤다.
She is also recognized as one of the country’s greatest and most productive letter writers.
그녀는 또한 미국에서 편지를 가장 훌륭하게, 그리고 가장 많이 쓴 사람 중의 한 명으로 인정받고 있다.
Abigail was born on November 11, 1744, in Weymouth, Massachusetts.
Abigail은 1744년 11월 11일 매사추세츠 주 Weymouth에서 태어났다.
One of three daughters of a Congregational minister, William Smith, and his wife, Elizabeth, Abigail was a sickly child and was unable to attend school.
회중파교회의 목사 William Smith와 그의 아내인 Elizabeth의 세 딸들 중 한 명인 Abigail은 몸이 허약한 아이여서 학교에 다닐 수 없었다.
Small, quiet, and reserved, with piercing dark eyes, she was also strong-willed and had a quick and curious mind.
(몸집이) 자그마하고, 조용하고, 내성적이며, 꿰뚫어 보는 듯한 검은 눈을 가진 그녀는 또한 의지가 강하고 이해가 빠르며 호기심이 많았다.
In spite of her lack of formal schooling, Abigail was a voracious reader who took advantage of her father’s well-stocked library to study literature, history, and philosophy.
정규 학교 교육을 받지 못했음에도 불구하고, Abigail은 문학, 역사, 철학을 공부하기 위해 책이 잘 갖춰진 아버지의 서재를 이용한 독서광이었다.
She taught herself French and was tutored by her maternal grandmother, whom she adored and who favored a “happy method of mixing instruction and amusement together.”
그녀는 독학으로 프랑스어를 배웠고, 그녀가 아주 좋아했던 그리고 ‘가르침과 놀이를 함께 하는 행복한 방법’을 선호했던 외할머니의 개인 지도를 받았다.
As the matriarch of one of America’s first families, Abigail Adams strongly (was influenced/influenced) two presidents — her husband, John Adams, and her son John Quincy Adams. She is also (recognized/recognizing) as one of the country’s greatest and most productive letter (writer/writers). Abigail was born on November 11, 1744, in Weymouth, Massachusetts. One of three daughters of a Congregational minister, William Smith, and his wife, Elizabeth, Abigail was a sickly child and was unable to attend school. Small, quiet, and reserved, with (pierced/piercing) dark eyes, she was also strong-willed and had a quick and curious mind. In spite of her lack of formal schooling, Abigail was a voracious reader who (was taken/took) advantage of her father’s well-stocked library to study literature, history, and philosophy. She taught herself French and was (tutored by/tutoring) her maternal grandmother, whom she adored and who favored a “happy method of (mixed/mixing) instruction and amusement together.”
7강 Exercise 08
DC 추수감사절 음식 기부 운동
Your support will help fill people with hope during this Thanksgiving season.
여러분의 후원이 이번 추수감사절 시즌 동안 사람들을 희망으로 채워주는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.
Please fill this bag with non-perishable food items and place it on your doorstep for pick-up on Saturday, September 15th by 9:30 am.
상하지 않는 식품으로 이 봉투를 채워서 9월 15일 토요일 오전 9:30까지 (저희가) 가지고 갈 수 있도록 문간에 놓아주십시오.
We will NOT ring your doorbell on collection day.
수거하는 날 초인종을 누르지 ‘않을’ 것입니다.
We do not solicit financial donations.
금전적 기부를 간청하지 않습니다.
Your contribution will go directly to your local food bank.
여러분이 기부한 것(음식)은 지역 푸드뱅크로 직접 전달될 것입니다.
For more information, please visit http://www.dctfooddrive.org. If your donation is not picked up by 1:00 pm,
or for further information, please call: 250-624-2354.
더 많은 정보를 원하시면, http://www.dctfooddrive.org에 방문하시기 바랍니다. 여러분의 기부 물품이 오후 1시까지 수거되지 않거나 추가 정보를 원하시면, 250-624-2354로 전화 주십시오.
Suggested Donation Items: pasta sauce, oats, rice, pasta, canned vegetables, canned fish or meat, ramen noodles, beans (brown), etc.
추천 기부 품목: 파스타 소스, 귀리, 쌀, 파스타, 채소 통조림, 생선 통조림이나 고기 통조림, 라면, (갈색) 콩 등
Your support will help fill people with hope during this Thanksgiving season.
Please fill this bag with non-perishable food items and (placing/place) it on your doorstep for pick-up on Saturday, September 15th by 9:30 am.
We will NOT ring your doorbell on collection day.
We do not solicit financial donations.
Your contribution will go directly to your local food bank.
For more information, please visit http://www.dctfooddrive.org.
If your donation is not (picking/picked) up by 1:00 pm, or for further information, please call: 250-624-2354.
Suggested Donation Items: pasta sauce, oats, rice, pasta, canned vegetables, canned fish or meat, ramen noodles, beans (brown), etc.
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