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“Monumental” is a word that comes very close to expressing the basic characteristic of Egyptian art.
‘기념비적’이라는 말은 이집트 예술의 기본적인 특징을 표현하는 데 매우 근접하는 단어이다.
Never before and never since has the quality of monumentality been achieved as fully as it was in Egypt.
그 전에도 그 이후에도, 기념비성이라는 특성이 이집트에서처럼 완전히 달성된 적은 한 번도 없었다.
The reason for this is not the external size and massiveness of their works, although the Egyptians admittedly achieved some amazing things in this respect.
이에 대한 이유는 그들 작품의 외적 크기와 거대함이 아니다―비록 이집트인들이 이 점에 있어서 몇 가지 대단한 업적을 달성했다는 것이 인정되지만,
Many modern structures exceed those of Egypt in terms of purely physical size.
많은 현대 구조물은 순전히 물리적인 크기의 면에서는 이집트의 구조물들을 능가한다.
But massiveness has nothing to do with monumentality.
그러나 거대함은 기념비성과는 아무 관련이 없다.
An Egyptian sculpture no bigger than a person’s hand is more monumental than that gigantic pile of stones that constitutes the war memorial in Leipzig, for instance.
예를 들어, 겨우 사람 손 크기의 이집트의 조각이 Leipzig의 전쟁 기념비를 구성하는 그 거대한 돌무더기보다 더 기념비적이다.
Monumentality is not a matter of external weight, but of “inner weight.”
기념비성은 외적 무게의 문제가 아니라 ‘내적 무게’의 문제이다.
This inner weight is the quality which Egyptian art possesses to such a degree that everything in it seems to be made of primeval stone, like a mountain range, even if it is only a few inches across or carved in wood.
이 내적 무게가 이집트 예술이 지닌 특성인데, 이집트 예술은 그 안에 있는 모든 작품이 단지 폭이 몇 인치에 불과하거나 나무에 새겨져 있을지라도, 마치 산맥처럼 원시 시대의 돌로 만들어진 것처럼 보일 정도이다.
“Monumental” is a word that comes very close to (express/expressing) the basic characteristic of Egyptian art. Never before and never since (has/have) the quality of monumentality been achieved as fully as it was in Egypt. The reason for this is not the external size and massiveness of their works, (In spite of/although) the Egyptians admittedly achieved some amazing things in this respect. Many modern structures exceed those of Egypt in terms of (pure/purely) physical size. But massiveness has nothing to do with monumentality. An Egyptian sculpture no bigger than a person’s hand is more monumental than (that/which) gigantic pile of stones that constitutes the war memorial in Leipzig, for instance. Monumentality is not a matter of external weight, but of “inner weight.” This inner weight is the quality (where/which) Egyptian art (possessing/possesses) to such a degree that everything in it seems to (make/be made) of primeval stone, like a mountain range, even if it is only a few inches across or carved in wood.
8강 Exercise 01
Children learn a great many useful life lessons from friendship problems.
아이들은 아주 많은 유용한 삶의 교훈을 교우 관계의 문제에서 배운다.
It is, almost always, a mistake to step in too soon to protect them from this ㅡ sometimes literally ㅡ hands-on learning.
때로는 말 그대로 실제 경험을 통해 배우는 이런 학습으로부터 그들을 보호하기 위해 너무 일찍 개입하는 것은 거의 항상 잘못이다.
It is also a mistake to assume that every child, either boy or girl, is going to have the same pattern of friends as you do.
남자아이든 여자아이든 모든 아이가 여러분이 사귀는 것과 똑같은 유형의 친구를 사귈 것이라고 당연히 생각하는 것도 또한 잘못이다.
Children are different from each other and different from their parents.
아이들은 서로 다르고, 부모와도 다르다.
Some prefer to have, or simply end up with, a larger group of friends with no one person standing out as a special friend.
어떤 아이들은, 어느 누구도 특별한 친구로 두드러지지 않은 채 더 큰 무리의 친구들을 사귀는 것을 선호하거나, 그냥 결국 그렇게 된다.
Some will be content with serial best friends, just one or two of them at a time, and are not, therefore, invited to all the parties but are content.
어떤 아이들은 한 번에 그저 한두 명씩 일련의 아주 친한 친구들에 만족할 것이고, 따라서 모든 파티에는 초대 받지 않지만 만족한다.
And some children are quite happy with few, or no, particular friends.
그리고 어떤 아이들은 특정한 친구가 거의 없거나 전혀 없어도 상당히 행복해한다.
These children will often have passions and interests that they can follow intently at home and may find the general play of the playground dull.
이런 아이들은 흔히 집에서 열심히 추구할 수 있는 열정과 흥미를 가지고 있을 것이고, 운동장에서 하는 일반적인 놀이를 지루하다고 생각할 수 있다.
Children learn a great (much/many) useful life lessons from friendship problems. It is, almost always, a mistake to step in too soon to protect them from this ㅡ sometimes literally ㅡ hands-on learning. It is also a mistake to (assume/be assumed) that every child, either boy or girl, (is/are) going to have the same pattern of friends as you (are/do). Children are different from each other and different from their parents. Some prefer to have, or simply end up with, a larger group of friends with no one person (to stand/standing) out as a special friend. Some will be content with serial best friends, just one or two of them at a time, and (do/are) not, therefore, invited to all the parties but are content. And some children are quite happy with few, or no, particular friends. These children will often have passions and interests that they can follow (intent/intently) at home and may find the general play of the playground dull.
8강 Exercise 02
Have you ever been to an event and had someone else’s reaction make you feel totally out of place?
여러분이 어떤 행사에 갔는데 다른 누군가의 반응으로 인해 여러분이 완전히 못 올 데에 온 것처럼 느끼게 된 적이 있는가?
At the beginning of the evening you felt spectacular, but one strange look or slight awkward laugh made you feel that you had committed a fashion sin.
저녁 초입 무렵에는 여러분이 환상적인 기분이었는데, 한 번의 이상한 눈길 또는 약간 어색한 웃음이 여러분이 차림새 상의 죄를 저질렀다고 느끼게 만들었다.
Who hasn’t been in that position?
누가 그런 입장이 되어 보지 않은 적이 있을까?
One person, looking us up and down, makes us feel smaller for having what we have and dressing in what we wear.
한 사람이 우리를 위아래로 훑어보며, 우리가 가지고 있는 것과 우리가 입고 있는 것에 대해 우리를 초라한 기분이 들도록 만든다.
If this person is willing to judge others so harshly, though, imagine how often she judges herself.
그렇지만 만약 이 사람이 다른 사람을 기꺼이 그렇게 가혹하게 판단한다면, 그녀가 자기 자신을 얼마나 자주 판단할지 상상해보라.
If you know who you are, such a person will not be able to tear you down by simply projecting her insecurity onto you.
만약 여러분이 자신이 누구인지 안다면, 그런 사람은 자기 자신에 대한 확신이 없음을 그저 여러분에게 투사함으로써 여러분을 무너뜨릴 수는 없을 것이다.
You will never feel the need to win the affection of such a person if you are content with what you have under your clothes and under your skin.
만약 여러분이 여러분의 옷 속과 피부 속에 갖고 있는 것에 만족한다면 여러분은 그런 사람의 애정을 얻을 필요성을 절대 느끼지 않을 것이다.
Have you ever been to an event and (have/had) someone else’s reaction make you feel totally out of place? At the beginning of the evening you felt spectacular, but one strange (looking/look) or slight awkward laugh made you feel that you (had committed/committed) a fashion sin. Who hasn’t been in that position? One person, looking us up and down, makes us feel smaller for having (that/what) we have and (dressed/dressing) in what we wear. If this person is willing to (judging/judge) others so harshly, though, imagine how often she (is judged/judges) herself. If you know who you are, such a person will not be able to tear you down by (simple/simply) projecting her insecurity onto you. You will never feel the need to win the affection of such a person if you are content with (that/what) you have under your clothes and under your skin.
8강 Exercise 03
Today biennales are the centre stage for contemporary art in the art world.
오늘날 예술계에서 비엔날레는 현대예술의 중심무대이다.
Not only do they showcase and discuss the nature of contemporary life, but they also differ from the modern world fairs, because they explicitly project multiple fractured histories and identities.
비엔날레는 우리의 현대적인 삶의 본질을 보여주고 논할 뿐 아니라, 파편화된 역사와 정체성을 숨김없이 보여주기 때문에 현대 세계 박람회와 또한 구별된다.
The desire to overturn previous political and theoretical structures is central to the discussions around contemporary biennales.
이전의 정치적 이론적 구조를 전복시키려는 욕망은 현대 비엔날레를 둘러싼 논의의 중심에 서있다.
For instance, when asked ‘What makes a biennial?’ world-renowned curator Rosa Martinez answered that ‘The idea biennial is a profoundly political and spiritual event.
예컨대, ‘비엔날레를 구성하는 것은 무엇입니까?’라는 질문을 받았을 때 세계적으로 유명한 큐레이터 Rosa Martinez는 ‘비엔날레라는 개념은 지극히 정치적이고 영적인 행사이다.
It contemplates the present with the desire to transform it’, and is indicative of a larger social, political and economic flow within contemporary society.
그것은 현재를 변형시키고자 하는 욕망을 가지고서 현재를 고찰하고,’ 현대 사회 내부의 보다 큰 사회적, 정치적, 경제적 흐름을 나타내고 있다고 답했다.
We might even say that biennales are perceived as trendsetters, or predictors of intercultural flows that focus on the political nature of art in a global setting.
우리는 심지어 비엔날레가 유행선도자, 즉 전 세계적 환경에서 예술의 정치성에 초점을 맞추는 (이종)문화 간의 흐름의 예언자로 인식되고 있다고 말할 수도 있을 것이다.
Today biennales are the centre stage for contemporary art in the art world. Not only (are/do) they showcase and discuss the nature of contemporary life, but they also (different/differ) from the modern world fairs, because they explicitly project multiple fractured histories and identities. The desire to overturn previous political and theoretical structures (is/are) central to the discussions around contemporary biennales. (However/For instance), when (asking/asked) ‘What makes a biennial?’ world-renowned curator Rosa Martinez (answering/answered) that ‘The idea biennial is a profoundly political and spiritual event. It (is contemplated/contemplates) the present with the desire to transform it’, and (being/is) indicative of a larger social, political and economic flow within contemporary society. We might even say that biennales (perceive/are perceived) as trendsetters, or predictors of intercultural flows that focus on the political nature of art in a global setting.
8강 Exercise 04
Peer groups of young males in nonhuman primate societies, called bachelor groups, serve a variety of functions.
인간 외의 영장류 사회에서 총각 집단이라고 불리는 젊은 수컷들의 또래 집단은 다양한 기능을 수행한다.
In squirrel monkeys males approaching breeding age become social outcasts; their mothers and sisters want nothing to do with them.
다람쥐원숭이 무리에서 번식 연령에 접어드는 수컷들은 사회적으로 버림을 받는데, 즉 그들의 어미와 자매들은 그들과 엮이고 싶어 하지 않는다.
Young males may travel together separately from or on the edge of a large troop of monkeys ㅡ either of which affords them more protection than traveling alone.
젊은 수컷들은 원숭이들의 커다란 무리와 떨어져 별개로 또는 그 무리의 주변에서 함께 다닐지도 모르는데 이렇게 하면 어느 쪽도 혼자 다니는 것보다 그들에게 더 많은 보호를 제공해 준다.
In species such as langurs and rhesus monkeys, groups of young males commonly depart together in search of a new living community.
랑구르원숭이와 붉은털원숭이 같은 종에서, 젊은 수컷 집단은 새로운 생활 공동체를 찾아 흔히 함께 떠난다.
Peer groups function differently for male chimpanzees, who don't emigrate.
수컷 침팬지들에게 있어서 또래 집단은 (그와는) 다르게 기능을 하는데, 그들은 이주를 하지 않는다.
They may patrol their home range together to deter males from other groups from getting into their community.
그들은 다른 집단의 수컷들이 자기들의 군집에 침투하는 것을 막기 위해 자신들의 활동 범위를 함께 순찰할 수도 있다.
They also hunt cooperatively and share the food, and groom one another in deference to rank or coalition partnership.
그들은 또한 협력하고 사냥하고 음식을 나누며, 서열 또는 연합 동반자 관계를 고려하여 서로 털을 다듬어 준다.
Peer groups of young males in nonhuman primate societies, (called/is called) bachelor groups, serve a variety of functions. In squirrel monkeys males (approaching/approached) breeding age become social outcasts; their mothers and sisters want nothing to do with them. Young males may travel together (separately/separate) from or on the edge of a large troop of monkeys ㅡ either of (them/which) affords them more protection than traveling alone. In species such as langurs and rhesus monkeys, groups of young males (commonly/common) depart together in search of a new living community. Peer groups function differently for male chimpanzees, (who/which) don't emigrate. They may patrol their home range together to deter males from other groups from getting into their community. They also hunt cooperatively and share the food, and groom one another in (difference/deference) to rank or coalition partnership.
8강 Exercise 05
Even after people learned the scientific method, many still pursued and believed in really weird things, and many old ideas died hard deaths.
심지어 사람들이 과학적 방법을 배운 이후에도, 많은 이들은 여전히 정말로 이상한 일들을 추구하고 믿었으며, 많은 오래된 관념들이 쉽게 사라지지 않았다.
It’s hard to believe, but even simple things such as washing your hands to prevent infection were not fully accepted by the medical community until relatively recently on the human timeline.
믿기 어렵지만, 감염을 예방하기 위해 손을 씻는 것과 같은 간단한 일조차도 인간의 연대표 상에서 비교적 최근까지 의료계에 의해 완전히 받아들여지지는 않았다.
Even after it was discovered and documented that washing hands drastically reduced deadly fevers, the idea took a while to catch on.
손을 씻는 것이 치명적인 열병을 급격하게 줄인다는 것이 발견되고 서류로 입증된 이후에도, 그 생각은 인기를 얻을 때까지 시간이 걸렸다.
It was just too revolutionary, too weird.
그것은 정말이지 너무 혁명적이었고 너무 이상했다.
The idea of germs and microscopic organisms challenged a variety of other ideas, including that the source of disease was probably linked to things that stank, which was sort of true when you thought about it.
세균과 미생물에 대한 생각은, 생각해보면 어느 정도 사실인, 질병의 근원이 아마도 고약한 냄새가 나는 것들과 연관이 있으리라는 것을 포함하여 여러 다른 생각들의 정당성에 의문을 제기했다.
In a world that had already invented the telephone and the lightbulb, hand washing to prevent sickness met enough resistance that doctors argued about it for decades.
전화와 전구를 이미 발명한 세상에서, 병을 예방하기 위해 손을 씻는 것은 의사들이 수십 년 동안 그것에 대해 논쟁을 벌일 정도로 충분한 저항에 부딪혔다.
Even after people learned the scientific method, many still pursued and believed in really weird things, and many old ideas (were died/died) hard deaths. It’s hard to believe, but even simple things such as washing your hands (preventing/to prevent) infection (was/were) not fully accepted by the medical community until relatively recently on the human timeline. Even after it (discovered/was discovered) and documented that washing hands drastically (reducing/reduced) deadly fevers, the idea (was taken/took) a while to catch on. It was just too revolutionary, too weird. The idea of germs and microscopic organisms challenged a variety of other ideas, (includes/including) that the source of disease was probably (linking/linked) to things that stank, (where/which) was sort of true when you thought about it. In a world that had already (been invented/invented) the telephone and the lightbulb, hand-washing to prevent sickness (meeting/met) enough resistance that doctors argued about it for decades.
8강 Exercise 06
The 1980s, a time of true global interdependence, was a lost decade for many economically disadvantaged countries.
진정한 세계적 상호 의존의 시대였던 1980년대는 많은 경제적으로 빈곤한 국가들에게는 잃어버린 10년이었다.
Despite consistent reductions in mortality rates and other disease burdens, a marked deterioration in living conditions occurred in many countries.
사망률과 다른 질병 부담의 지속적인 감소에도 불구하고, 생활 여건의 현저한 악화가 많은 국가에서 일어났다.
In several regions, most notably Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, advances in health care and education eroded.
몇몇 지역, 가장 두드러지게 라틴아메리카와 사하라 사막 이남의 아프리카에서, 보건과 교육에서의 발전이 서서히 줄었다.
Unemployment rates rose in many parts of the world, as did the global poverty rate.
범세계적으로 빈곤률이 상승한 것처럼 세계의 많은 지역에서 실업률이 상승했다.
By 1989, one out of five people was living in “absolute poverty,” which the World Bank defines as suffering from malnutrition to the point of being unable to work.
1989년 무렵에는, 다섯 명 중 한 명이 ‘절대 빈곤’ 속에서 살고 있었는데, 세계은행은 그것을 일할 수 없을 수준까지 영양실조로 고통을 받는 것으로 정의한다.
By the end of the 1980s, low-income countries had accumulated a debt of $1.3 trillion.
1980년 말 무렵에는, 저소득 국가들은 이미 1.3조 달러의 채무가 누적되었었다.
Crippled by massive debt burdens, many countries saw their growth rates slow and living standards decrease.
거대한 채무 부담에 의해 제 기능을 못하게 되어, 많은 국가들은 자국의 성장률 둔화와 생활수준 하락을 겪었다.
The 1980s, a time of true global interdependence, (was/were) a lost decade for many economically (disadvantaging/disadvantaged) countries. (Despite/Though) consistent reductions in mortality rates and other disease burdens, a marked deterioration in living conditions (was occurred/occurred) in many countries. In several regions, most notably Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, (advances/advanced) in health care and education eroded. Unemployment rates (rose/arose) in many parts of the world, as (was/did) the global poverty rate. By 1989, one out of five people (was/were) living in “absolute poverty,” (when/which) the World Bank defines as suffering from malnutrition to the point of being unable to work. By the end of the 1980s, low-income countries (accumulated/had accumulated) a debt of $1.3 trillion. (Crippled by/Crippling) massive debt burdens, many countries saw their growth rates (slowly/slow) and living standards decrease.
8강 Exercise 07
Companies that inspire, companies that command trust and loyalty over the long term, are the ones that make us feel we’re accomplishing something bigger than just saving a dollar.
영감을 주는 회사, 장기간에 걸쳐 신뢰와 충실성을 받는 회사는 우리가 그저 1달러를 아끼는 것보다 더 큰 것을 성취하고 있다고 느끼게 하는 회사이다.
That feeling of alliance with something bigger is the reason we keep wearing the jersey of our hometown sports team even though they have not made it to the playoffs for ten years.
더 큰 것과 연결되어 있다는 그 느낌은 우리 고향의 스포츠 팀이 10년 동안 우승 결정전에 나가지 못했어도 우리가 그 팀의 운동복 셔츠를 계속 입는 이유이다.
It’s why some of us will always buy products from a certain brand over other brands, even if the brand isn’t always the most affordable choice.
그것이 특정한 브랜드가 항상 가장 가격이 알맞은 선택이 아닐지라도 우리들 중 일부가 다른 브랜드보다 그 브랜드의 제품을 항상 사게 되는 이유이다.
Whether we like a admit it or not, we are not entirely rational beings.
우리가 인정하고 싶든 아니든, 우리가 전적으로 합리적인 존재인 것은 아니다.
If we were, no one would ever fall in love and no one would ever start a business.
만일 우리가 그렇다면, 누구도 사랑에 결코 빠지지 않을 것이고 누구도 사업체를 결코 시작하지 않을 것이다.
Faced with an overwhelming chance of failure, no rational person would ever take either of those risks.
엄청난 실패의 위험에 직면할 경우, 합리적인 사람이라면 어느 누구도 그런 위험 어느 쪽도 결코 무릅쓰지 않을 것이다.
But we do. Every day. Because how we feel about something or someone is more powerful than what we think about it or them.
그러나 우리는 그렇게 한다. 매일 그렇게 한다. 우리가 어떤 물건이나 사람에 대해 어떻게 느끼는가는 우리가 그것이나 그 사람에 대해 어떻게 생각하는 지보다 더 강력하기 때문이다.
Companies that inspire, companies that command (trust/trusted) and loyalty over the long term, (is/are) the ones that make us (feeling/feel) we’re accomplishing something bigger than just (save/saving) a dollar. That feeling of alliance with something bigger is the reason we keep wearing the jersey of our hometown sports team even though they have not made (it/those) to the playoffs for ten years. It’s why some of us will always buy products from a certain brand (over/to) other brands, (since/even if) the brand isn’t always the most affordable choice. (Whether/If) we like a admit it or not, we are not entirely (rationally/rational) beings. If we were, no one would ever fall in love and no one would ever start a business. (Faced/Facing) with an (overwhelmed/overwhelming) chance of failure, no rational person would ever take either of those risks. But we do. Every day. Because (how/why) we feel about something or someone (is/are) more powerful than what we think about it or them.
8강 Exercise 08
Ironically, some of the most powerful techniques for boosting your memory are also the oldest.
역설적이게도, 여러분의 기억력을 신장시키기 위한 가장 강력한 기법들 중 일부는 또한 가장 오래되기도 했다.
Under the umbrella term ‘Mnemonics’ (it has a silent ‘M’), these involve tapping into the fact that our brains have evolved to deal very well with both visual images and spatial locations.
기억술(‘묵음 M이 들어 있다)’이라는 포괄적 용어 속에 이 기법들은 우리의 두뇌가 시각적 이미지와 공간적 장소 둘 다를 매우 잘 다루도록 진화했다는 사실을 활용하는 것을 포함한다.
By turning facts into mental images, and imagining them along a route of locations, you can harness these natural memory powers to remember almost anything you like.
사실을 정신적 이미지로 바꾸고 그것들을 장소의 경로를 따라 상상함으로써, 여러분은 이 타고난 기억 능력을 여러분이 좋아하는 거의 모든 것을 다 기억하기 위해 사용할 수 있다.
The more improbable and emotionally charged the images the better, as our brains evolved to pay special attention to those features.
그 이미지가 더 사실일 것 같지 않고 더 감정적으로 북받칠수록 더 좋은데, 우리의 두뇌가 그런 특징들에 특별한 관심을 기울이도록 진화했기 때문이다.
Another part of your imagination that can boost your memory is your musical sense.
여러분의 기억력을 신장시킬 수 있는 여러분의 상상력의 또 다른 부분은 여러분의 음악적 감각이다.
Rhythm and rhyme are potent memory boosters.
리듬과 운율은 강력한 기억력 증폭기이다.
This explains why you might find it hard to remember the periodic table of elements, yet your memory banks are overflowing with old ad jingles!
이것은 왜 여러분이 원소의 주기율표를 기억하는 것은 어렵다고 여길지도 모르지만, 여러분의 기억 저장소가 오래된 광고 시엠송으로 넘쳐흐르는지를 설명해준다.
Ironically, some of the most powerful techniques for boosting your memory (is/are) also the (oldest/old). (On/Under) the umbrella term ‘Mnemonics’ (it has a silent ‘M’), these involve tapping into the fact that our brains (have evolved/have been evolved) to deal very well with both visual images and spatial locations. By turning facts into mental images, and (imagine/imagining) them along a route of locations, you can harness these natural memory powers to remember almost (something/anything) you like. The more improbable and emotionally (charged/charging) the images the better, as our brains (evolved/was evolved) to pay special attention to those features. (Another/The other) part of your imagination that can boost your memory (is/being) your musical sense. Rhythm and rhyme (is/are) potent memory boosters. This explains (why/how) you might find (that/it) hard to remember the periodic table of elements, yet your memory banks are overflowing with old ad jingles!
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