[1-3] 다음 글을 읽고, 질문에 답하세요.

Sometimes you may feel upset when you wake up suddenly from a nightmare, but you can always let out a sigh of relief. 

(a.아무리 그 꿈이 무서웠더라도) at least you’ve woken up safe and sound in your own home. 

(가) You can go back to sleep  ____(A)____ you know your loved ones are just around the corner in their own beds. 

(나) Your home is a special place that protects you and your family from everything.

(다) Sometimes, we don't want to go home after work.

 ____(B)____, this is not a reality that everyone shares. 

Many people around the would don’t wake up in a soft and comfortable bed. 

(라) Instead, they open their eyes to see a dirt floor or a leaking roof.

(마) I didn’t realize for a long time that something I take for granted could be someone else’s biggest dream.



1. (A), (B)에 들어갈 알맞은 말이 제대로 짝지어 진것은?

(1) however - That's why   (2) because - Fortunately  (3) in stead - Unfortunately 

(4) because - Unfortunately  (5) moreover - Fortunately


2. (가)-(마) 중 글의 흐름에 어색한 문장은?


3. a.아무리 그 꿈이 무서웠더라도 7단어로 영어로 쓰시오.



[4-6] 다음 글을 읽고 문제에 답하세요.

(  가  )  two weeks may not seem like a long time, I had the chance to make new friends, learn about a different culture,  and (a)most important, do something that makes the lives of (b)other better.  I am so glad that this family now has a safe place where they can lay their heads.  I believe everyone deserves a decent home. Right now, there are still many people around the world (  나  ) a place to live.  They are the reason why ordinary people like me want to go out there and (c)helped put a roof over their head.


4. 윗 글의 (가), (나) 에 들어갈 알맞은 것들 끼리 짝지어진 것은?

(1) Although - with  (2) As if  - with   (3) For this reason - without  (4) Although - without  (5) As if  - without 


5. 윗 글의 (a) - (c) 의 단어들은 다 잘못되었습니다. 고쳐서 바르게 써주세요.





6. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

(1) 글쓴이는 다른 문화를 배웠다.

(2) 글쓴이는 다른 사람들의 삶을 더 낫게 해주었다.

(3) 글쓴이는 모든 사람들이 제대로 된 집을 가져야한다고 생각한다.

(4) 글쓴이는 그 가정이 집을 제대로 갖게 되어 기쁘다.

(5) 글쓴이는 다른 가정을 또 도와 집을 지으러 갈 계획이 있다.


[7-10] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

There were clear skies and temperatures over 30℃ that first week. 

( 가 ) the burning sun, we carried bricks, mixed concrete, and dug holes (A) pipes. 

We had to slowly (           ) the family’s hut to get more bricks and other materials (A) the new house.  

Every morning, the family and their neighbors would provide breakfast (A) everyone. 

Then, all of us―the volunteers, community members, and the family―would start working. 

We would share food and stories from time to time. When evening came, we were all very tired and sweaty, but we were happy


7. A에 공통으로 들어갈 전치사를 고르세요.

(1) for  (2) to  (3) of  (4) in  (5) at 


8. 윗 글 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?

(1) take over  (2) take away   (3) take out  (4) take apart  (5) take after 


9. 윗 글의 내용에 일치하는 것은?

(1) 기온이 화씨 30도를 넘었다.

(2) 우리는 벽돌을 만들어야했다.

(3) 우리가 그 가족의 집을 허물필요는 없었다.

(4) 아침마다 집주인과 이웃들이 식사를 줬다.

(5) 우리는 피곤해서 그런지 짜증이 났다.


10. ( 가 )에 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?

(1) On  (2) In  (3) From  (4) Above  (5) Under 


[11-13]  다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

(a)As I look back on this trip, I find it amazed that so many different people come together to build a house for a family  they’d never met. 

For many of us, it was the first time we’d ever built a house. 

The work was hard, (  가  ) not one person ever stopped smiling or even complained. 

I’m thankful for the friendships I’ve made through this trip. 

In addition, I learned so much from the other volunteers, the community members, and this family.

 I thought I was there to give, but I received so much more in return. 

This experience has inspired me to continue building houses for others. 

I hope it will also encourage my friends and family members (나. help) out in the future.


11. (a)문장에 2군데 틀린 곳을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.



12. (가)에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?

(1) and  (2) but  (3) or  (4) still  (5) by the way


13. (나.help) 의 help를 알맞은 형태로 고쳐 쓰세요.



[14-15] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

After another week, the home was finally finished. 

(가)(From/On) the last day, we had a party to (나)(celebrate/congratulate) the completion of the new house. 

It was the best way to (a)end such an (b)incredible experience. 

The (c)entire community (d)were there. 

Everyone was dancing or crying (e)tears of joy. 

I will never forget the looks on the faces of the family as they waved goodbye to us.


14. (가), (나) 에 알맞은 것을 찾으세요.


15. (a) - (e) 중 잘 못된 것은?




답은 본문에서 직접 확인하세요^^ 아래 링크에 본문 있어요



영어 능률 김성곤 3과 본문 해석

Art heals Has a painting, a movie, or a novel ever made you feel better? 그림, 영화 또는 소설이 여러분 기분을 더 나아지게 한 적이 있습니까? Taking medicine can help you deal with your emotions and..



[1-3] 다음 글을 읽고, 물을에 답하시오.

In addition, the yellow fruit on the table brings out positive and cheerful emotions.

At the same time, the green and blue space outside the window causes healing and relaxing feelings.

[가.The existence of these cool colors actually make the "heaviness" of the red colors appear a bit lighter.]

(                       ) the color red is dominant, it works together with the various contrasting colors to form a harmony.

Seeing this balance keeps you from becoming (A.overwhelm) by your emotions and helps you overcome your anger.

As the painting's title suggests, this must be the power of the harmony in red.


1. 윗 글 (              ) 사이에서 들어갈 알맞은 말은? 

(1) Since    (2) For this reason   (3) If  (4) Although   (5) However 


2. 윗 글에 A를 알맞은 형태로 고치시오.


3. 윗 글 가.문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 쓰고 고치시오.



[4-6] 다음 지문을 읽고, 문제를 푸세요.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull knows that he's different from others.

[가. Instead of fighting over food with other seagulls, Jonathan spends all his time to learn about flying.]

Every day, he practices new skills by rolling, spinning, and diving high above the sea.

During one of his practices, Jonathan flies through his flock.

He expects the others (A.to praise) his amazing ability.

Instead, they look at him coldly as they now consider him unfit to be a part of the flock.

Jonathan tries his beat (B.rejoin ) the flock, but he's no longer satisfied flying in formation with the other seagulls as he knows how wonderful soaring above the clouds really feels.

If you have ever felt a little bit different, take Jonathan Livingston Seagull's message to heart.

Don't be afraid of being different.


4. 윗 글의 가.문장에서 틀린 부분을 찾아 쓰고 고치세요.



5. A.to praise 와 같은 용법이 아닌 것은?

(1) My cousin wanted me to visit her place.

(2) The doctor allowed James to be discharged last night.

(3) The team asked their customer to fill out the form.

(4) She managed to reconsider the plan B.

(5) His article warns us to be aware of the problem.


6. B.rejoin의 알맞은 형태는?

(1) rejoin   (2) rejoined  (3) to rejoin  (4) rejoining  (5) was rejoined 


[7-10] 다음 글을 읽고 문제를 푸세요.

Learn from Walter.

[가.Don't sit around and dreamt about your next adventure - just go ahead and make it happened.]

Don't wait (a.to/for) the right moment - there is no such thing as the right moment.

Create your own opportunities, (  A   ) everything will fall into place.

Don't worry about not (b.to be/being) brave enough - once you begin making bold choices, courage will follow.

All you need is motivation and this is already (c.beside/inside) of you.

So start living! 

This movie will remind you that [나.당신이 언제든 준비가 된다면 당신의 꿈들은 준비된다]


7. 윗 글 가.문장에서 틀린 부분 2군데를 찾고 고치세요.


8. 윗 글에 a,b,c 에 들어갈 알맞은 것은?


9. 빈 칸 A에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?

(1) or  (2) but (3) and  (4) so  (5) unless 


10. 윗 글 나.문장을 영어로 바꿔 쓸 때, 아래에 들어갈 알맞은 빈칸 6단어는? 

Your __________  ____________ ________________ ________________ ______________ _______________.


[11-15] 다음 글을 읽고, 아래 문제를 푸세요.

Many people think that they should look at calming colors when they are angry or irritated.

(       A         ) the color red excites the emotions, they may think that looking at it will make them angrier.

However, this picture shows that the opposite can be true.

By looking at the color red here, you can release your anger.

This picture is actually helping you calm down.

The woman in the picture is standing in a vividly red room and is placing fruit in a bowl.

She seems to (가.carry) on her work in silence.

As you watch the woman working dutifully at her task in this red room, your anger melts away instead of getting worse.

In addition, the yellow fruit on the table brings out positive and cheerful emotions.

At the same time, the green and blue space outside the window causes healing and relaxing feelings.

The existence of these cool colors actually makes the "heaviness" of the red colors appear a bit lighter.

Although the color red is dominant, it works together with the various contrasting colors to form a (  B  ).

Seeing this balance keeps you (   C   ) becoming overwhelmed by your emotions and helps you overcome your anger.

[나. As the painting's title suggesting, this must be the power of the harmony in red.]


11. 빈 칸 A에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?

(1) However   (2) Once  (3) Since  (4) Despite (5) So  


12. 윗 글에 가.carry 의 알맞은 형태는?

(1) carry  (2) carried (3) carrying  (4) be carrying  (5) be carried 


13. 빈 칸 B에 들어갈 단어로 알맞은 것은?

(1) mismatch  (2) mistake  (3) harmony  (4) difference  (4) good  


14. 빈 칸 C에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?

(1) on  (2) of   (3) from  (4) upon  (5) under 


15. 윗 글 나.문장에서 잘 못된 부분을 찾아 쓰고 고치세요.


() 괄호 안에 숫자는 틀린 갯수입니다.

답은 직접 본문을 보시면서 확인해보세요^^ 

아래 링크에 본문이 있습니다.



영어 능률 김성곤 6과 본문 해석

Against All Odds Towering over the East River, the Brooklyn Bridge is one of New York City’s famous landmarks. 이스트 강 위로 높이 솟아 있는 브루클린 다리는 뉴욕시의 유명한 명소들 중 하나입니..




1. Towering over the East River, the Brooklyn Bridge is one of New York City’s famous landmark. (1)

2. Nowadays, many people take them for granted, but back in the 1800s it was something people only dreaming of. (2)

3. The bridge’s construction was cost more than $320 million in today’s money and the lives of over two dozen people.(1) 

4. In particular, the family in charge of the project paid a high price to be created the impressive bridge we all know and  love today. (1)

5. This is the story of how the Roeblings building the Brooklyn Bridge.(1)

6.In the 1860s, the populations of Manhattan and Brooklyn was rapidly increased, and so did the number of the commuters  between them. (3)

7.Thousands of people taken boats and ferries across the East River every day, but these forms of transport were unstably and frequently stopped by bad weather. (2)

8.Many New Yorkers wanted to have a bridge direct connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn because it will make  their commute quicker and safer. (2)

9. Unfortunately, because the East River’s great width and rough tides, it would be difficult to build anything on it. (빠진단어1) 

10. It was also a very busy river at that time, with hundreds of ships constantly sailed on it.(1)

11. Any bridge over the river would need to a very high suspension bridge. (빠진단어1)

12. Considered the limited technology in those days, build such a bridge seemed impossible.(2)

13.That is, people thought it was impossible until John Roebling, an expert at building suspension bridges, accepting the  challenge. (1)

14. John proposed the use of steel cables-–instead of iron ones––it would be six times stronger than needed to  support the bridge. (1)

15. In addition, he planned to building two large stone towers to hold up the bridge’s road and allowed people to walk across it. (2)

16. If his ideas worked, the final result would have been the longest, strongest suspension bridge ever built.(1) 

17. It looked his ambitious plan was destined to fail shortly after it had launched.(빠진단어2)

18. Luckily, John’s role as chief engineer was success by his son, Washington Roebling.(1) 

19. Because he built bridges with his father and studied bridge construction in Europe, he believed in John’s dream. (빠진단어1)

20.At that time, the foundations for the bridge’s two towers were built in the East River, which did extremely difficult  and dangerous work. (빠진단어 1 /틀린단어1) 

21. Many died or were permanent injured by a serious disease called “*the bends,” includes Washington Roebling. (2)

22.In 1872, he developed this disease and was unable to move easily or visited the construction sites throughout  the rest of the project. (1)

23. Other people would quit at that point, but not Washington. (빠진단어1)

24. However, there were still many things he could not do though all his efforts. (1)

25. Once again, the project seemed likely to abandon.(1)

26. She believed in what her family had started, and she determined to see it through.(빠진단어1) 

27.As her husband’s health failed, though, Emily began passing his instructions to the assistant engineers and brought back  their construction reports. (1)

28. With his assistance, she also studied higher mathematics and engineering so hard it she became an expert in them  without ever going to college! (1)

29.By the time the bridge was finished in 1883, Emily was carrying out many of the chief engineer’s duties, what was  unprecedented for a woman in those days. (1)

30. Many people praised her contributions for the project, and she became the first person to cross the bridge. (1)

31. It was the moment she, Washington, John, and everyone else who built the bridge worked so hard for.  (빠진단어1)

32. To this day, the Brooklyn Bridge stands as evidence of the Roebling family’s persistence. 

33. These amazing people made incredibly sacrifices and overcoming all obstacles to complete a project that seemed  impossible to others. (2)

34.Not only were they prove their doubters wrong, but they also achieved an accomplishment that inspired us doing the  impossible. (2)

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